Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Try Again

The next day I avoided Jack, but I think he was avoiding me as well. I managed to hide all of the cuts and bruises and said that I fell and bit my lip really hard. Since no one besides Sophie and George really cares about me, they didn't ask any further questions. Sophie and George however, were suspicious, but I managed to keep them off subject by talking about the concert and telling them that our seats were pretty good.

I even used that to distract me from Jack. I couldn't wait for the guys to finally meet Sophie and George, and the other way around. I was on my way to fifth period when I saw Jack leaning against his locker. He reminded me of Gerard, and how he leans against anything and almost never stands on his own. His eyes shot to me, and I suddenly became very interested on the floor's pattern. I saw his shoes on the floor and I slowly looked up.

He smiled at me and put an arm over me I gasped in pain. Where he had put his arm was a big bruise.

"So, babe do you want to do anything after school today?" he asked gently. I cleared my throat.

"Sorry, I have a project due tomorrow, maybe next time," I said and ducked out from his arm and hurriedly went to my next class. I knew avoiding him would soon be pointless.

That night I did my homework with George and Sophie.

"You sure nothings wrong, honey?" George asked.

"I'm fine Georgie, really," I said smiling up at him.

"I didn't see you and Jack hanging out after school today," Sophie pointed out. I nodded and erased a wrong answer I caught on my paper.

"Yeah, he said he was too busy," I said quickly. For the most part we were quiet, except when we put in one of our favorite movies, "Anchorman" sure, it was a little perverted, but it was funny. I forgot all about Jack that night and just focused on how good I have it with my friends.

The next few days I had managed to stay away from Jack but I knew I would have to do something about him soon. I had also learned that the guys were going to do two shows, one down here and one over in near by San Jose. But they were staying at the same hotel in order to visit with me and hang out for a little.

I was thinking about how great the concert would be when a hand was placed on the locker next to mine. I looked next to me and there was Jack, smiling at me as if we were long time friends.

“Hey, baby,” He said and kissed my cheek. I froze, not knowing what to do.

“Hi,” I said simply and put my math book back into my locker.

“Tonight, I’m taking you out, I don’t care if you say you’re busy, what restaurant?” he asked. I somehow managed to blush.

“Where ever,” I said and shut my locker and leaned against the other lockers.

“How about we just hang out after school, you know drive around and find a place.” He said. I looked up at the clock, I was going to be late if I didn't’t leave now.

“Sure,” I said quickly and waved as I walked away. On this date I would make sure he didn’t even touch a drop of alcohol. I walked into my science class and sat down, trying to hide the fact that I actually got it right as the bell rang.

“Take out your notes from last week,” The teacher said, her back still to us and writing on the board. I opened up my binder and managed to excavate the notes.


I waved bye to George who was heading back to the dorms since Sophie had gotten detention for “starting” a fight with the cheerleaders. Knowing Sophie she was probably standing up for that shy girl, I think her name is Nicole, again. Sophie hates when anyone makes fun of anyone or does anything mean to them. We had gotten into a lot of fights this way, and even defending ourselves. I would just like to ask how it’s always our fault?

I walked across the grass towards the student parking lot. I soon realized that that one girl from the movies was heading in the same direction. She was going to be going with us I guess. As I spotted the blue mustang I realized that the other two same guys were there. My shirt kept sliding down where my shoulder was. I had to keep pulling it up because that was where a big bruise was.

She smiled and waved at the guys and started to jog over there. I suddenly became so interested in Jack’s car because she needed to wear a longer skirt, you could see some, things, that aren't’t meant to be seen in public.

I came up to them and they all got into the car. I got into the front seat. Jack reved up the engine and I grabbed my seat belt.

“What did you do to your shoulder?” I heard a guy asked, I quickly pulled up my sleeve and clicked in my seat belt.

“Nothing,” I said quietly with out looking at Jack. He didn't’t say anything either. We drove off campus as Jack turned up the rap music.

"Dude, you guys going to Jamie's party? " a guy from the back asked.

"Yeah," Jack said and smiled at the rear view mirror.

"What about you Roxy?" He asked. I guess this was the nicer one Jack's friends

"Um, sure," I said with out actually realizing what I had just said until it came out of my mouth. I guess I could go, it would be good to watch Jack and make sure he didn't get to drunk. Maybe I could actually keep him from drinking.

"Isn't it next Tuesday?" Jack asked.

"Yeah," The other guy said.

Jack drove the other guys and that one girl to their dorms and then we drove around, looking for a place to eat. It was around four now, but I wasn't hungry.

"So, what do you feel like?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't care," I said. He nodded. and we headed into town to look at the restaurants.

We eventually chose a fancier restaurant, but the prices were okay. All the girls in there looked like Paris Hilton look alikes. The waiter sat us down in a booth and gave us our waters then left us for a little.

“ So, am I really invited to the party?” I asked.

“What?” he asked.

“Am I “cool” enough to go?” I asked sarcastically.

“Yeah, you can come,” He said and took a piece of bread from the basket.

“Do you promise not to drink?” I asked and looked into his icy eyes.

“No,” he said simply.

“Why?” I asked giving him a stunned and hurt look.

“Look, I was really drunk with what happened that night,” He said looking into my eyes.

“That’s not an excuse,” I said.

“What ever,” He said and leaned back. All that football must be going to his head,

“You really don’t care do you?” I asked.

“I do, but you’re just turning it into this whole, scenario,” He said. The waiter came back and took our drink orders.

“Jack, you hurt me, badly,” I said gently.

“It’s over I won’t do it again, can’t we just drop it?” he asked in an irritated tone.

“Not if you continue to drink,” I said.

“What’s the problem with me drinking?” he asked.

“My dad died because of a drunk driver, I was put into the hospital and had amnesia, and another drunk driver almost killed me and another person I love. Now a drunk almost raped me,” I said and got up.

“Where are you going?” he asked. I picked up my sweater.

“Home, I’ll walk,” I said and meant it. He didn't’t think he had a problem. I can’t be around him if it means getting hurt again in any way.