Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

The Meeting

threw the blankets off of me with my legs and sat up immediately. A huge smile spread onto my face as I realized today was the day. The day of the concert, and the day that Sophie and George would meet the guys. I ran over to the stereo and turned it up super high and put it on a "Jack The Ripper" by them. I had found the song on Lime wire, it was a crappy song done in the basement, you could tell, but it was still pretty good.

"Roxy, mmmm, go back to bed," I heard George whine. I smiled and jumped on him.

"Mmffh!" he breathed as I did.

"Psst, Gie!" I whispered as I poked his nose.

"Wake up!" I said. Slowly a smile spread across his lips.

"Why?" he asked yawning.

"Because, today's the day of the concert," I reminded him. His eyes slowly opened and he looked up at the digital clock.

"It's like at eight and it's seven in the morning right now," He said and closed his eyes.

"I know, but my friends will be here soon. They like to surprise people," I said.

"Are they hot?" he asked smiling. I laughed to myself.

"Most people think so," I said. His eyes opened again and he rolled over off his side while I was still sitting on me. George was really strong. I got up off of him and went into the bathroom with my clothes in my hand.

I took my bondage pants that Gerard had gotten me, and a black shirt decorated with tiny blue sparkling broken hearts on it. I slowly let the brush run down my hair, gently getting all the knots out. I wondered how I should style it. My bangs were longer but still were cut at an angle.

I sighed in frustration. I wish I had pretty golden hair like Laura's. My hair was almost black, but you could see a little red in it in the sun. Her hair is curled so gently and gracefully, and her makeup was so flawless. I turned my face so I could look at it from the side. How was I gonna make Gerard notice me?

I took a ponytail holder from the cabinet and put my hair into a pony tail letting my bags out. I looked at myself, nah. I took it out and shook my hair. I finally just took some of George's mouse and put it through my hair and decided to just let it down.

I had no light makeup like Laura did, I only had dark things. I put on my eye liner and put a soft purple eye shadow on. I came out of the bathroom and George was sitting on my bed clothes in his hand. He smiled at me then went into the bathroom.

Sophie was still laying in bed but I could tell she was awake. She rolled over to look at me and smiled.

"What time will your friends be here?" she asked.

"Around eleven or so," I replied turning on the t.v to watch cartoons. I maybe seventeen but I can act like a little kid at times.

"It's only eight," she said but got up anyways. I smiled sheepishly.

"I know, I'm just excited is all," I admitted.


We sat on the sign that read "North Dormitories" in gold that was in the middle of a flower bed. I tapped my fingers nervously on the cement made sign. Sophie sighed and stood up.

"What car do they have?" she asked looking at the passing cars in the street.

"You'll know it when you see it," I replied.

"Why is it really expensive?" George asked.

"Kinda," I said and kept my eyes on the road.

Excitement churned my stomach and made it do flips. They were both wearing MCR shirts and George had my skinny jeans on that Bob bought me, I smiled at this realization. I wondered how their reaction would be.

"So are the coming to the concert to?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah, we've got really good seats to," I said. I wanted t blurt it out right there and the that all of the members of My Chemical Romance were actually my friends, but I kept my mouth shut. Sophie sat back down and sighed.

"It's 11:30, where are they?" she asked. I shrugged. I hope they didn't get lost on the way.

But right as I was calculating that possibility in my head a black limo came into view. Sophie and George didn't even seem to notice it, probably didn't expect that to be them.

"They're here!" I said and hopped off the sign and walked over to the car.

"Are they rich or something?" I heard Sophie ask.

"Just a little!" I yelled back to her as I opened the door to the car.

"Roxy!" I heard them all say.

"Hi guys!" I said and waved at them. I looked back at George and Sophie who were coming over, Sophie looked at the limo curiously. George had his hands in his pockets and he was starring at the ground out of habit.

"You guys, I'd like you to meet my very close friends... who happen to have a band," I said, a huge smile played across my face. They came over t the limo, the windows were so dark they couldn't see inside them, and I was blocking the door with myself. I felt someone smack my butt.

"Hurry up! I wanna stretch my legs!" I heard Gerard say. I rolled my eyes.

"Called, My Chemical Romance," I said and swung the door open. Gerard stepped out immediately and fixed his jean jacket he had on.

'Hi!" he said and stuck his hand out towards Sophie. Sophie's jaw dropped immediately and she slowly raised her hand to shake Gerard's. All the blood in her body seemed like it rushed to her face when she finally let out a sigh. She turned to look at me.

"Why didn't you tell us at first?" she asked and let go of Gerard's hand.

"I was scared you would only like me because of them," I admitted. She rolled her eyes.

"We're not that shallow, though that tiny detail might helped," she said and laughed. We turned around as Gerard came over and hugged me.

"Hey Angel," he whispered as he enveloped me i a hug. I hugged him back and breathed in deeply but quietly.

"Everything alright?" he asked still not letting go.

"Yeah," I lied, he was still wondering about that phone call.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said and let go as I saw George shake Frank's hand. Bu as He went to go talk to Sophie I whispered,


"Hi, I'm George, but you can call me Georgie or Gie, will you marry me?" he asked Frank. Frank started laughing

"Sure, why not,"he said still laughing.

"Roxy," George said. I looked at him.

"This is my early birthday present, right?" he asked. I laughed.

"Uh, if Frank let's you then sure, go ahead," I said