Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

The Question

After everyone had greeted everyone, exchanged names, shook hands, gave hugs, the whole shebang, we got into the limo and went to go look for a place to have lunch. On the way to where ever the hell we were going Sophie and George had so many questions.

"Are you really bi?" George asked. Sophie elbowed him in the stomach.

"Ow what!?! I'm curious!" he said crossly to her. She rolled her eyes and continued to smile madly, Frank nodded a yes.

"So how long have you known Roxy?" Sophie asked. Thank god she didn't ask if Mikey wanted a Mistress or something along those lines. I swear I was ready to jump on them and duck tape their mouths.

"Around, like what a year?" Ray asked looking over to me.

"Yeah, a year," I said.

"Wait so the pants I'm wearing, Bob fucking Bryer gave to you?!?" asked George. I laughed and nodded. Bob waved at George.

"So where's Laura and Alicia?" I asked.

"Yeah where is Alicia, are me and George gonna meet her? Wait who's Laura?" Sophie asked.

"Uhh, Alicia is back at the stage where they're setting up, yes you're gonna meet her, and Laura's Gerard's girlfriend," Mikey said.

The word"girlfriend" stung me inside. I tired not to make it look like it had.

"Ohhh," Sophie said quietly

We finally got to some cafe looking place that had reservations for us.

As we sat down at a table while Sophie and George continued to ask questions. The whole time though, I faded in and out of them. I kept thinking of how pretty Roxy looked today. I kept having to look away. "What the hell am I doing?" I asked myself. Roxy flipped her hair to behind her shoulders as she laughed at what Bob said. A scent of something flowery filled my senses. I blinked and sighed away the scent.

As we ordered she furrowed her eyebrows, I laughed to myself.

"What's so funny Gee?" she asked looking up at me.

"Huh, oh nothing," I said quickly and looked over to Sophie.

"So how long have you guys known Roxy?" I asked to change the subject.

"Since she first came," She said and averted her eyes to Mikey as soon as she answered. I think she has a little crush on him since she sat next to him on the limo, at the lunch and won't stop looking at him.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Sophie said and looked over at Roxy. Roxy put down her menu and got up.

"I'll go with you," She said. I don't get it, why do women always have to go to the bathroom with each other?

I watched as Roxy and Sophie left, Roxy had a very graceful gate, and as she left I looked at something I shouldn't have. But it's not my fault she has a cute backside.

"Hey Gerard drooling much?" Mikey said and waved in my direction. I snapped myself back to reality.

"Oh, just thinking about the plans," I said and looked back down at my menu.

"That's right, so when are you going to ask her?" Frank said excitedly.

"As soon as I tell Roxy," I said and smiled. The little box in my pocket suddenly got heavy.


"Okay tell me the truth!" Sophie said suddenly spinning me around and practically pinned me to the wall.

"What?" I asked.

"What's going on with you and Gerard?" she asked smiling. She let go of my shoulders and I stepped over to the sink as butterflies began to flutter around my stomach and it suddenly got twenty degrees at least, hotter in the building.

"Nothing, we're just, friends," I said slowly and turned on the faucet and washed my hands so I would have something to do.

"Then why couldn't you two keep your eyes off each other?" she asked and crossed her arms, coming next to me.

I shrugged my shoulders as I pumped some soap onto my hands. "I hadn't noticed." I said meekly.

"Hadn't noticed? I thought you would start drooling! And Gerard, well either he was staring at you or the wall behind you was really nice looking." she said and smiled at me. I rinsed my hands and dried them.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said and stuck my tongue out at her as I opened the bathroom door to leave.

We got back to the table and we ordered our lunch. I would keep my eyes on everyone else but out of the corner of my eye I could see that Sophie was right. Sure enough Gerard would look at me for a while then look at something, anything else. When he did look at me he seemed anxious, but he would blow it off by clearing his throat or taking a sip of his soda.

I didn’t talk to him unless he talked to me or asked me a question., he made me so anxious as well. He looked like he was going to ask me something or tell me something.
At the end of lunch we went to the limo but Gerard pulled me to the other side of the limo by my hand. I looked to the ground as I felt my face heat up from the blushing. He stopped and turned around to me. I tried desperately to think of something else besides his gorgeous smile.
“So Rox,” he said as if he had run laps around the building.

“You know that Laura and I have been going out for the last year now right?” he asked. I felt my heart beat faster, what was he trying to tell me.

“Yeah,” I said slowly.

“Well,” he said and stuck a hand inside his pocket. He pulled out a small dark blue box, a ring box.

“What would you think if I told you, I’m going to ask her to marry me?” he asked smiling really big.

I felt my heart stop and fall to my stomach. I wanted to break down crying, but I managed to smile a half smile.
“I would be happy as long as you are.” I said managing a choked whisper. He smiled and gave me a hug. I let a tear slide down my cheek and go onto his jacket.

“Thanks Angel,” He said.