Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Piosonous Words

As the limo started up I stared out the window. He was going to marry her. I think god hates me, or has an extreme dislike for me. I sat next to Bob, trying to be as far away from Gerard as possible. Everyone seemed oblivious to my pain, and I was glad. Today needed to be a good day, at least for Sophie and George. We were on our way to San Jose

We got back to the place where the concert would be. It was a huge arena. Red and black seats were being drilled in and people were walking around, speaking into walky talkies, writing things down on clipboards and shouting at each other.

Sophie and George starred wide eyed at everything, I looked around with them, I had never been to this building before.

"Yea I guess they use it for some hockey thing," Frank said and put his hands on hips and looked up at the ceiling where a man was doing something with the lights.

"I would get so dizzy if I was up there," George said looking up as well.

We walked over to where there was some furniture hanging around for everyone who wasn't supposed to be working to hang out. I had no choice but to sit next to Laura. I did my very best to try to ignore the fact that the guy I loved was going to marry her. Alicia introduced herself to George and Sophie then got up to hug me. I was happy to see Alicia again, she was like a big sister to me.

But for some reason when I looked over at Laura she gave me a poisonous look. It surprised me, she was usually extremely over the top nice to me. For a second my face was frozen with shock, but I returned the look before anyone could see me. She turned her attention over to George who was asking what brand of make up she used. I didn't understand why she had looked at me like that.

I hadn't talked to her since a week or so after Christmas, unless she blames me for something that happened. Or she finally got the guts to fight back or something.

"Roxy?" I heard Alicia ask. I looked to her, she was sipping green tea, the little packet sitting on a napkin next to her chair.

"You're quiet," she said and held out the mug to me. I shook my head at it.

"Oh, I'm just thinking, we have a huge Biology test. I should actually study for it," I said and laughed thinking how true that was, even though it was just an excuse for why I was so quiet.

"You need any help? I was always good at memorizing that crap," she said and smiled.

"Oh it's okay, I'll probably just end up cramming the night before or something," I said, which is very true.


I leaned back and made it look like I was spacing out with my sunglasses on. I was actually looking at Laura and Roxy. I saw how Laura shot that look at Roxy, and Roxy, being Roxy, gave a mean look back. I was scared Laura would blame last night on Roxy. Kind of ironic, I was going to ask her to marry me and we get into a fight a few nights before.

We had gone to a bar after a show and Alicia asked if anyone from Roxy. I told them what I had heard from her because she calls me just about every night, or the other way around. All of the sudden Laura gets up, grabs her purse and says.

"I'm going to bed," quickly and scooted her chair in.

"It's barely nine-thirty, honey," Alicia said looking at Mikey's watch that was on his arm that was wrapped around her.

"I know," she said and walked out the restaurant doors. We exchanged confused looks at each other.

"I'll go see what's wrong," I sighed and pushed in my chair. I took out my wallet and pulled out two twenties and put them on the table and left. I always gave huge tips. I knew how tough it was for the teens who go and work and have school and other crap at home to deal with.

I went up onto our bus. "Laura?" I called. She was sitting on my bunk.

"What's wrong, baby?" I asked and stopped over by the couch. She looked up at me and gave me an angered look.

"Don't give me that shit. You know perfectly well what's up," she said. I took of my jean jacket and walked over to the bunk and stood in front of her.

"No, actually, I don't," I said making me words sound as soft and gentle as I could.

"Just admit it, Gerard!" she snapped at me. I jumped at the loudness at her voice, but settled back down realizing I had to try to fix what ever I did wrong.

"Admit you know more about that girl than me! Admit that you pay more attention to her than me!" she said and stood up suddenly. I would have taken another step back but I was already up against the other bunks. I started laughing.

"It's not funny, Gerard,"he said and sat back down and folded her arms. I scratched my head.

"Actually, it's hilarious," I said and chuckled.

"You're impossible," She said harshly.

"Just a little," I said and smiled. Then there was a five minute pause, each of us scared to look at the other one

"That little girl talks to you more than I do," she finally said

"She's been through hell," I said trying not to raise my voice.

"Tons of kids loose their parents everyday. I don't see you calling all those kids," She said viciously.

Anger was boiling my blood now, though I needed to keep calm. "That's not fair, Laura," I said raising my voice.

She smirked, "Sometimes I wonder is you'd be better off as her babysitter, instead of this," she said putting as much venom in her words as possible, and it worked.

"And sometimes I wonder if you're just with me for the crap my money buys you!" I finally yelled. She looked up with scared eyes.

"I wonder how anyone could be with you!" she yelled back.

"I don't know! Maybe you should leave!" I yelled. She immediately stopped. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it, a tear mixed with her mascara and fell onto the floor.
That's all it took, I felt bad, really bad.

"Gerard," she managed to choke out in a whisper. But she didn't finish her sentence, she left the bus, not even grabbing her jacket.

"Laura, wait!" I called after her, sticking my head out of the bus. But she was gone, she walked back onto another bus. I calmed down knowing she wasn't going for a walk at this time, I didn't want anything to happen to her.

I snapped back by a hand being placed on my shoulder. I turned around, Roxy pulled her hand off my shoulder and placed it behind her back.

"You alright?" she asked softly. I shook my head a little to get back into reality fully.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said quickly. Her eyes seemed curious.

"You're such a bad liar," she said. I smiled and something caught my eye.

Her sleeve was coming down, revealing a big blackish purple spot on her shoulder. A huge bruise. Before she could stop me I pulled the sleeve down even farther. That was the biggest bruise I had ever seen.

"Let go!" she said quickly and tried to jerk her arm away from my grasp, but I held on. It was almost as big as my fist. Her eyes were locked onto mine, waiting for my response.

"Jesus Christ, Roxy!" I whispered. She yanked her arm from me and pulled up her sleeve.

"I fell," she practically mumbled.

"You're such a bad liar," I said and went over to where Steve was calling us for a sound check.

I watched him go over to where my uncle and the rest of the guys were, my hand still on my shoulder. I wanted to tell him, but I didn't want to trouble him any further. I wanted to ask him why he and Laura weren't following each other around like they usually do. Did they get into a fight? I hope so, and I don't. I want her to leave, but not if it hurt Gerard. I would rather be in pain rather than have him be in pain. Am I crazy for wanting him to be happy no matter what?

Sophi came over and stood next to me. "Laura doesn't seem to be your biggest fan," She said quietly to me. George came over and stood in front of us.

"You've noticed too," I said and looked over at her.

"Who wouldn't? I thought she was going to stab you with Alicia's spoon," George said watching Alicia stir her tea.

"Yeah, she's just peachy," Sophie said with heavy sarcasm.

"Don't you just love her?" I asked with the same amount of sarcasm
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Hope you guys like it! Comment more!!! Or I will not even try to update any more :DDD