Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Forced Dreams Of Death

We waited over in the middle of the floor, as people poured in. Some teens had parents which didn't seem to happy about being here, others just came by themselves. WE sat and looked around, waiting for it to finally start. I was used to this, when I got to go with them it was always a matter of hurry up and wait. Even Uncle Steve said once, "Hurry, you're on in six hours!" We all rolled our eyes at that.

"This is torture," George said.

"Eh, you get used to it," I said and began to tap my toes to "Smells Like Teen Spirit" that they were playing.

"Of course I mean just everybody gets to tour with them all the time," Sophie laughed. I stuck my tongue out at her and began to sing along to the song.

By the time it was almost time for the concert to start the entire place was full of people. I began to read all the signs. A girl with brown hair held up a sign that read, "Stop Stealing My Grandma's Underwear!" I started laughing but didn't quite get it. She flipped it around now it said, "Well it caught your attention didn't it?"

"It sure caught mine," Sophie laughed. That would definitely catch their attention.

The music finally stopped and the lights had gone off. There were no curtains, all the gear was there, but they weren't coming out yet. Everyone was screaming and clapping, but then it went silent.

Frank, in a Misfits hodie came out, hands in pocket and the crowd went wild. But when he picked up his guitar he looked out into the crowd and didn't say anything, he just starred, as if looking for something.

"The hell are the doing?" I heard George ask. I shrugged my shoulders. I had no idea. I looked back up the stage. Frank strummed one string, it made a sharp note. He began to strum it again, this time four cords. The crowd went wild, Sophie whistled, and George and I screamed. The crowd began to go wild, because to the right Bob was coming on stage, hands in pockets as well. He stood next to Frank and watched him play those same chords, except now he went higher on them. Those were the chords to "Honey This Mirror Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us."

Bob went over to the drums and began to play them slowly at first. The guys all did this, building up the suspense until finally, Gerard came out. Now the crowd totally lost it. He looked out and raised his eyebrows at a section of the crowd. The section where that sign was. I laughed as she turned it around, he smiled and mouthed the worlds and I could tell he was smirking.



I grabbed the mic, and starred at it, trying my hardest not to laugh at that sign. It was original, I'll give them that. Being on stage you can laugh at really stupid things just because you're nervous. Tonight I was even more nervous than ever, only three more hours then it was in her hands.

I began to sing and the crowd went wild. I danced a little, got the mosh pit going and then let Ray go crazy with the solos.

At the middle of the concert I had Bob and Mikey hold a smooth beat, while Frank switched guitars because a string had snapped off, smacking him in the face. I decided to give the kids a guess at what I was going to do. I looked out into the crowd, I saw Roxy, craning her neck to see Frank.

"Alright, alright," I began.

"You guys are the lucky bastards," I said and paced across the stage.

"I'm going to do something tonight only you guys will get to see up close," I said. Just thinking about it made my stomach tie into a knot.

"But it's not time yet," I said and looked over to Frank who was coming back on stage, guitar raised high, part of his cheek was scratched though from the string, but he was okay.

"Let's go!" I yelled and we started playing "Dead!"


We had one last song now," I Don't Love You." It was now, or never. I felt myself begin to pull back, scared to do it. "No," I thought to myself. I still had the ring in my jacket pocket.
The guys knew I had a decision to make. I looked over at Mikey, my brother, I told him everything, I looked at him searching for a clue as to what he thought I should do. He only starred back.

"I'm sure you've heard about my girlfriend, Laura Reeds," I began, starring at the floor. he crowd cheered, while some girls just starred, including Roxy.

"Well, I've been thinking this past month. I've had a bunch of shit going on, but I know now what I'm gonna do," I said, I moved the mics cord.

"Laura, get out here!" I yelled looking back stage where she was watching.


My heart stopped, and sunk to my stomach. I know what he's going to do. She came out in jeans and a white sweater, her golden brown perfect hair flowed behind her. Her black boots made little clicking noises as she walked. She is everything he wants, and everything I am not.

He got on one knee, the crowd cheered madly. The room began to spin and I could not control my own balance. I clutched onto George.

"Laura," he said softly into the mic. That voice, how he said my name like that, when I cried, he talked that way when I was hurt, when my world crumbled down. I could hear his voice, but he and the rest of the world seemed so very far away. I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Will you, marry me?" he asked the crowd went wild, I could tell how they all threw their arms into the air, and how their mouths were open. Yet I heard nothing. I felt like Jack was beating me up again, no wait that would feel much better than this.

"Gerard!" I screamed, a scream I never knew I was capable of. But to me it sounded like a whisper, as I hit the ground, my head on George's shoe.

"Roxy!" I heard Sophie scream. It was all in slow motion. I was dying, he had ripped my heart out.

"Yes!" I heard Laura scream with happiness. I fought to keep my eyes open, to see his smile, before I closed them forever. But they weren't on her, they were out into the crowd, wide with concern, but not love, at least, not for me.

"Gerard, I love you," I whispered, now I wasn't to sure if I was even talking.

"Gerard, no please, I love you!" I tried to scream but the room spun to fast, and I had to close my eyes, I had to.

I woke up in my bed. My bed, the bed that was in my room at my house. I slowly got up, and walked to my mirrored closet doors. Was it really all a dream? Sophie, George, Jack, and Gerard? It had felt so real.

My door opened and Indiana walked in, holding his favorite chew toy. He squeaked it and looked at me with begging eyes. I smiled and tried to grab it from his mouth.

"Indiana!" I laughed as he took off down the hall, wanting me to chase him. I ran out from my room and ran to catch him. Except as soon as I left my room it changed.Everything changed. This wasn't my house. It was the woods, over by where Gerard and I had crashed. Where I saved Gerard. I tripped over something. Something big. I fell onto the mossed covered ground. Only it was not the green cool moss it should have been. No, it was covered in blood.

I lifted my hands, they were covered in it. I looked at what I had tripped on and screamed. My dad was laying on the ground, the blood was coming from him.

"Dad!" I screamed and threw myself on him.

"Dad please get up!" I screamed and rolled his cold, limp body around. He starred up at the sky, a piece of glace lodged in his forehead, blood dripped from it and into his mouth. I had never seen so much blood. There were at least twelve bucket loads around him.

"Dad, I won't lose you again!" I screamed and began to try to perform CPR, by pumping my hands up and down on his chest. I was so busy trying to bring him back I didn't realize the more I pumped, the more blood came from his mouth.

"No!" I screamed. I threw myself over his chest and sobbed. It was no use, he was gone. Indiana's bark made me look up.

"Indiana come!" I screamed in desperation. The dog jumped and barked again, excited about something.

"Indiana!" I screamed louder. I didn't want to lose him either. I got up and began to walk to him, the tears streaming down my face leaving trail marks against the cold blood on my face.

Indiana ran away, going deeper into the woods.

"Indiana no!" I screamed sobbing. It was useless, he was gone. I got on my knees as he disappeared into the darkness of the forest.

"Come back, you stupid dog!" I said as the tears mixing with blood fell onto the ground again. I sat down, and looked around, where had I run to? The road was gone, I was deep in the forest. I held myself and sang to myself,

"Can't find the way, can't find the waayyayyyaay. C'mon Angel Don't you cry." I tripped over onto my side and closed my eyes.

"C'mon Angel, don't you cry," I whispered.

Someone put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up, and gasped in shock and happiness. I threw my arms around him, happy that he had found me and rescued me, yet again.

"Gerard, I'm scared," I whispered as he wrapped his arms around me. I decided this was it, I don't care if he's engaged. I slowly closed my eyes, moved my face in front of his, and tenderly kissed him. He kissed me back but with much more passion. Hell suddenly turned into heaven. He began to kiss harder, harder and move his hands down my back...why was he being do rough? His nails, ow! They, they were digging into me. Why?

I opened my eyes, and screamed. It had gone back to hell. Jack was there holding me. He had that look in his eyes. He dug his nails into me and put me onto my backside and began to climb on top of me.

"No! Get off of me!" I yelled. I tried desperately to get him off, and run. He managed to hold one of my hands down and tried to pull off my pants.

" I won't let you!" I yelled and kicked him as hard as I could in his face. He fell back and laid on his back, motionless, his nose crushed in and bleeding. His eyes starred, just like Dad's did. Blood flowed from his face and onto his football jersey. Jack was dead, and I had killed him

"Oh god, no," I whispered and backed up. His eyes seemed to follow me, but they weren't moving.

"No!" I screamed and ran, I don't know where but I ran.

"Rox...," I heard Gerard's angelic voice call. I stopped deaad in my tracks at his voice. I would do anything now to see him again, to know I was safe in this place.

"Gerard!" I screamed.

"Roxanne...," he called again.

"Gerard!" I screamed. His voice was coming from all around me. I spun around in confusion

"Where are you!" I yelled.

"Next to you, Angel," he whispered. I spun around, he was no where near me.

"No you're not!" I screamed.

"Yes, I am," he replied softly, calmly.

"Angel..." he called.
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happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! comment plz!!! i have 99 subscribers (watch it go down) i want at least hmmmmm ok 10 comments plz!!!!!!

Oh the "Stop Stealing My Underwear" sign is an inside joke, we actually took that to a concert, but a Paul McCartney one. It was soooooo funny.

He lest get a trend going! every1 put that on signs and take it to a concert