Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Bitter Love

I opened my eyes screamed and fell of the couch I was laying on.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Backstage," I heard Sophie say. I looked back up and the couch where she was sitting.

"Sophie!" I said and got up to give her a hug.

"Hello?" she asked and wrapped her arms around me.

"I had the worst nightmare," I said.

"Oh that wasn't obvious of how you were screaming, whimpereing, and punching and kicking everyone who tried to revive you, including me!" she said. I smiled.

"Sorry," I said.

"It's alright, c'mon let's go out into the main room to show everyone your okay," she said and helped me up. Now this is what best friends were for, she stuck to my side even though I probably kicked and punsched her a few times, not to mention all the screaming.

When we got to the main room everyone looked up at me, except for Laura who was on the phone crying and starring at her ring. George quickly covered his ears

"Are you going to scream again?" he asked. I shook my head, embarresed. But this is better then the place I dreamed I was.

"You alright?" Ray said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I think so," I replied.

"What happened out there?" he asked sitting down on a bean bag chair.

"I don't know." I lied.

"Well something happened," Mikey said putting a magazine down.

"As soon as we put you on the couch you started screaming," he said looking over at me. Alicia came and stood next to me.

"Hell, even Gerard couldn't get you to shut up," Alicia smiled. I blushed and smiled back.

"I just had a very scary dream," I said quietly

"Yeah, he came over next to you and kept saying your name, but you kept saying he wasn't there," Bob said, drumming on the tabel.

"That might explain that part," I thought out loud to myself.

"What?" Sophie asked.

"I had a dream, I woke up in my room, at my house that I lived in before the accident, and Indiana came in wanting to play so I chased after him. I thought all of you were a dream. Then as soon as I left my room it turned into the forest where I saved myself and Gerard from the car," I began

"You saved Gerard?" George asked. I nodded my head but continued the story.

"I tripped over something and the ground was covered in blood, but it wasn't warm, it was ice cold. I looked back and there was my dad, with a piece of glass in his forehead, starring at the sky. I got scared and ran after Indiana becuase he came back. But he ran to fast, and I gave up, then Ge-," But I stopped myself. There was no way I could tell them that in my dream I kissed Gerard. Oh yeah I kissed Gerard, tiny detail there. Note the sarcasm in that last sentence

"Then George came and I hugged him, but when I looked at his face it was Jack," I said grimly.

"That guy you were dating?" Sophie asked. From the corner of my eye I could see Gerard pick up his head at the word "Dating" He looked over at me with either a jealous look or he was pissed at me.

"Yeah,' I continued, "And I killed him, on accident. Then I ran in fear, and that's when I heard Gerard call my name, but I couldn't see him. He wasn't fucking there," I said I was beginning to shake at the thought of being in that dream again.

"That's it no more sugar for you," Frank said and laguhed.

"I honestly don't think that's the problem, Franky," I laughed.



We were getting ready to leave, it was getting late and we were all tired. I admitt I was worried about Roxy. I had never seen her sleep like that before, we had a paramedic check her out as we brought her back, he said she had only fainted and was basically sleeping. I had never seen her dream like that. The most she would do when I saw her have nightmares were cry and whisper.

I was sitting on the couch in the room we had put her in. Something tells me there was more in her dream than she told us.

I saw her fall down, it seemed as if someone shot her before she went down. I couldn't do anything. Sophie and George and other fans waved down the paramedics and I could only watched as I sang. All our eyes seemed to be on her.

I rubbed my forehead with my hand, I should be happy, I finally asked Laura to marry me. Then why do I feel like shit? And Jack, who the hell is Jack. She never told me about some guy named Jack. The only guy I knew she was hanging around was George, and he was gay. Why the the hell do I feel like this?

"What's wrong, Hun?" Laura asked and sat next to me.

"Worried about Roxy," I said and folded my hands in my lap.

"C'mon tonights special, can't you forget her for five minutes?" she said and wrapped an arm around my body.

"No, I can't," I said a little harshly.

"Okay, I give up," She said and stood up.

"Huh?" I asked.

"This one night , you propose to me, I say yes, and now all you can think about is that girl!?!" she asked raising her voice. I really didn't feel like arguing.


"Gerard, we're gonna go," I called down the halls, looking for him. This was going to be one sleepless night. Not only was I not going to go to sleep in fear of that dream, but that party is also going on. I aparently was invited, but I don't know if they would let me in considering I'm not Jack's girlfriend any more.

"Gerard?" I asked as I came to the door that I woke up in. I put my hand on the knob about to turn it when I heard Gerard yell.

"She fainted in the crowd! What if a mosh pit was there? She could have been killed!" I smiled, he was defending me.

"Get real Gerard, you kept the audience quiet so you could propose. And when it was over, you didn't hug me or anything. No, it was straight towards Roxy!" she yelled back.

"It's not normal for someone to scream, cry and kick and punch anyone who comes near in dreams! What don't you get about the part where I love her!" He yelled.

My heart beat faster, did he say he loved me? Am I dreaming again? I pressed my ear back up to the door as I began to breath harder and my knees started to shake.

"You love her? Then why don't you ask her to marry her instead of me!?!" Laura yelled, and threw the ring at the door, it made a harsh tapp sound as it hit it.

"Because I love you, I love her as in care for her. I love you as in, I'm in love with you!" My heart stopped. My knees stopped shaking. My breathing kept the same though, fast, angry, sad. So many emotions at once, I think I was going to faint again. No, not again. I have to fight it!

"I know, it's just, I don't know," Laura said, her voice beginning to calm down. Oh no, she was playing the innocent card. Don't fall for it Gerard. Please don't

I couldn't hear anyone talking after that, all I could hear was like a humming noise, both of theirs soft and sweet. A tear fell off my cheek and onto the floor. I balled my hands into fists and hit them hard against the door.

"What the hell?" I heard Gerard ask. I quickly walked away, not out of fear that he would see me in tears, but out of anger, and desperation.

I went outside, where everyone was waiting in the limo. I whiped my tears comanding myself to stop being such a big baby and suck it up for the hour ride home.

"Where's Gerard?" Mikey asked me.

"He said him and Laura will meet you guys at the hotel," I lied. I know Gerard wouldn't be mad at the fact they had to take a taxi home, and I could care less about Laura.

When we got to the school I twidled my thumbs, I was hurt, angry and depressed. This decision was made to try to make me feel better and to get back at Gerard and Laura. You love me Gerard, huh? "I love you", it's eight words, well so is "bullshit."

"Driver guy, can you drop me off in the west dormetries?" I asked politly, and holding a fake smile.

"West dorms, what the hell?" Sophie asked. The guys also looked at me.

"Yeah I thought you were in the north ones," Ray said leaning forward.

"So did I," Frank said and scratched his jaw.

"Yeah we are, but I need to talk to someone," I said as the car began to take a left instead of stoping at our dorms.

"Is it who I think it is?" George asked.

"Probably," I sighed.

"Don't do anything you would regret," Sophie merely muttered. I nodded and got out at as the car slowed. I looked up at a window where the lights were dimmed and music was blasting from. I sighed and slowly went up the stairs. By the end of tonight I shouldn't feel any pain if you know what I mean.
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the spell check isn't working so I'm gonna do it later. Comments are loved and so will u be if u leave one