Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Knots and Coffee

That night I didn't get any sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a roller coaster. On the bright side I was going to see Gerard, but I would tell him what happened, which means,I would admit that I lied to him. It's true, lying just makes it worse.

I rolled onto my side and pulled the blankets closer. Maybe I could smother myself before tomorrow came. Tomorrow was school, and I had to work. I would be exhausted from that then I would half to tell the guys at dinner what had happened to me. Then they would ask, possibly yell, about why I didn't tell anyone in the first place. I would end up in tears, there would be an awkward silence then I'd go home. Great, I have my whole day planned out, and I didn't look forward to any part of it, except where I got to see Gerard before he starts yelling at me.

I groaned and closed my eyes. Damn it all, why and how the hell do I get myself into these things? By this time next year I'll be in college and then what? Nobody will be there to pick me up, I can barely pick myself up after mess ups like these.

With that I forced myself to go to sleep, hopefully they would be better than this.


I woke up to our alarm clock. Sophie slammed her hand on it but to no avail, it kept ringing.

"Shut up!" She moaned to the clock and picked it up and slammed it onto the floor. Well, that's one way of turning off the buzzer.

"Fuck! What the hell did I do!" George groaned, I guess the clock had hit him.

"Sorry, it woke me up," She mumbled and rolled onto her side.

I yawned and sat up. "Isn't that what it's supposed to do?" I asked.

"Not when I'm tired," She mumbled from under her blankets.

I got up and pulled out a black and purple long sleeves with a pair of skinny jeans and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

I let the warm water gently fall onto my body, soothing me. I think I'll just stay in here all day. Today is going to be the worst day in my life, I have decided it all ready. I washed myself and then just stood under the water, not wanting to start my day. But I got out and blow dried my hair while getting dressed. I put my hair into a messy ponytail and and put on black and purple make up on. I guess if anyone asks about my bruises I can say it's my makeup.

Yeah, I got creative and pick huge spots of makeup all over my body. I smiled at the thought and left the bathroom. George and Sophie were already dressed and the clock read; six thirty. We had to leave in a half hour.

"So, how did you sleep?" Sophie asked, while filling in random answers to a take home test.

"Not at all," I yawned and watched the black television screen.

"I know, you kept me up," George said putting on his left shoe.

"Sorry about that," I said.

"Nah, it's alright, I'll just catch up in my sleep in Ginge's class," he said smiling up at me. I smiled back. We were avoiding the obvious.

We left at a little before seven before one of us could bring up something of last night. We split up when I stopped for my locker, getting my history book. Today was going to be long and boring.


Last period, and my legs are shaking uncontrollably. Why is it that if you don't the clock to go fast it does? And if you want the opposite it does the opposite? I digress. I focused on my math paper, trying my best to solve the problem then stare at the clock.

"Roxy?" The teacher called.

I looked up. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Did you do number five?" he asked.

"I got twenty," I replied.

"Good," he said and wrote the answer next to the problem.

Wow for once I wasn't wrong, this is probably the highlight of my day.

After class had gotten out I had to go to work. I went back to the dorm, changed into all black and put my Starbucks apron on and fixed my makeup.

I managed to barely catch my bus and then began doing some of my homework then, knowing I'd be way to depressed to do it after we met with the guys. After finishing the easy homework assignment for English I sighed and put my pencil away as the bus pulled up across the street from Starbucks.

I walked quickly, it looked like any second it was going to rain. As I approached the doors I saw two new people that I hadn't seen work this shift before. As I walked in my boss called to me,

"Roxanne, we have two new people, teach them the ropes, I need to run a few hours I'll be back at the end of the shift," he said and grabbed his coat.

"Don't you have a jacket, looks like rain," He said as he walked passed me, out the door.

I looked over at my new co-workers. A girl with dark brown hair that was down with a red headband smiled at me, and a guy with light brown hair stood next to her. They looked a lot alike, maybe siblings?

"Hi, I'm Roxy," I smiled at them and got behind the counter. I decided to try to avoid as many accidents as possible and just had the girl, who's name was Amy, lean and restock everything, and had the guy, who's name was Devin take orders and mark cups while I made the coffee.

So far everything had gone smoothly and we had a steady stream of people which kept us all busy. To busy for me to think of anything except the orders I was filling. As we worked we shouted questions at each other trying to get to know one another. Turned out they were both from different schools that were in the area, and we had pretty close taste in music.

"So do you like umm, H.I.M?" he asked

"Oh heck yeah!" I smiled and handed him a frappicino which he handed to a lady who held her very red purse impatiently.

"What about you Amy?" Devin asked.

"Some songs," she replied as she swept across the room avoiding everyone's feet.

"What about My Chem?" she asked Devin. Oh crap.

"They're pretty good," he replied and began to drum his fingers on the counter as we waited for anyone else to come to the counter and order or ask for something.

"What about you Roxy?" she asked.

"Yeah, they're good," I replied sheepishly, wanting a huge wave of people to come in to distract me from thoughts of what would happen in about an hour or so.

"Gorillaz?" I asked quickly.

"They're okay," Amy replied and dumped the contents of the dust pan into the garbage.

We were going through every band we could think of, and a bunch of songs. Bye the end of the night we knew quite a lot about each other, though I doubt we memorized it all. Now I was untying my apron, cell phone in my mouth as it dialed Frank's number on speaker.

"Hey you off?" he answer.

"Eah" I said.

"What?" he asked. I managed to untie the damn thing and took the phone out of my mouth, "Yeah," I said and folded the apron with one hand as I took the phone off speaker and held it up to my ear.

"Alright I'll come pick you up, oh by the way Gerard's not gonna come so we're gonna stop bye your guys' dorms early tomorrow, can you be late for class?" he asked.

"Uh yeah, no problem," I slowly said. I quickly decided I would instead stop at his hotel room and tell him. There wouldn't be anyone around then and it would be easier, less pressure.

"Kay, see you in about ten minutes," he said.

"Alright, bye Frank," I said and hung up the phone.

I walked out as Devin was putting on a black sweater, pulling the hood over his head.

"Someone gonna pick you up?" he asked as he stuck his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah my friend," I smiled at him and sat at a table.

"You want me to close up?" he asked.

"Oh no, Drew will be back to make sure we didn't set the place on fire," I said. When our boss said he was gonna do something, he meant it. I honestly don't know why he's a manager for a Starbucks place, he could do so much better, possibly a C.E.O

"You want me stay until he comes?" he asked.

"No, it's okay Devin," I said and smiled at him. He smiled back and headed for the door.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow," he said and left.

Drew came in about five minutes after he left. I was glad, my thoughts were starting to build and the whole scenario of what would happen was playing out in my head.

"How did things go?" he asked.

"Fine," I replied and got up and pushed my chair in and headed for the door.

"I would think so. I thought I saw you looking at that guy," he said and smirked at me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said and left, I could see a taxi pull up to the curb, which must have been Frank.
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I'm trying to get these to you faster =) comment!!!!!