Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me


When we got to the restaurant everyone else was already there waiting for us.

"There you are! I was that close to eating my shoe!" Sophie said as I walked in, Frank behind me. I said hi to everyone and the waiter lead us to our table. I felt like throwing up I was so nervous. My leg kept bouncing and I looked down at the menu an awful lot.

"So how was work?" Alicia asked taking off her sweater.

"Okay, we have two new people," I replied and smiled at her.

"Any accidents?" Bob asked. I shook my head and yawned.

My stomach was in knots when the waiter brought bread to us and took our drink order, I ordered seven up for my stomach's sake.

I had ordered ravioli with Sophie trying to focus all my thoughts on homework and everything except confessing. When our food came everyone else was talking about the rest of the tour telling us how long they expected to be gone and where they were going.

"Can we get your emails?" Sophie asked very politely.

"Mmm, of course," Frank said, with a mouth full of steak.

"I think Roxy has all of them," Ray said nodding towards me.

"Yeah I do," I said and put a fork full of ravioli in my mouth.

I felt someone kick me from the side. Sophie looked down at her food as if she didn't do it, until she kicked me again. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows towards everyone else.

"Not yet," I said.

"Not yet what?" Alicia asked,

"Uh, I didn't do my homework yet," I quickly lied,

I couldn't stop avoiding it. I had to tell them. When the check came everyone began taking out wallets to help pay. I began to breath hard and my legs were shaking.

"You guys," I said slowly. They stopped counting money and looked up at me.

"I have something to say," I began. I took a deep breath then pulled down my shirt sleeve, revealing a huge bruise. Most of them gasped.

"Honey how'd you do that?" Alicia asked in shock. Ray leaned over and gently touched it.

"I didn't do it," I said and looked down. My heart was breathing fast and it was hard to breath, at least Gerard wasn't there, that would make things a million times worse.

"Then who the hell did!?!" Bob asked and leaned in more to get a better look. My hands shook and I slowly let me sleeve go. I took a huge breath of air.

"A boy," I said and slowly looked up. Most of them were in shock. Mikey was pissed, he had that look and he was red, violent red. Alicia had a hand over her mouth and a hand on Mikey's. She looked over to George and Sophie who were looking intently at me. Frank kept starring at where my bruise was, Ray leaned back, sighed and looked up at me with an angry look. Bob practically slammed down his part of pay on the table. I jumped at how hard he put the money on the table.

"Is that the only one?" Frank managed to ask. I looked up into his broken eyes, thank God he was the most patient person I have ever met. I shook my head and stood up and lift my shirt up to the beginning of my rib cage. It was covered in bruises, and cuts.

"Oh my god!" Alicia gasped and squeezed Mikey's hand even harder.

"How long has this been going on?" Frank asked ignoring everyone else's' reaction and looking me in the eyes. He held my gaze and I couldn't look away.

"This is the second time," I managed to choke out.

"Fucking second time!?!" Mikey yelled slamming his fist onto the table. People starred and I quickly put my shirt down. He glanced at the other people with a look that said: Yeah I'm fucking pissed go ahead and complain.

I sat back down, starring down at the table.

"Why didn't you tell us, or any adult, or someone sooner!?!" Ray asked.

This brought back memories when I started bringing home bad grades. Dad yelled at me as soon as he found out. It had dropped from a B to an F in three weeks. He would yell at me, and ask why I didn't do my homework. Of course I knew the answer, I just didn't want to do it. But I never said that. I just stood there, and shrugged my shoulders. It's not like I cared that he yelled at me. I knew I would be sent to my room for about an hour, and then he would forget all about it, until I brought home another bad grade.

This time I had a reason, "I didn't want to worry you guys, I didn't want you to tell my Uncle, he would put Jack in prison and you know it. I didn't want the whole school finding out, it's not like we don't have a hard time fitting in already, you all know how that feels. Please don't tell my Uncle. You can't!" I begged.

"Let's just go, we can talk about this when we get back to the hotel," Frank suggested. The others were silent but slowly got up. Alicia had tears in her eyes, I felt so guilty.

"I'm sorry, Alicia," I whispered as we walked out

"It's not your fault honey, they're just upset," she said and gently put an arm around me.

I was in tears as we got to the parking lot. I went with Frank he didn't yell at me. He listened to me and gently told me I should have told someone and that all of them loved me.

"You're like the little sister of the band," he said and smiled.

"Of course we don't like the guys you like like. Is this making sense? And we especially don't like this ass fucker who did this to you," he explained. I couldn't help but smile. I nodded my head in understand meant.

"You need to tell us when stuff like this happens, I know it might be hard to trust people after everything you've been through, but you need to tell us," he said and wiped a tear that was trailing down my cheek. Frank always made me feel better, and my confidence to tell Gerard was growing thanks to him.


My phone rang as Laura fell asleep on my shoulder, my arms wrapped around her. I gently pulled my arm from around her and manged to pick up my phone.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"Gerard it's Mikey," Mikey said bluntly, I could tell something was wrong. I sat up immediately accidentally letting Laura slip off of me and onto the couch. She woke up quickly.

"What's wrong?" I asked and got up.

"It's Roxy dude," he said.

"Where is she? Is she okay? What the hell happened?" I asked, a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. The worst possible thoughts were going through my mind. I put a hand to my head, trying to stop them.

"Just talk to her, knowing your guy's bond I think she needs you rite now," he sighed onto the phone. I hated when Mikey did this, he always just gave tiny details instead of actually telling what went wrong.

"What happened? Mikey tell me now," I commanded into the phone.

"Just talk to her," he said and hung up.

"Mikey, what the hell, hello?" I asked, the line was dead.

"Shit!" I said loudly.

"What happened? Is it Alicia?" she asked with wide eyes. I almost forgot that she was sitting there.

"No, it's Roxy. And by Mikey's tone it's bad," I said and grabbed my jacket off of a chair that was pushed in at the dinning table.

"You aren't leaving are you?" She asked in an irritated tone.

"I have to," was all I said.

"You promised this would be our night, no Roxy," she complained. I didn't understand why she had changed all of the sudden, I would expect her to understand.

"Laura, not now," I said and began to put my jacket on.

Laura was not happy about me leaving at all. In as little as five minutes it was a full blown fight, yelling and screaming. I didn't understand why she was acting this way, and why she didn't want me to see Roxy.

"Damn it Gerard!" she screamed, "You need to chose!"



The taxi had pulled up to the hotel and I got out, the tears had slowed and either we were the first ones there or the last ones there. It was cold and it began to sprinkle as I walked up to the revolving door. I shivered and turned around, waiting for Frank. He put an arm around me and lead me inside.

"Hey, mind if I stop at Gerard's room real quick?" I asked.

"I don't, but I think he and Laura might be, uh busy, if you catch my drift," My stomach twisted into a knot and I shuddered. My poor virgin mind, filled with horrible images.

"Ugh, Frank!" I said and playfully hit his arm. He giggled and ran to the elevators.

"He's on the fifth floor," he said and pressed the five button and three button.

"I think it's room five five three," he said. I nodded my head as the elevator went up.

Frank got off on the third floor and my heart began to beat fast again as the elevator went up to the fifth floor. Oh please don't be...busy. I shuddered at the thought. As the elevator opened its doors I walked out, my legs feeling like jello. I hoped I wouldn't have to tell him in front of Laura. I would cry more, because she made me feel so ugly, and like I deserved what Jack had done to me.

I found the door an was about to knock on it until I heard someone yell.

"I don't care Gerard!" it was Laura's voice. I pressed my ear to the door trying to be silent.

"That girl is one of the meanest I have ever met. Frankly, I couldn't care less," she yelled. I smirked.

"How could you say something like that! She could be hurt!" Gerard yelled back.

"That's it, pick one!" She yelled.

"Me or her," she said. Oh no. Was she serious? I pressed my ear closer to the door, I was completely silent and I barely breathed. This was bad, I was pushing her way from him. I wanted this to happen, I wished for it every night, but not at the cost of Gerard's happiness. I didn't know how to react.

"I won't," he yelled.

"What do you want me to say!?! Okay fine I'll make you happy, she means nothing to me!" he yelled. My heart stopped, my feet felt glued to the floor and my heart burst into a million pieces. I felt my eyes well up and a tear slid down my warm cheek. It would be easier to shoot me instead.

"She means nothing to me! She's just a kid!" he yelled. Then there was a pause. More and more tears began to pour down my cheeks. They fell to the floor and I didn't attempt to stop them. I let my hand slide down the door, but what I didn't realize was it made a loud sliding noise because of a ring I had worn. I didn't hear it though, I was lost in my own world. Gerard, what have you let her done to you? What has she changed you into? The old you would have never have done this.

The door opened up and there he stood, red faced but calming down. I slowly looked up at him, tears streaming, mouth hanging open in surprise and sadness.

"Roxy," he said and tried to reach for me. I backed up, out of his reach and shook my head.

"I mean nothing to you, after all, I'm just a kid." I cried and ran off toward the elevators.

"Roxy, wait!" he called.

I pressed the elevator button as fast as I could, sobbing and making soft whimpering noises because it was hard to breath. The elevator doors slowly opened and Frank walked out. I ignored him and ran in and pressed the floor button.

"Roxy, what happened!?" Frank asked. But the elevator doors closed to quickly
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Now it's gonna get really good!!!!!!!