Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

The Barbie Clones

After around seven the crowd died. Only a few people were around. I made myself a quick coffee, a little milk, and sugar nothing special. I smiled to myself and thought of how the guys would fight over the little coffee packages in their hotel rooms. For some strange reason my coffee bags would disappear from my room when the guys were in it.

I had my laptop that my uncle had bought me for my birthday. My birthday was pretty close to Gerard's. Its on the last week of March, the twenty ninth to be exact. I'm seven teen now. It was big disappointment. I was on the phone with Frank the night before my birthday.

"So what do you want?" he asked, I could here the t.v in the background.

"Mmmm," I said thinking. There was really nothing I wanted. Except,

"To see you guys again," said softly. Frank sighed and laughed good heartedly.

"I don't think I have a box that'll fit all of us," he chuckled. I smiled on the phone.

The next morning though,I hoped they were already sitting down and talking or arguing over the last cup of coffee. But when I did wake up all there was were two presents at the foot of my bed from Sophie and George and a few balloons. Don't get me wrong I really did appreciate those gifts, but I just wanted to see the guys again.

Now that I think of it, a lot of people would like to get My Chemical Romance on their birthday.

I opened up my email as I sipped my coffee. Nothing yet. The guys except for Gerard were pretty bad at answering email. I talk on the phone a lot with all of them. I only use the name I made up for them when Sophie or George are around though. The coffee warmed the inside of me. All of our thanksgiving stuff was up. I looked over at the pictures of us working. I rarely smiled in them. That's because everyone else who woks here is another Barbie or Ken clone.

Mikey and Gerard had told me about thanksgiving at their home. Everyone would come over and his mom would make dinner while everyone else drank beer, soda, and watched the parade. I would do anything to be there for thanksgiving instead of here. I can see myself now, me in my black and green sweats, eating popcorn and watching the parade or what ever is on by myself.

I sighed and closed the laptop. My shift's almost over and Sophie's and George's should be too. I looked over at the ticking clock. Yes! Ten more minutes and I'm outta here! I got up and began to take off my apron when someone walked in. The other girl that was supposed to be working too, was in the back blabbing on her phone.

He was taller than me by about three inches and had light brown hair. He smiled over to me. I put the apron back on and got behind the counter and flashed a quick smile. I can't tell you how many times my boss yelled at me for not being "friendly" towards the customers. Hey, I don't know them, they call me emo, they make fun of me, they annoy me. Why the hell should I be "friendly" towards them. Most of the time I'm tempted to splash their hot coffee on their faces.

"Just a regular coffee, grande size," he said. I nodded and grabbed a cup and began to pour the coffee into his cup.

"Anything else?" asked as I put a lid over it.

"Your number," he said as he flash smile to me. Not even Ryan was that forward. I looked up at him, but didn't smile. I had seen this guy before. He was on the football team and his friends would constantly pick on poor Georgie. Sophie and I were beat up constantly by their girlfriends for trying to stop it all.

"Sorry Ken, I don't date assholes," I said trying to keep myself from pouring the steaming coffee on his head. It was people like him who had made George almost suicidal. All the nights he was up crying, all the nights he was restless and couldn't sleep, all the times we all cleaned up the blood off each other for standing up for ourselves.

"Ken?" he asked with a smirk as he put his hand over mine to take the coffee.

"My name's Jack," he said. I pulled my hand back and gave him a dirty look. He took a pen off the counter and ripped off a piece of paper from our "Cancer Kids foundation" fliers and scribbled down something.

"Here call me any time sugar," he said and walked out with out looking back. I ground my teeth. The other girl came out. She gave one of those snooty sighs. I looked over at her with the same glare I gave him. She rolled her eyes.

"What?" she asked in disgust.

I slammed the paper into her hand that she had out.

"I'm so fucking tired of you clones," I said and grabbed my laptop and stormed out.


No one was in the dorm yet. I put my laptop down by my bed and slumped down on my bed and looked at the picture of me and my dad. It was at a party for my mom, her birthday. To bad she missed half of it, she was busy in the pool hose with another guy. I hate my mother. She broke my dad's heart, and mine. She left us for a life on the streets, I woke up one day, and she was gone. My dad was in the living room, my dog, Indiana (Named after Indiana Jones) at his feet looking up at him, begging to know what was wrong and why my mom was gone.

A few weeks later I found her on the streets. Anger boiled my blood.

"How could you!?!" I screamed at her.

"How could you leave us for this!?! We loved you, you were my mom! You had a house, a family! What the hell happen!?!"I screamed at her in disgust. She smirked and got up. A man stood somewhere near her. He came over to me.

"You wanna work?" he asked as he checked me up and down.

"You did this to her! You did this to her didn't you!?!" I yelled tears starting to well in my eyes. I slammed my fist down into his stomach and ran. I ran partly in fear, and partly because of the awful truth I had come to realize.

It was after then that I went into deppresion, cutting myself, writting poems, stop doing homework, and thinkng about suicide. And it was then that I had come upon my heros, My Chemical Romance.