Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Okay, Now You can Read

I sat in third period, going over graduation preparations. The teacher had passed us out maps for us. It showed where the girls and guys were going to dress and get lined up. Did they think that after four years here, well one for me, we were going to get lost at our own school? I shrugged my shoulders and put the paper into my binder.

George snickered, probably thinking the exact same thing. I looked over at him and he smiled at me, I smiled back. We were supposed to receive our gowns and caps in our next class. I didn't have that next class with George or Sophie so I had no one to talk to, which sucked because I had a feeling we weren't going to do anything in that class.

Everyone was pumped for graduation. Uncle Steve was going to fly in, so were the guys, maybe even Gerard, but I'm not getting my hopes up. The rest of my small biological family was coming, but I didn't really care, after the accident I had cut my ties with them except for Uncle Steve.

When the bell rang I grabbed my stuff and headed for the door. Uncle Steve had payed for my cap and gown so there were no worries with that. When I got to my fourth period class the teacher excitedly took boxes out.

"When I call your names please come to the front to receive your caps and gowns." he said smiling as he opened up the packages.

I sat on my desk like most people were doing and starred at the wall, lost in my own thoughts. I wondered when Gerard's wedding would be. Just thinking of him gave me knots in my stomach, for what we were and for what we could have been. But what if he was right, what if we never could have been? As long as one of us is happy, it can't be that bad right?

"Emily Ortega," I heard the teacher call. I looked up knowing that my name was next.

"Roxanne Olivander," he called an held up a packaged white gown and cap.

I got up off the desk and walked to the front of he class and got it. It felt pretty heavy for a gown. I went back to my desk and wondered if I should open it now or just wait until graduation day.

I'm so accident prone if I did put it on I would find some way to stain it. So I put it in my back pack. I sat back down on my desk and continued to day dream. I wondered how loud Frank, Bob, Mikey and Ray and Alicia would scream. I could bet that maybe Frank would bring a blow horn or something like that. I smiled to myself.

I would see Ray's hair before I saw the rest of them first. I began to wonder about how the other people around them would take it that a very popular band was there. I knew they were taking time from their tour to come, except for Gerard, he hadn't called me, emailed me, or wrote to me if he was coming or not.

The bell wrung before I could realize how much time had passed.


I sat on my bunk, face in my hands. I had such a hang over and the damn bumps on the road weren't helping. I know everyone was noticing my behavior, but they weren't saying anything, not even Laura. I know Roxy would. And it bugs the crap out of me!

I'm not doing this for attention, it's just I want to know that maybe I shouldn't feel as bad as I do feel.

The wedding date was set, the only problem was that it was the exact day of Roxy's graduating day. Laura had chosen this date on purpose. I argued and pleaded and begged for her to change the date, that this was OUR wedding not just hers. But she wouldn't listen. I had no choice really. But it made me sick to my stomach that I was going to miss this. I knew Roxy was secretly hoping, wishing that I would be there, I'm such a bad person.

"Hey Gee, you alright?" I hear Ray ask.

I picked my head up from my hands and cleared my throat, "My head's throbbing dude." I said horsely.

"Maybe you should cut off the drinking," he said gently.

"Maybe," was all I said and leaned on the back of the top bunk.

He sighed and past me by to go back to the bathroom. I put my head back into my hands and continued to shut my eyes, silently cussing under my breath.


Back at the dorm we were laughing and twirling in our gowns. Each of us pushing each other out of our full person mirror to look at ourselves.

"We did it you guys!" Sophie said and pulled George and I into a suffocating group hug.

"I'm not a failure after all!" George laughed.

"Wait until I tell my dad!" he said.

"Hey not yet, wait until we walk on the stage!" I laughed.

"Hell, I think I'll do cart wheels to get my diploma!" Sophie said

"I'll stage dive into the crowd after I get mine!" George said and let go of us and began to practice stage diving on the bed.

"I think I'll do stupid dance moves to get my diploma then I'll scream something and jump off the stage," I said not really giving it much thought.