Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

An Awkward Phone Call Can Go A Long Way

I woke up from my very short nap with a scare. I screamed and fell to the floor as I realized the phone was ringing. I rubbed the side of my head with one hand and answered the phone with the other.

"Ow, hello?" I said into the phone and yawned as soon as the words came from my mouth.

"Roxy?" I heard his timid voice say.

A knot formed in my throat. What do I say? Do I hang up, do I pretend like nothing happened? I quickly snapped my attention to the real world. "Hi." was all I could say.

"Hi," he said back.

Please don't tell me this was how our little phone call was going to be. I remained silent until he finally sighed into the phone.

"So, how's school?" he asked

"Everyone's all excited about graduation, you guys are coming right?" I asked timidly.

"Yeah, we're getting up at around five and our flight leaves at like six or something," he replied.

"Oh cool," I said.

"So, how are you and...Laura?" I asked.

"Oh, we're good I guess, the wedding's just a little after your graduation. I was wondering, maybe you'd want to be a brides maid?" he asked.

"I don't think that's up to you though," I replied.

"I'm sure I can get Laura to make you one," he said. I could tell he wasn't smiling, he wasn't thinking of witty and funny remarks to add. We were each avoiding bringing up our little episode.

"I guess I could, as long as the dress isn't pink or something," I said reluctantly. To be honest, I'd rather be as far away from that wedding as possible. And to be standing next to Laura as she kissed him to seal their marriage would be torture. I would be able to mask my tears as happy ones.

"I could never imagine you in a pink dress," he laughed.

"Been imagining me lately?" I asked a smile starting to spread over my lips.

He paused and sighed. "I shouldn't be," he finally said.

"Are you?" I asked a little hope in my voice.

"Been thinking about you," he said lazily.

"Look, I need to go, but we'll see you, along with your uncle, and I'm sure more of your family," he said.

"If they haven't forgotten me fully," I said.

"C'mon, give them a chance Rox," he pleaded.

"I never said I wouldn't."

"Okay well I need to go, bye Roxy," he said.

"Bye," I replied and hung up the phone.

I groaned and rolled over onto my back, starring up at the ceiling. I did not want to be at that wedding. I wanted to be as far away from it as possible. But I'm sure Gerard's done things for me he didn't want to do. Like the time he watched me when I was sick. Don't get me wrong, everyone was watching me, but almost every time I opened my eyes from sleeping he was either sitting on the couch next to me or was some where near me.

"Fuck!" I groaned and grabbed our cordless phone and threw it across the room, watching the back part break off and fly to the left. I'd pick it up later. I got up and went into the bathroom, redoing my now smeared make up and pulling my hair into a pony tail with my bangs out and swept to the side.

I needed to leave for work now that I think about it. After that Sophie George and I were going out to dinner, maybe some little diner.


I got up from the backroom and went into the living room of the hotel room. Laura sat on the couch looking through a book of cakes. We decided to get married in New York, all of our family could get there pretty easily, it would be fun to get married in a big city, and Roxy could spend some time with her uncle.

"Hey, Laurs?" I called using a nickname I gave her. I have no idea why I have nicknames for almost everyone.

"Mmm?" she asked, a pen cap in her mouth as she circled something.

"What do you think of letting Roxy be a brides maid?" I asked timidly.

She looked up with a raised eyebrow. "I think it's more of my choice, unless you want her to be a best man or something," she said and smiled at her wise crack.

"She won't misbehave," I said and gave her a puppy eyed look.

"I don't know Gerard," she sighed.

"Babe, I really hurt her, I think you could just do this one little thing, please?" I pleaded.

"Alright fine," she sighed and pulled another stack of papers onto her lap.

"What size is she?" she asked.

Shit, how the hell should I know? I mean I always watch her undress and manage to see what size her shirt and pants are. Note the extreme sarcasm there.

"Uhh, maybe a three or two, or four? She's not fat but she's not skinny, like she's got curves but they're in the right place and-" but I was cut off.

"Wow Gerard, you know quite a bit about her body shape," Laura said, but her eyes were down on the paper until she slowly lifted them up to my own. I felt my cheeks get hot, holy crap, was I blushing?

"Uh, no not really, I mean, I know what she looks like, but, um, well, she's not fat," I was rambling on, there was no way I was going to admit to my own fiance that I was checking out Roxy. Hey I couldn't help it!


I got into the coffee shop and threw my jacket at Amy who was cleaning the counter while Devin was helping a customer.

"Hey!" she shrieked in surprise.

"Hi." I said tying the green apron around me.

I got behind the counter as Amy handed me the jacket.

"So what can I do?" I asked. It felt really weird saying that because they were the new ones.

"Not much really, it's been kinda slow all day," Devin said coming over to us, cracking his knuckles.

"Do you have to do that?" Amy asked cringing.

"I do it just for you Amy." he said smiling as he tilted his head to the left quickly, making it crack.

"You're gonna do that wrong some day. And there is no way I'm mopping up your blood for what they're paying us." she laughed and walked to the counter as a woman with a little kid came to the counter.

"So what's up Roxy?" Devin asked, leaning against the wall.

"Not much, getting ready for graduation tomorrow," I said and smiled.

"We already graduated," Devin said smugly.

"Now it's my turn," I said happily.