Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me


Dinner was at a small diner place like I predicted. As we waited for our food and sipped our drinks we talked excitedly about tomorrow.

"Just about my entire family's coming," Sophie said smiling. Sophie had a huge family from what I know. She's the youngest out of five kids. Her parents are on the rich side, and she's the only rocker in her family but she's not a total outcast or anything.

"Just the inner family's coming, the rest live no where near California," George said fishing out his cherry that had sunken to the bottom of his soda.

"Damn cherry, you will be mine," he grumbled to himself

"So is the band coming?" Sophie asked.'

"Yeah, along with a few of my other family members, I think my grandma, and a few cousins maybe another aunt and uncle besides my Uncle Steve," I said.

"Oh My gosh I can't wait," George said as he dunked his spoon into his soda, finally getting his cherry.

"Aha! Victory is mine!' he said and shoved the cherry into his mouth. Sophie and I both laughed.

At night we all put on our white gowns again, twirling around in them excitedly. We even went so far as putting our make up on. George had been bugging us to let him do ours. So I sat patiently on the floor as he started to put blush on my cheeks.

"I'm gonna make you look so pretty Roxy!" he said excitedly

"Finally!" I said

They both laughed, "Hey, you're naturally pretty, you don't have to try desperately like I do," Sophie said combing her fingers through my hair. I don't know why, but when we get bored we braid each others hair or just play with it.

"What ever you say," I said as I closed my eyes as George began to put liquid eye liner on the top lids.

"Stop twitching damn it," George said, cupping a side of my face with his hand

"I can't help it," I said smiling.

They wouldn't let me look into anything that might show even a hint of my reflection until George was done. I felt like a guinea pig, being poked, prauded, brushed and squirted at with sweet smelling perfumes. I rarely had my eyes open because they were doing so much to my eyes, either adding something or taking something off. But at last they're hands dropped away from my face and I opened my eyes.

"Okay, now you can look," George said, and pushed my face to the direction of the mirror.

A girl starred back at me. She didn't look like me, no. I stood up slowly, and began to walk to our mirror, and she began to walk to me.

"Alright Soph, your turn," George said from behind me.

But my eyes were locked onto my reflection. Sophie had been braiding my hair and then let it down, it was wavy, messy, but in a way that looked great. I put my hand onto the mirror. It seemed that the makeup had taken away the sad look, and a beautiful girl was starring at me.

George had put sparkly liquid eye liner on my top lids with wings. He had put a lighter eye shadow on me, a tan color, it did bring out my eyes. They seemed brighter. He had put on black eye liner like I always wore, and it looked even better how he had put it on. My cheeks had color to them, and my lips seemed fuller with the clear lip gloss he had put on me.

I looked...beautiful. I looked someone who someone could fall in love with.

"How did I do?" George called

"Wow," I almost whispered. I had a hard time pulling my face back from the mirror.

"I know! Just imagine when you're in the sun, your white robe will bring the color out even more!" he said happily.

When we went to sleep I looked up at the ceiling. George said I would turn heads at the ceremony, but there was only one head I wanted to turn. He was coming but he was bringing her. I guess I would have to get used to that fact now that they were going to be married soon.

I brought the blankets up closer to me and shut my eyes and fell asleep.


I woke up to a pillow being thrown at my face.

"Wake up!" I heard Sophie shout from the dresser. She pulled out a black tang top and threw it over her head.

"C'mon get dressed! We have to hurry if you want George to do your make up!" she said and threw a pair of jeans at me, which hit me in the face.

"Thanks," I yawned.

"Sorry," She said and began to pull a pair of jeans onto herself.

Once we were all dressed and George had his own makeup on, George sat down and began to put my makeup on. We weren't in a hurry anymore because we had about two hours to spare. We had to get our makeup done here and bring our caps and gowns to our third periods where we would throw them on over our clothes.

Again when I pulled away from George's hands the beautiful girl starred back at me, this time a smile on her face. This was as close as I was going to get to being as beautiful as Laura.

We turned on the T.V as I began to help Sophie with her hair as George did her makeup. She wanted me to put it in a sleek pony tail with her bands hanging out and wanted the pony tail curled. I gently pulled it as nice as I could into the pony tail and began to curl it with the straightener we had.

I think we had never looked better. When it was time to leave we excitedly jogged down the stairs. At our classroom we put our gowns on and waited for the clock to hit twelve. I began to shake with nervousness. I wondered who was down there sitting in the crowd. Would my grandma who refused to take me be there? A few of my cousins who I barely talked to after the accident? I knew the guys were there along with my Uncle. I was dead scared I would do something to embarrass myself.

"Alright girls, line up!" the teacher said as she walked in in a black and blue dress. It looked as if she had lost her prom date.

"Hurry, hurry!" She called waving her black gloved hands. It sounded like we were in kindergarten, about to go out for recess.

We had to line up y alphabetical order so I didn't get to talk to Sophie on the way to the stage.
It was a long walk, that I've taken a thousand times before. The hallways seemed to stretch on forever, never ending.

But at long last I could see the open doors and feel the summer breeze brush against my face as the audience began to clap and cheer. I heard a horns go off and people screaming names. As I came out I shot my eyes to the audience, scanning it for any familiar faces. The sun blinded me as it hit off my gown and into my eyes, I practically had to shut my eyes as I stepped onto the stage.


"Where is she!?!" Bob asked excitedly as he stood on his toes.

"They're all so fucking bright! It's like looking at the damn sun," Frank said as he pulled his sunglasses from his colar.

It reminded me of searching for her at the airport.

"I think I see her," Steve yelled over the screaming crowd.

"Where?" I asked.

"Right there!" he said and pointed to a girl with extremely dark brown hair who was starring at the floor.

"Roxy!" Frank screamed.

"Where's that blow horn you bought?" Ray asked turning around looking at the seats.

"Right here!" he said and brought it out from his jacket pocket.

"Roxy!" he yelled as he held out the horn to the air and blasted it out.

Her head lifted up as she looked to where the horn came from. I believe all of our jaws dropped.

"Oh my gosh, she looks so beautiful!" I heard Alicia say to my direction.

That was an understatement. As she looked out into the crowd it seemed as if the sun was shinning at her. She had never looked better. Her hair gently blew in the breeze, making her look as if she was a model.

"That's my niece!" I heard Steve yell.

"Have you ever seen her look better!?!" he asked me excitedly as he nudged me in the side.

"No," I only said.

A lady came to the stand and cleared her throat as the audience began to quiet down. We all took our seats. I put my arm around Laura and gripped the chair ferociously, as if this was a dream and I would soon wake up. I could not take my eyes off her. There was no hint of sadness. No hint of heartbreak or anything that I had done. Had she gotten over it that fast? Or worse, had she met someone else?

I began to tap my foot with nervousness. I shouldn't care if she had a boyfriend. Hell what guy wouldn't try to go for her?

"Thank you all for coming," The lady began into the microphone.

"Ssh, ssh, watch this," Ray laughed.

I turned my head to see what they were doing. Ray had his hand on the horn.

"We welcome you to the graduation for the class of-" but she was cut off by an extremely loud horn that really hurt my ears since it was right next to me.

"Shit!" I shouted my shout echoed through out the place.

Ray, Mikey, and Bob began to laugh so hard I thought they would either wet themselves or fall off their chairs.

All eyes were on us now. I began to feel hot as I folded my arms and starred at the lady, pretending not to notice. But I did notice someone, behind the lady, a little to the left Roxy had her face in her hands. He shoulders moving up and down fast. She was laughing to.
When she moved her hands a huge smile was on her face. She began to blush as well when she noticed she was the only one laughing.