Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Voice On The Phone

Thanksgiving had been a bust. I had stayed at school with only a handful of other kids. But on the other hand, I have more money to spend on Georgie and Sophie's Christmas presents. I had almost gotten fire though, the guy who keeps hitting on me keeps coming in and talking to me. I had politely told him to fuck off and poured the not so fresh, and not so hot coffee on his head.

"Roxy! yelled my boss

I turned to look at hm with a "Ya, I just did that, so what are you going to do about it?"look

"Give me your apron," he said and held out his hand. I began to take it off.

"Sir," said an old lady who came to the counter.

"I have been coming here for a week now for a treat, and I have personally seen this young man hitting on her. She had swallowed her emotions for longer than I would have. Now you let her keep this job or this shop will run out of business!" she said. I smirked and looked at my boss.

His mouth was hanging open and other customers, ones that hadn't gone to my school, nodded in agreement. I put my apron back on and my boss went back into his office without saying anything. I thanked the old lady and went back to work.

The way she wasn't afraid to speak her mind and not take any shit, reminded me of Bob. She still comes around and I give her little discounts to show my appreciation.

Since Christmas was a month away, all the techers were giving us extra homework, merry Christmas! All three of us have been studying like crazy for upcoming tests and what not. My hope is that when my uncle sees how well I'm doing, I can visit the guys somehow.

"You know who this person reminds me of?" George asked as he pointed to "Jared" on my email address.

"Gerard from MCR. He signs the bottom of the letter with x's and O's, and puts Gee at the end," he said and looked over to me. I wet over to my laptop and shut the lid'

"He's a fan of MCR," I said and went to sit down on the bed where Sophie was doing homework. It's not a complete lie, I mean he does like his band.

Sophie let out a groan and tossed her pencil across the room.

"Fuck my brain hurts!" she said and put her head down on the bed. I chuckled and put my head down too. The glowing light on the clock said 1:00. That clock hates us, it always skips hours, saying its only one then all of the sudden saying it's three. Or maybe we just don't notice, no the clock hates us, just like everyone else in this school does.

George came over and rubbed Sophie's shoulders."Thanks Gie." she said and began to doze off. Sophie was usually the first to drift off, I had been so used to staying up late with the guys I usually stayed up really late even if it was a school night. Before we knew it Sophie had fallen asleep on the bed, her hand on top of her unfinished homework. George and I had finished ours already, while Sophie was talking to her boyfriend on the phone. I felt nice today, I picked up her homework ad began wring down the answers for the problems I knew how to do.

"I'm going to bed," George mumbled. He gave m a hug and then went to sleep on the floor between me and Sophie's bed.

I bit my lip as I scribbled in the last answer for her math homework. Now I was deciding whether to call one of the guys or not. I hadn't hear his voice in quite some time now. And to be honest, I missed it, I really did.

I grabbed the phone off the table and punched in his number. I waited as the tone buzzed in my ear.

"Hello?" said a woman's voice. What the hell? A woman's voice? I raised my eyebrows and starred at the phone.

"Hello?" she called again. I shook my head and put the phone back up to my head.

"Yeah hi, is Gerard um, there?" I asked. Maybe I had the wrong number.

"Yeah hold on," she said. Who the hell is this lady?

"Gee, babe!" she called. My stomach sank and I felt my throat come into a knot. Please tell me his mother calls him that. Please tell me it's Alicia just messing around, and Mikey's there too. Please, don't let Gerard have a-

"Hello?" I heard Gerard's voice in the phone.

"Um, hey," I said quietly trying to sound normal.

"Oh hey, what's up Rox?" he said sweetly. I smiled for a quik second. I loved it when he said my nickname.

"Oh nothing much, who was that?" I asked. Gee seemed to go quiet.

"Oh, her, uh, that was Alicia, Mikey and he are over,"he said quickly. I didn't know weather to believe it or not. I wanted to but, he said it way to fast and he sounded worried.