Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Bouquets Of Puppy Love


"Hey Sophie don't run off anymore we're gonna leave soon!" I heard another girl's voice say.
Up came an older girl, around Frank's age maybe, who looked a little like Sophie, but more like Kirk, I don't know, It's hard to explain.

"I'm right here Jamia, keep your pants on," Sophie said rolling her eyes.

Frank's eyes suddenly seemed as if they were going to pop out of his skull, Bob elbowed him in his side, but Frank still starred, only snapping out of his gaze when she turned to us.

"Oh, hi," she smiled at us, well more like Frank, but you get the point.

"Are you all Roxy's cousins or something?" she asked.

"Friends, but yeah," I said covering for Frank who I knew wanted to say something but was brain dead at the moment.

"Hey wasn't it you guys who were blowing that horn non stop?" she asked with a giggle.

"Uhh," Frank said, beginning to blush. I laughed to myself and so did Laura.

"Yes, that's them," Laura laughed.

I took a cigarette out of the pack of Newport from my jean pockets. I took a cigarette and turned around and lit it so it wouldn't get in anyone's face. As I turned I snatched a glimpse at Roxy and Kirk, Sophie had left them to join at Jamia's side. I couldn't hear what they were saying with all the talking and shouting around us, but I could see Roxy's eyes light up as he talked to her.

Lately, I've been reading the "Twilight" series. A few fans have recommended it to me and I do like it so far. I suddenly knew how Edward felt when Bella would talk to Jacob, even when it wasn't Edwards place to say or do anything about it. And I was positive if I myself was a vampire I would be hissing and growling as well.

Kirk turned around and snatched a flower from his sisters bouquet. He paused for a second looking down at it, then finally gave it to her. I took a drag of the cigarette and blew it in his direction, hoping he would choke on it. When he gave it to her she began to blush but took it, gently lifting it to her nose to smell it. Oh how original, a flower from his own sisters bouquet. At least I bought one for her, but they sort of wilted in the bus, and I don't think half dead flowers would really make her think anymore of me.

I turned back around to see another set of display of cheesy emotions, this time with Frank and Jamia. I took another long drag of the cigarette. Frank was talking to her, hands in his pocket, typical, and she began to play with her hair.

"Alright let's get this love fest moving," I said and dropped the cigarette from my mouth and stepped on it as soon as it hit the ground. I didn't really care who I embarrassed with that remark, hell I hope I embarrassed Kirk.

We went out to a restaurant another Italian place. I don't know why but we always agree on an Italian place, I guess they all just have something we like there. Roxy sat in a black and silver dress her hair still how it was and her makeup a little touched up. She sat next to me while Laura sat over by Frank.

I thought I saw Roxy catch a glimpse of my engagement ring. I saw a quick pained expression on her face so I pulled the hand into my lap and folded my hand onto of the ring.

"So, who's Kirk?" Alicia said in a teasing tone.

"Sophie's brother," Roxy said in the exact same tone.

"How old is he?" she asked.

"Twenty," Roxy smiled, looking down at the single daisy he had given her, I smirked with disgust, yeah wow Roxy, one little flower, whoopdie fucking do.


I thought I could see a bit of jealousy in Gerard's eyes. I liked to know that it still bugged him that he let me go, and that I was free to flirt with other guys. I wasn't a bitch about it, I just wanted to show him I was strong, on the outside at least. But the truth is, I miss him so much, I would rather Gerard give me this flower than Kirk.

"Isn't he a little old?" Uncle Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He's only two years older than me Uncle!" I whined and smiled, softly stroking the white sparkly pedals.

"Alright, just make sure this guy's for real," he said and looked out the window.

"So what college, Rox?" Bob asked.

"Hmm, I was thinking to just take a year off, you know relax a little, there are still somethings I want to do that I haven't since the accident," I said.

"Absolutely not," Uncle Steve said giving me a stern look.

"But Uncle, these are things I need to do, don't worry I'll go, just give me some time! I promise I won't be a drop out, honest!" I said holding up my right hand as if I were about to be sworn into the secret service or something.

At the restaurant we talked more about my plans, I really didn't like having the spot light on me. We also talked about the rest of their tour. I knew they were doing a messed up schedule because of the wedding. And Laura had told me my brides maid dress would come the day before the wedding, a whole week later than the rest of the maid had.
That means it had better fit.

"So where's the honey moon going to be?" Ray asked. I almost choked on my salad. I hated talking about the wedding as well. It was an accomplishment that I was able to say the word in my mind, let alone out loud.

"Some place tropical maybe," Laura said smiling.

"Aw, but then I'll get tan babe. I'll have to bye twice as much white makeup," he whined.

A picture of Gerard in swim trunks in Hawaii came to my mind. I began to blush, trying to banish that thought from my mind.

"And don't you tan easily?" Alicia asked.

"We burn easily," Mikey corrected.

"And tan," Gerard said.

I began to laugh,

'"What's so funny?" Mikey asked.

"A-a- Jamaican Gerard," I laughed. Everyone else began to laugh as well.

"That would suck if we tanned that easily," Gerard laughed.

It felt good to hear his laugh again.
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I'm just in a writing mood this week =) enjoy it!
and I know it's short but I have to go.
<3 beth