Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Such A ***ing Liar

After we had eaten dinner and my Uncle had given me a gift. A pair of diamond earing's. They were so beautiful, they dangled and sparkled as I held them up to my ears. He had bought them just for this occasion. The guys were going to leave the day after tomorrow because that's all they had time for.

After dinner we had driven the tour bus to a bar where my uncle, Ray, Gerard and Laura, Bob, and Frank and Jami went inside to get drinks. Alicia had offered to stay with me in the bus to keep me company. Ever since Jamia and Frank had met they had been flirting non stop. They both had the same personalities except Jamia was more quiet until you began to talk to her more.

I sat next to Alicia me on one of the top bunks, I'm guessing Mikey's it smelt just like him. I let my arm dangle out from the side as the curtains from the bottom bunk tickled my fingers as I gently swung my arm back and forth.

"So how does it feel to be done with high school?" She asked.

"Mmm, not to different," I said. The idea of me going off to college and really being all grown up and on my own really hadn't sunk in just yet.

"So do you know where you're gonna live?" She asked.

"Maybe Uncle Steve's for about a year or as long as I have to save up to get a place and car of my own," I replied.

"Steve will probably help you out with the money and all," she pointed out.

"Yeah, but I don't want to be dependant on his money," I said.

"Yeah, you don't want to end up like Paris Hilton or something," she laughed.

"Are you kidding, with you guys as my friends? All of you would kill me," I laughed.

"Damn right we would," she smiled.

"Except maybe Laura, she might want to, like totally shop with you!" she said as she made her voice go higher and twirled a lock of her hair.

"Like ohmigosh, I hope we could find something totally hot for her stupid wedding," I said letting my voice drop when it came to the "w" word.

"You don't seem to excited about the wedding," She said

"Nope." I said with a lack of interest.

"Why?" she asked.

"I feel like I'm losing him. And she, she just doesn't seem like she's the one for him. If it was someone like you yeah I would be more supportive but it's just I don't know," I sighed.

"Wow, Roxy, denial much?" the little voice inside me said.

"You know what's funny?" she asked.

"No, do tell," I said and smacked the bottom curtains with my hand.

"I always thought that, you and Gerard would be perfect together," she said.

Something inside me jumped and my stomach turned into a knot.

"What?" I asked and looked up over at her.

"I know, silly huh?" she said and pulled her feet onto the couch.

At that time Mikey and Gerard opened the bus door each had two drinks in their hands.

"Hey babe I got your drink, wanna come in side?" Mikey offered. Alicia got up and went to the door of the bus that Mikey was leaning against. He slowly pulled her drink more outside as he stepped out with it.

"My drink, why is it running away from me?" she asked

The door closed behind them as they headed inside the bar, both of them laughing. Which left Gerard and I, alone, inside the bus, just me and him, alone, no body else, who was gonna distract me from him now? But instead of totally avoiding me or just ignoring me he came over and stood in front of my face.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Here," he said and smiled as he handed me a drink .

"I'm a little to young," I said and pushed it from me.

"When has that ever stopped you?" he asked.

"When you asked me to stop," I pointed out.

"Oh just take it," he said and thrust it at me.

I did take it. I sipped it as it strong rum flavor enveloped me.

"Whoa," I said and closed my eyes from the amount of alcohol I had just downed. Gerard laughed at me.

"To you, may you get through college with out any distractions," he said and took a huge gulp.

"Distractions?" I asked.

"Me," he said and made a weird noise as he downed his drink.

He was getting drunk. Wait, since when the hell was he drinking again? My heart began to beat faster for worry for him.

"Gerard, since when do you drink?" I asked and sat up in my bunk.

"Since stress got the better of me," he said and began to stumble to the couch.

"Ahh fuck!" he yelled.

"I'm gonna get another drink," he said and attempted to get up and out the door.

I set my drink down and jumped from the bunk landing on my feet.

"No Gerard. Please don't drink," I pleaded. I didn't want him to be like how he was on Warped Tour.

He looked at me and smirked. "What are you, my mother?" he teased.

"No, but I'm still someone who loves you," I said and sat next to him on the couch, ready to throw myself over him if he was going to even try to get another drink he was drunk enough already.

"Still?" he asked.

"And you never loved me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He didn't answer at first, only paused and looked up at the ceiling as if trying to chose his words carefully.

"No," he finally said. Did that sting like hell.

"I still don't care," I said.

"I'm not gonna let you get another drink," I said putting my hand over his. He turned his own hand over and looked at my own as he held it.

"Your hands are so pretty, and nice to draw," he said and pulled our hands into his lap.

"Thank you," he said. He began to flutter his eyes, he was getting ready to pass out.

"You know what my teacher said I was when I was around your age?" he slurred.

"No what?" I asked.

"A compulsive liar,'' he said and smirked.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the back of the couch.

"Angel, I never loved you," he said and fell asleep.

I smiled as his hand warmed mine, now I hope he was a compulsive liar.