Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Hold Me Close And Hold The Pain Away

When Everyone began to come in Gerard woke up. He let my hand go and got up off the couch. I had only been watching him sleep of about a half hour or so. When he slept I found the Gerard I had met when I first met him, and the Gerard I had fallen in love with.

"Ready to go back home Roxy?" My Uncle asked yawning and stretching. I looked over at the clock, 11:45.

I yawned as well, wishing that Gerard would come back and sit next to me, he was warm. "Yeah, I guess I'll need to start packing." I said. My Uncle nodded and patted my back.

"What's a drink doing in my bunk?" Mikey asked holding the drink up for everyone to see.

"Oh, that's mine," I said.

My Uncle immediately turned to me and gave me a stern look.

"Hey in Europe it'd be okay!" I said and smiled.

"Yeah but we're in California, darling," he said.

I got up and grabbed my drink anyways. Mikey held onto it even though I had my hand on it. He looked over at my Uncle with a "You sure I can give it to her? Because if she gets drunk I'm not gonna haul her ass up those dorm stairs." look. My uncle shrugged and Mikey let go of the drink.

That drink had so much alcohol, it was impossible not to get drunk. But I wasn't as drunk as Gerard, but none of them knew that. Hell, none of them knew about that party either. I used this situation to my advantage. Let's face it, Gerard was wasted, and for all they knew so was I.

I found Gerard sprawled out in his top bunk. With much difficulty I managed to climb up there with him, a few times I almost fell.

“Hello,” He slurred.

“Hi,” I tried to slur back. It was actually kind of fun to pretend to be drunk.
He closed his eyes and let his head fall back onto the pillow.

I scooted closer to him breathing in his familiar smell, mint, cigarettes, hairspray and a hint of leather from his jackets. It brought back memories when he helped me through the hard times. I didn't expect him to do anything about me being there. If anything I expected him to roll over and forget about me. But he scooted closer to me so my head now rested on the crook of his neck and he breathed softly in my hair, I smiled because it tickled, or maybe because we hadn't slept like this in a long time.

I did not know why I was so close to her. All I know is that that tequila is going to haunt me tomorrow and this was all the sleep I'm going to get. I pulled my hand up and over her and she scooted even closer so our entire bodies were pressed up against each other. I opened my eyes and tried to kiss her for head but I missed and kissed the pillow.

"Shit," I whispered. She giggled softly.

"Are you-you laughing at me?" I asked smiling.

"Yea,." she said, I could feel her lips press into a smile on my neck.

"I haven't seen you smile in a long time," I said.

"Today," she whispered.

"That was all for show, I can tell," I said.

"Then why are you rubbing it in?" she asked, the smile faded

"And you're not drunk in the least," I said and smiled.

"And you're still holding me," she pointed out.

"Maybe I want to hold you," I said.

"Maybe I want you to hold me," she said and put one of her arms up to my cheek.

"Maybe I will," I said and attempted to kiss her head again. This time I didn't miss, a very big accomplishment for me.


Now I'm in my bed at my dorm falling asleep. Only George is here with me, sleeping in Sophie's bed. I can hear him breathing lightly, he only snored when he was really tired. Gerard and I didn't fall asleep, we only stopped talking after a while. No questions, no confrontations, no fighting. We only held each other close and I felt so relieved to have him near me again. And I'm sure he did.

We didn't fall asleep at all, even when the bus started up and everyone was quiet and the car was rocking most to sleep. I could tell he was awake because he was breathing normally and he would sometimes move his hand to not let it fall asleep and I would do the same thing.

When I finally did have to leave he didn't say anything to me and didn't pick up his arm. He let it slide over me as I got off. I looked back, but he had already rolled onto his side, facing the wall.

And now I'm pretending to be in his arms again, being warmed by his breath and trying to imagine his smell again. And now, I'm drifting off to sleep. And now I'm....