Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Who's Stupid?

I woke up in my room in Uncle Steve's extremely large apartment. It had been two days since I had visited my Dad's grave. My room here was very plain. Uncle Steve had no idea what to paint it, so he settled for a very calm lavender color with dark hard wood floors. My curtains were black and from the window they covered I had a view of a busy street.

I could already hear traffic outside my window. There was no way you cold ever sleep in with this noise. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, makeup smeared all over my hands.

"Ew," I said before yawning.

I had a busy day today. I needed to be fitted for my brides maid dress. Laura chose this soft blue with tiny sparkles sewn into it. I've seen a picture of the dress we (the brides maids) were going to wear and they're very pretty. Uncle Steve should be up by now, he almost never slept in.

I got out of bed and opened the window and looked from the thin screen. People were walking around as taxis and other cars were honking at each other and slowly moved on by. Uncle Steve loved this place. I put on a pair of jeans and a tight shirt that hugged my waist, it rode up from time to time but I loved the purple and gray design.

I walked out into the kitchen.

"Morning, Kiddo," he said cheerfully.

"How was your second night here?" he asked.

"Good, traffic woke me up though," I said and opened the fridge.

"There's bread on the counter, make yourself some toast," he suggested as he sipped his coffee.

"Thanks," I said and shut the fridge and began to open the bag of bread.

"So what time are we leaving Uncle?" I asked.

"Laura said we should get there around three, so I'm thinking around two?" he said and raised an eyebrow.

"Sounds good," I sighed and leaned against the counter waiting for my toast to be done.


My Uncle flagged down a taxi and we both got in. He took out his outrageously huge cell phone/miniature computer.

"Damn it," hie muttered. Th cab driver looked back at us.

"Forget something sir?' he asked.

"Huh? Oh no, we're fine," he said.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Marcy's sick with the flu. I really need her now, this tour can't happen with out her," he said.

"Oh I see," I said and looked out the window.

We pulled up to what looked like a huge business building. It was extremely tall and had a golden sign above the doors that read "Delicate Bridal" Wedding dresses were in the windows and people in gowns and business suits and dresses were running around.

We went inside and I could see private rooms that could fit at least two hundred people or so. We walked to a certain room and knocked on the doors. A lady in a black business dress opened the door. She was wearing way to much perfume.

"You must be Ms. Olivander?" she asked me.

"Yeah, because it would be pretty strange if he was," I said mentioning to my Uncle.

She smiled and opened the door all the way for us. Other girls were already standing around with their dresses on. Laura was standing on what looked like a tiny stair case and starring at her own reflection as other women were putting pins into her dress.

"How's that?" one asked.

"It's still to loose on the chest area." she said while fixing her hair.

"Steve, Roxy!" Gerard said excitedly.

He looked bored, he was sitting in a chair, head resting on his arm.

"Hey Gerard why aren't you fitting into your dress?" My Uncle said and gave Gerard a hug.

"Because it would look so much better on you of coarse," Gerard laughed.

I smiled and gave Gerard a very awkward hug.

Thank God they came! I was bored out of my mind. I really didn't care for Laura's friends all that much, but I didn't let any of them know that. Laura looked stunning in her wedding dress. And she also looked pretty good when she was putting it on but I can['t say that, we're in public.

Roxy looked awkward in here as I gave her a hug.

"They've been waiting for you Angel," I said and put a hand on her shoulder. She tilted her head onto it.

"Oh Roxy, go with one of the ladies, they'll get you your dress and do your make up. You need to tell them if there's anything wrong with it, you've only got one other fitting besides this one. This is our I believe third?" She said turning to look at her friends.

They nodded and laughed.

"Oh, alright then, I hope I'll fit," she said and followed the lady that had answered the door. Steve took a seat next to me and we both watched as the girls began to complain about their dresses.

"I don't know why I haven't been losing wait!" One of her friends, I think Loretta complained.

"Honey, you look great," I chimed in to shut her up. If I didn't give each and everyone of them a compliment every ten minutes they would start to complain and ask for a whole other size altogether. Sarah over there had us reorder two. Don't get me wrong I have money but these dresses weren't on sale on Sears or something.

"So did she get to see her dad's grave?" I asked Steve.

"Oh yeah, she did. I bought her a whole new dress and everything. She went by herself. Stayed down there all day, didn't come back to the hotel until around nine," Steve laughed,

"Her dress and stalkings were all ripped and her hands were scraped up," he said.

"Knowing her she probably didn't walk through the gate," he laughed.

"Yeah," I smiled.

We talked on and on about nothing really. Just went on about tour dates, how Marcy was missing so much work. Laura was finally happy with her dress now. She came over and twirled around in it, her silver high heels making clacky noises. It had been about an hour now since Roxy and Steve had come, and I could hear Roxy laughing in the back of the room that had been closed off with curtains.

She drew them back and I gasped. She looked better than Laura did. She looked better than anyone was going to look at that wedding.

Her hair was put up into a messy bun that was held up with a sparkly butterfly and her dress that made all the other girls look just fine, made her look great. It hugged her curves that looked great for her and she had her makeup done flawlessly. The make up artist had put on more natural colors on her, making her brown eyes pop out at you.

" Turn for us Roxy girl!" Steve yelled to her. Steve had given her that nick name to her, no one else used it besides him.

Se spun around in it while rolling her eyes and smiling. I could see the other girls turn green with envy.

She walked over to us barefoot but looked graceful besides that.

"Wow," I was finally able to sigh.

"Watch out, she'll be wearing that wedding dress before you know it. What guy would be that stupid to let a girl like that go?" The bridal lady asked.

"Me," I whispered as I followed Roxy around with my eyes
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