Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Finally, A Break From Everyone

Th wedding was only in about a week so I could only send in the dress once if I needed it to be fitted again. The only thing I needed was for it to be longer. It had to be a little lower than my ankles when I stood up, but it came a little past them when I stood up. They also wanted it to be a little less tight on me. I think they ordered the dress for a twelve year old.

In two days George and Sophie would be here in New York. Sophie was brining Kirk and Jamia. I think Jamia wanted to see Frank again and I think Sophie's trying to hook me and Kirk up. Jamia was going to stay at Frank's apartment and Sophie, George and Kirk were staying with me and my uncle.

I gave the dress back to the lady and she packed it into a box and began to write something on the box. I walked over to my Uncle glad to be in my jeans again. All the other girls including Laura were changing now. I sat on the floor between Gerard and my Uncle.

"You should let that Kirk guy see you in that dress Roxy," my uncle chimed in.

I blushed violently. "If you say so," I said.

"So how long are you going to be here?" Gerard asked. I was still blushing.

"I'm living with Uncle right now," I smiled.

"Oh," he said.

"So hey, maybe you could come stay with Laura and me," he said.

"Well maybe..."I said going into thought.

I was actually trying to get myself to stop falling for him. It seems like every time I get some distance he pulls me right back.

"George and Sophie are going to be here on Monday," I thought quickly trying to give myself an excuse.

"Well then how about tonight?" he said and smiled. I looked over to my uncle hoping he would come up with a reason for me not to go.

"I don't see why not Roxy," he smiled at me. Oh shit.

"Alright, I guess I'm spending the night with you Gee," I said and smiled. This smile came on its own.

"We cleaned up the guest room," he said excitedly. He was planning to have me over.

"Oh cool, so where are all your drawings now?" I asked giving a hint that I hated that Laura hid them from everyone.

"In that closet," he laughed.

"Alright are we all ready?" Laura said coming out of the changing room in gray sweats.

"I am," I said and smiled. This would really get her mad. I could just tell that Gerard hadn't asked Laura if it was alright for me to stay over.

"Okay let's go," she said and smiled, her red lipstick cracking.

"Babe, Roxy's staying with me tonight," he said and put an arm around her waist. I walked on the other side of him, wishing he would do the same to me.

"Oh good, you'll have some company," she said and smiled down to me.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked.

"My friends are throwing me a party," she said and took out her purse.

"One that kids can't go to," she said venomously to me.

I felt my cheeks grow hot, and I was not blushing. If this bitch wanted to play dirty, hell I could play dirty right back. I opened my mouth to say something but Gerard put a hand on my back firmly.

"Don't," he whispered to me.

I didn't say anything. Instead I ground my teeth and looked at the floor. I would have said something nasty to her. I would have said something about how she looked the little girl compared to me in the dress. But Gerard didn't want me to, so I had to keep my mouth shut.

"Kay you two, have fun," he said.

"Gerard I would start packing if I were you," he said to Gerard.

"Alright mum!" he said and waved at my uncle as a taxi pulled up to him.

"Kay sweetie," Laura said to Gerard.

"I'll be back tomorrow." she said and gave him a kiss.

She opened one eye and looked down at me. She knew I hated it when she did that. I gave her a fierce look.

"Bye Roxy," she said and got into a taxi.

"Bye," I said and gave her a fake smile.

The taxi door closed and they drove off.

"I hope your friends push you out the window!" I muttered under my breath.

Gerard had already started to walk away to his car parked on the side. He went to the drivers side and unlocked it then climbed in and unlocked my seat. I climbed in and clicked my seat belt on.

"I hope you know what you're doing," I said to him.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"She knows I don't like her," I said.

''Yeah, but what do I care," he said and smirked at me. For a second a hint of the old Gerard smirked at me. I smiled.

We had to drive about an hour and a half back to Jersey and to his house. It was around six when we finally did get there. The whole car ride was spent listening to music and talking about funny things that had happened while I was visiting my dad's grave.

"Let's see what's changed," I said as Gerard unlocked the front door.

I walked inside and looked around.

"Not much," he sang from back of me as he walked in.

"So you're alright with me using your clothes to sleep in?" I asked.

"Yeah sure it's no problem," he said and went into the back room.

"Hey! Let's make it like old times!" he said excitedly and came out from the back room with one of his shirts and boxers in his hand. He tossed them at me.

"This just might eat me," I smiled and held up the shirt to me.

He laughed. "It's alright it doesn't bite any harder than I do," he said and went over to his movie collection.

I went into the bathroom and changed into them. I looked into the mirror. A familiar face starred at me. Not beautiful, not ugly, just familiar.

"Hey, I know you," I said into the mirror.

The girl smiled at me. I looked like this two years back when I had first met them and that was how I liked it.

I came out of the bathroom to see Gerard in a te-shirt and jeans. I blushed.

"Hey you said like old times!" said.

"These are my pajamas," he smiled at me and sat up. I went over and sat next to him. This wasn't awkward at all.

"You look good in my clothes," he said to me while starring at the t.v screen.

"Better than Laura?" I asked.

He nodded. I blushed and leaned my head against his shoulder breathing in his familiar smell. No Laura, no grudges, no fighting, no other people. It was just me and him, trying to blend in with the memories of old times.
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Hey I found a kick ass band!
Stellar Corpses!
look them up on myspace if you love 80's punk rock!
I do!
and comment please!!!!!!