Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me


We did what we always used to do. Popped pop corn. Threw it at each other instead of eating it. We had pillow fights and practically tore up the room. And when we were getting tired Gerard grabbed a huge blanket from his bed and spread it out for us to lay in. The movie was toward the end and I was leaning up against his side, his arm resting on the back of the couch.

"Gerard?" I asked. Do I dare bring, again? Do I dare ruin this moment. You better believe I dare.

"Huh?" he asked and looked over at me.

"Do you love Laura?" I asked.

"Yes." he replied.

"Do you love me?" I asked.

"Yes." he replied again.

"Are you in love with Laura?" I asked.

He scratched his jaw and continued to look at the t.v screen.

"Are you in love with me?" I asked.

He didn't say anything. Did I even speak to him? Did I just ask those questions in my mind?

"Gerard?" I asked.

He looked down at me and moved his arm so it was draped over me instead on on the couch. I looked into his eyes. The movie was over and I could see the static reflect off his eyes. With his other hand he brushed my bangs out of my face. He kissed me. When I thought he would pull away he instead began to kiss more passionately. His tongue began to explore my mouth and I grabbed ahold of his chest for fear that I would float away.


I did something I perhaps should not have done. I rolled over on my side looking at him. He starred at a picture of him and Laura and faced it down. He rolled over and looked at me and kissed me again. I was still breathless.

I don't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. He then starred up at the ceiling. His bare chest slowly falling and rising. I pulled the blankets over my own bare chest.

"Roxy?" he asked softly.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You know the question you asked me before we..." he said.

"Yes." I said.

"Do you have to be 'in love' with the person you're supposed to marry?" he asked. His hand on my thigh.

I remained silent. What do I say? Do I finally have him where I want him?
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A small tid bit of how things are heating up!
Mwahaha I'm evil!
I need hmmm at least 15 comments or no update!