Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Pick Up, Pick Out


After Roxy left I helped Laura into bed. She didn't notice the picture was down, she was way to tired. I watched her slowly drift off. I went into the guest room and found more of my recent art work in the closet. I grabbed a pen that was laying at the bottom of the box, went over to the now messed up bed and began to straight out write what I had been feeling down.

I had only one tear come down as I did write. And I don't resent it at all. I knew the notebook with such secretive thoughts would be safe here. Laura almost never came in here and I knew she wouldn't want to see any of my artwork so there was no way she could stumble upon this.

By dinner time I was over on the computer writing to Steve about the tour we had taken a short break from. Of coarse I had to ask how Roxy was doing. When Laura had the table set and I was eating salad thoughts from last night came up to me. No, this wasn't guilt. No not at all. I was a little glad, even happy that I did what I did.

"My mom wants to know what we need, as a wedding gift," Laura said looking up at me as she took a bite of her pasta.

"Well, what do we need?" I asked. My mind was the as far from the wedding as possible.



Again I woke up to traffic from outside. I slowly opened my eyes and sighed. We had to pick up everyone today, we were probably going to be going all over this place, shopping, hanging out and everything.

Part of me wants to go, get up and get going. The other just wants to stay in bed and mope about Gerard. One part of me wants to go hang around with Kirk, the other part hopes he'll suddenly turn gay or something.

Never the less I threw the blankets off of me and went over to my drawers and got dressed. I went into the bathroom and put on my makeup.

"Hurry up in there Kiddo! We have only one hour 'till we gotta split!" my uncle said.

"Alright, be there in a second!" I called from the bathroom as I attempted to brush my hair and teeth at the same time. It didn't work out to well so I decided to just leave my hair down with a silver clip in it to keep a part of my hair down that kept sticking up.

I turned on the t.v and watched random shows until we had to leave. We took a regular taxi to the airport. My uncle dialed Frank's number as we got in.

"Yeah, we're on our way. You're already there?" he asked into the phone

Frank must really like Jamia.

"Alright, we'll see you there," he said.

"Air port please," my uncle said.

"No luggage sir?" the driver asked.

"Nope, picking up some people," my uncle responded and clicked his seat belt.

By the time we got there the plane had just landed and people were being let in. My uncle and I ran in, well I ran, he did some kind of a jog. I saw Frank sitting casually on the seats with a few fans asking for autographs and pictures.

"Are we late?" I asked over kids asking for autographs.

"Nope!" he said as he signed a napkin.

I had to try to push my way through a few people while shouting "Excuse me, pardon me," and other as such.

I had to stand up on the chairs to look for them. When they finally came out I had to practically jump up and down to get their attention. Jamia laughed to herself when she realized that Frank was in that mob of people.

Everyone else laughed because I was jumping up and down and waving at them from a sea of people. George was the first to come over, practically bowling people over to get to me.

"Roxy!" he said and helped me down.

"Georgie!" I squealed because he had grabbed my tickle spot upon helping me down.

"Sorry," he said and let me hug Sophie.

Jamia made her way to Frank who gave her a hug.

"Alright guys, I need to leave, but thank you for listening to us," Frank said as he got up to leave. This time he didn't hold Jamia by the waste, I'm sure it was just to be safe and to not inspire rumors about him and Jamia.

"Hi Kirk," I said as he came over.

"What, no hug for me?" he said with a flirtatious look. Dear god, here we go.

"I guess you could have one," I said and smiled as I gave him a hug. I need to at least try, it's not like Gerard is going to suddenly pick me, right?

We went over to the luggage pick up. This time Frank did not get on the conveir belt, but stayed close to Jamia and was talking with her in a low sing-song voice that none of us could hear. This was a side of him I never saw before. It made me laugh.

"She won't stop bugging me about him," Sophie said coming over in a low voice so they wouldn't hear.

"Oh honey, If he was hitting on me like that I wouldn't shut up about him either," George said as he sat on the convier belt and began moving away from us.

"I think he likes her a lot to," I said looking over at them.

"Do I hear wedding bells?" she asked.

"If you do then I suggest you get your hearing checked," I smiled at her.

"Ha ha, you're hilarious," she said.

"Thank you," I said.

She picked up a bag and checked the name tag and practically threw it at George.

"And I know someone else who likes a certain someone," she said with her normal permanent teasing smile.

"Who?" I asked.

"Take a wild guess," she said and looked over at Kirk who was standing over by George looking for the rest of their bags.

"Oh," was all I said.

"Oh?" she asked.

"You were loving that fact when you first met him," she said

"I'll tell you later," I sighed.

There was no way I could tell her, someone might over hear. That would be the worst thing ever. It might get to my uncle. Even if Gerard doesn't chose me, I'd still like to be friends and have him in my life.

When we finally got all our bags we said bye to Jamia and Frank and piled into a limo my uncle had called for us.

"Is this how you guys get around all the time?" Kirk asked.

"Nah, we usually hitch hike," I said.

"Because that's really smart," George said.

"If you saw a hot guy driving you would put out your thumb," Sophie said.

"Point taken," George laughed.
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