Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Found Out

It felt as if a part of the weight had been lifted. It was only a small fraction of it that was lifted, but it still brought relief. Kirk came in and I was glad I had told George and Sophie before he came in. He sat behind me and only put a hand on my back. I wanted to stop crying.


Frank had invited us over for dinner so we could get to know Jamia and she could get to know us. Jamia wasn't to good with names and would try to dodge that fact by just not saying them. Now I was sitting in the dinning room with Frank, him sipping wine and me sipping diet soda. Jamia and Laura were going through Jamia's suitcase and comparing clothing styles.

Jamia came back over to us, Frank looked over at her and she put the phone on the table. Frank wrapped an arm around her waist.

"I think I just heard something I wasn't supposed to," she said and looked over to me. She was blushing red as Frank took the phone, leaned back and put it on the receiver.

"What was it?" Frank asked.

"Some thing about someone sleeping with someone, " she said.

"Your sister?" Frank asked.

"No, she doesn't have a boyfriend and she was with me the entire two weeks. And George doesn't have that high of a voice, neither does Kirk," she said.

Panic shot through me like a bullet. Oh shit, this is not good.

"Well, I think we should get going now," I said and stood up.

Jamia looked over at me with a confused look.

"So, you think Roxy slept with someone?" Frank asked.

"Yes, but, I uh, I don't think I should say who I think she slept with," she said.

"You can tell us, we can keep secrets, except for when he," Frank pointed to me.

"Ran around telling everyone I had to wear Ray's underwear because I couldn't find a pair of mine," He said and gave me a dirty look. I smiled slightly and lifted my shoulders with an innocent expression.

"Heh, well that's nice," Jamia said still blushing.

"So who was it?" Frank asked.

"A guy named, Gerard?" she said. Frank immediately looked over at me. His eyes wide with shock and his mouth fell open.

"You guys know him?" Jamia asked.

"Just a little," I said and put my head down.

"Are you good friends with him, uh, Gerald?" she said.

"I'm so sorry, I keep getting your name wrong, but I know it has a G in it. Gosh, I'm so sorry, it's uh, Gerald, no, oh wait it's-oh! Oh, oh uh, I think I'm gonna go see what Laura's doing," she said and tore herself from Frank's arms in embarrassment.

Frank was still starring at me.

"Wait, what!?! You and Roxy!?!" He said and leaned looked down at the floor. He sighed then leaned back in his chair.

"What the hell is wrong with you man!?!" he asked suddenly yelling.

"Ssh!" I said and jumped up and listened hoping Laura didn't hear.

"Oh I'm gonna be SO damn loud about this. The whole fucking world is gonna hear me!" he said.

"No Frank!" I said and practically tackled him, pinning him to the kitchen floor. I covered his mouth with my hand. Thank god Frank was so tiny and I was much bigger than him.

"Ssh!" I said again. He licked my hand.

"Ugh, gross!" I said and moved my hand from his mouth and wiped it on his shirt.

"You've got ten seconds to explain!" He hissed. I sat up, still on top of him though in case I needed to cover his mouth again.

"Well, uh, I can't really fit two years of mixed feelings into ten seconds." I said and smiled innocently.

"Two years!?!" he yelled.

"Ssh!" I said and covered his mouth again.

"Will you cut that out!?!" he whispered. and managed to shake my hand off his mouth.

"You and Roxy have been sleeping with each other for two years!?!" he asked.

"No no!" I sighed.

"It was, well it didn't start out like this. We were just friends at first but then, it started to grow. I thought I was just getting natural protective was all. I thought I was filling in as that father role," I said.

"So wait, does incest turn you on?" Frank asked and gave me a creeped out look.

"No! Nothing like that!" I said.

"Well it began to build. And I wasn't the only one to notice. And I guess she began to fall for me and from there it grew into this huge mess," I said.

"So this is the first time, you and her, uh.." he didn't finish his sentence.

"Yeah," I said.

"Oh, hmm, well, now that that's cleared up, will you get off of me!?!" he said.

"Oh yeah, sorry," I said but didn't get up, I was losing myself in my own thoughts.

"And does Laura know?" he asked.

"Yes of coarse my fiance knows," I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes at him.

"Well you're not exactly the best husband material right now," he said sitting up.

"I know," I whispered.

"You know you need to do something. You can't just keep this up with Roxy and Laura," he said.

"You don't think I know that!?!" I snapped at him.

"It's not that easy!" I said and hit the floor with my hand.

"I love Roxy too, and it's no wonder she's always seems to be down. Gerard, you're my best friend but I can't let you keep doing this," he said.

Laura and Jamia walked out, holding a few shirts and pants in their arms, we looked over at them and I let go of Frank's collar that I was fiercely holding onto.. Jamia gave us a weird look and Laura smiled.

"You get used to it," she shrugged and they walked into the bathroom
♠ ♠ ♠

I don't care if he has to drive that crappy old van.