Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me



I woke up practically shoved up against the wall. Some how we had fit all of us into this now what seems like a tiny bed. My neck hurt and my hand was asleep because I had slept on it the entire night. I tried to stretch my legs but someone was laying at the foot of the bed, George. I smiled and nudged him with my toe.

"Mmm, to early," he wined and smacked my leg.

Kirk was laying next to me, his back to mine. I wonder if Sophie or George had told him what had happened seeing that I was one of the first people to fall asleep. I could feel his torso moving as he breathed deeply. Well, at least he wasn't snoring.

I slowly sat up, making Kirk inch closer to Sophie, who had both of her arms dangling off the side of the bed. I laughed to myself. It was only around nine but I don't think I can get back to sleep even if I wanted to. I put a hand to the side of my neck and sure enough I felt a stiff bump. It was probably going to be bugging me all day.

I had three options now. I could, A, try to carefully maneuver my way out of this mess of piled sleeping humans. Or B, stay where I am and quietly wait for them to wake up, and C, wake them all up.

I was somewhere between B and C, I had to pee really bad. I decided to try and move around them.

Five minutes later and half way out of the bed I gave up and collapsed on Kirk's waist and Sophie's legs, which in turn, woke them up.

"Move, I need to pee," I said and tried to get off of them.

"Glad to know," Sophie mumbled as she pulled her legs up to her so I could get off the bed.

When I came back out of the bathroom my uncle was standing in front of the door, an envelope in his hands. He stretched his hand for my and I took the letter. It had my name full name written in pretty cursive on the front. It was my mother's hand writing.

"Came this morning," he said and smiled.

"Make sure you tell her her little brother is doing good," he said and ruffled my already messed up hair.

"Kay," I said and tried to smooth down my hair.

I carefully opened the letter trying not to tear it to bad as I went back into my room. Everyone else was still on my bed asleep, but George had taken my spot and was sleeping soundly.

"Dear Roxanne,' it began,

"I'm doing alright here. My sentence is almost up, only a few more months, six to be exact. I plan to do exactly what you did and see your fathers grave.
We have pen pals here. Our pen pals are from the men's prison. I was writing my pen pal and had told him of that Jack guy you were dating. Turns out Jack goes to his prison, and has the same lunch period as him.
Jack is to be released from the hospital in a few days.
Well Roxanne, I have to leave now, hopefully I will see you soon. I hope we may reconnect.


I smiled. Not just at the fact that my mom had taken the time to write to me but that now even in prison Jack is getting shit for doing what he did to me.

I looked over as I heard someone beginning to get out of bed. It was Sophie who just as bad bed hair as I did. I laughed as she rubbed her eyes and looked down at me.

"What's that?" she asked.

"Letter from my mom," I said putting the piece of binder paper it was written on back in its envelope. I looked back up at her and smiled.


I woke up feeling sick. Not health wise sick. But mentally sick. I had sworn Frank and Jamia to secrecy on the condition that I had to make up my mind by Saturday. The wedding was only around three more days. We had everything planned. Laura's parents were coming up and I had flown a few other friends in. Today we were going out to lunch with Laura's family and then some friends were throwing me a bachelor's party. Again on another condition that were to be no strippers.

And that was fine with me. I never liked strippers or hookers or any of those kinds of girls. I looked up at the ceiling listening to Laura breath into the crook of my neck. Was this what love felt like? If so, I don't know why people are obsessing over it so much. If this is how love feels then why is almost every teenage girl depressed over this? This is nothing well special really.

I sighed and looked over to the door. I imagined Roxy standing there and smiling at me. Her smile always did make me smile. It's not that she had a funny smile or she looked weird when she smiled it's just one of those smiles that can make you smile back.

I decided I probably wouldn't be able to get back to sleep so I got up, making Laura roll over on her side. Her wavy blond hair falling on her face.


We were sitting in a both Laura's parents looking over at her ring. We had added two new diamonds to the ring seeing it would look even better. I was sitting next to Laura's cousin who looked a little younger than Roxy. She had quite a hair color. It looked brown inside but outside in the sun it looked blond and in the light by the window inside it looked like brown and red mixed.

She was tense when I had given her a hug when Laura introduced us. I couldn't help but to wonder if she was a fan. I looked over at her ipod that she had in her hand. She was blasting a band that I hadn't heard of.

"Who are they?" I asked smiling at her. She seemed to jump at the sound of my voice. I didn't mean to startle her.

"Oh, just as small band I found online," she said and showed me the ipod.

"Crash Course Mercury," I said

"They're pretty good," she smiled and looked back down at her ipod.

"Who else do you have on there?" I asked seeing that she really liked music. Maybe this would get her to feel more comfortable.

"H.I.M, Tokio Hotel, other small bands, Taking Back Sunday, My Chem-" but she cut herself off. I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"My Chemical Romance?" I asked and winked at her. She blushed a violent red. Just how Roxy does when I look at her a certain way.

"Yeah," she said looking down.

"You're a fan aren't you?" I asked getting closer to her.

"Sort of," she said.

"So you know who I am?" I asked.

"I haven't stopped shaking since I found out," she said and lifted up her hands. She was right they were shaking. This poor girl must have been a big fan then.

"I'm not gonna bite. Well not now at least," I said and smiled. She smiled back.

After that we talked for quite a while. It was nice to have her there to distract me from Laura's parents and other obvious thoughts. She had been to one of our concerts and had apparently caught a pick Mikey threw into the crowd. I promised her a bunch more if she wanted. Her eyes really lit up.

I was thankful for having her there and I could tell she was just as happy. If not then even more.

When we got up to leave I smiled really big just for her which made her laugh and blush. She blushed easily, just like Roxy. I think I liked talking to her because she reminded me of Roxy. I gave her a hug and she wasn't tense any more.
♠ ♠ ♠
nighty night!