Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

A Hidden Side


Sophie had tried on her dress earlier and put on her whole outfit, stiletto high heels and all. Well being the total goof balls that we are, we start joking around and somehow Sophie managed to rip her pretty yellow dress. Her dress came up to her knees and was a brilliant yellow with a low cut back. She looked around twenty four or so in it. She had never looked better. We spent hours trying to sew the damn thing up.

George and Kirk even tried their best. We had to go through George's clothes and found a yellow shirt he had and ripped a thread from it and tried to sew that huge hole back. No such luck. It was still obvious that there was a hole there. So my Uncle opted he just take it in.

While my uncle was gone the phone rang. George picked it up.

"Hola," he said.

"Hey Frank what's up?" he said.

I turned my attention back to Kirk and Sophie who were arguing if the dress would be able to fix or not.

"Dad's gonna be pissed," Kirk teased.

"Not if he doesn't find out," Sophie said with a stern look.

"So who's gonna pay for that bill for the dress then?" Kirk said with a raised eyebrow.

"I have some money stashed away," she said.

"Where?" he asked sarcastically.

"Away from you!" she said and poked him hard in the stomach.

"Roxy!" George called.

"Oui?" I asked trying my best to sound french for no apparent reason.

"Frank wants to talk to you," George sang and walked over and handed me the phone. I took it from his hand and held it up to me.

"Hey," I said.

"Roxy," he said sternly. My stomach sunk. What did I do? Don't tell me Gerard told him. Oh no. What if he was going to tell Uncle Steve?

"Yeah?" I said carefully.

"Go into another room. Away from everyone else please," Frank said. I knew this voice. It was the voice he used when he was serious. He was polite but you could tell he meant business. Everyone knew not to bother Frank when he used this voice. And I just hoped I wasn't going to find out why. I had never gotten Frank this upset before.

I got up form the couch and went into my room. Shutting the door behind me. My legs were shaking. I really hope he doesn't know.

"Yeah?" I asked again.

He sighed into the phone, his breath making it sound like a hurricane was in his house. "Gerard told me everything," he said bluntly.

My stomach sank. It sank along with a huge weight in it. Then it began to do flips. I thought I was going to be sick. I was silent for a while. Breathing lightly. Maybe if I was real quiet he would think the phone went dead.

"You knew this would blow up in your face," the little voice inside me said.

"Haven't heard from you in a while," I said in my mind to her.

"Didn't need to be here. You were guilty enough," she said.

"And of all times you chose now to rub in that I'm in big trouble?" I asked her.

"You knew. Why did you even bother?" she asked.

"If you leave now I'll give you a cookie. Just back the fuck off," I said to her.

"Roxy?" Frank's voice said calling me back to reality.

"So, everything?" I asked.

"Everything," he repeated still in his sternest voice.

"What are you my dad?" I retorted to him. This was my only defense. I had to pull out the "your not my dad" card.

"Roxy, don't try to play that," he said in a warning tone. His voice so low I thought he might growl when he said it.

"Well you aren't my dad. And I'm eighteen. I'm an adult, I can do what ever I want," I said. he sighed. I could tell I was playing his patience and he was trying his best to keep calm.

"You knew you shouldn't have done that. And Gerard knew he shouldn't have done that either," he said.

"But we did. It's to late," I said.

"I KNOW that Roxy!" he said his voice getting louder. Alright, now I know why everyone backs off when Frank uses that voice. I feel bad for HIS daughter if she gets in big trouble if he ever has one. I was silent. Waiting for him to speak again.

"I suggest you talk to him. And if this happens again I will tell your Uncle. And don't think for a second I won't Roxanne. You fucking know I will," he said. I was shaking. This was fucking scary. Not even my own dad could make me feel so guilty by using my full name. But the way Frank said it. Well it wasn't the most pleasant thing in the world.

"I've tried," I squeaked out.

"Talk to him. Not sleep with him," he said harshly. That really stung. Especially coming from him. Frank really was like my big brother. Almost all of them were. So anything like this was guaranteed to hurt.

"Well excuse me for falling for the only person who seemed to care!" I said back.

"Roxy he's at least nine years older than you!" he said.

"What happened to age doesn't matter!?" I asked.

"Damn it Roxanne. Don't you try my fucking patience!" he yelled into the phone. Oh great, here come the tears.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oui=yes in french.

I'm learning French thanks to Jayson! Merci bercoupe Jayson! Thank you very much Jayson!

Goodness....I never knew Frank had that side of him 0.o