Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Maybe This Is The Opening Door

Laura ran out after him and the rest of the bridesmaids stood there, mouths hanging open. I stood there in front of the alter, not sure if I should smile, laugh, cry, or just run out of there myself.

I'm sure everyone else was wondering the same thing. The tension was thick as everyone just stood back to stare at the preacher and I as if asking what they should do. My mouth was slightly hanging open as I looked over at Sophie and George and Kirk who stared right back.

I opened my mouth to say something but I was interrupted. My Uncle stood up, maybe he would cover for Gerard and make up some kind of excuse. But what excuse could he make for this?

Ladies and gentlemen, we were actually practicing to make a Helena two. It involves Gerard running out on his own wedding. No, I don't think that excuse is going to fly with this situation. My Uncle took a huge breath then looked around.

"Well," he began

"I don't think I can quite top that," he said.

"However, I'm going to try," he said then turned around to face Marcy. She looked at him with a confused look.

"Marcy Garcia," he said and got down on one knee. Marcy gasped and her eyes got wide.

"Will you marry me?" he asked. My mouth dropped open. So that was why she's always at the apartment before I'm even up, always there even after I go to bed. Why she had never quite left the tour bus my uncle lived in when we were on tour. They had been having a secret affair. So Gerard and I weren't the only ones. Is it me, or does drama and secrecy run in the family?

"Yes," she said as I saw tears slowly run down her face. She got up and her and my uncle kissed. Again everyone's mouths dropped, okay well Ray's Bob's Frank's Mikey's Alicia's George's Sophie's and mine did.

"Wait, you and Marcy?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah. After five years-" but my uncle was cut off.

"Five years!?!" Our whole group almost said in unison.

"Can we get to questions later?" He asked.

"So, uh, I don't think we should let all of this go to waste," he said and took Marcy by the hand leading her through the pew filled with people.

"Right now?" she asked shocked. All the brides maids and I got back into line and I handed Marcy my bouquet to use as her own and gave her my heels, we seemed to be the same shoe size. Marcy put the heels on, they were a little big for her but I don't think she really minded.

"Well, this sure is going to be an interesting night. However, God does work in mysterious ways. A door will never close unless another one opens," he said and smiled.

I believe I have a new Aunt. I wanted to go find Gerard, but I wanted to stay and watch my Uncle and soon to be Aunt get married. I bit my lip in anticipation. I looked over at George and Sophie hoping they would have a say in what I should do. Yet all I saw was them smiling up at my Uncle and Marcy.

I looked over at Frank. He mentioned for me to go over to him. I quickly ran over to him and bent down so he could whisper what ever he had to say to me.

"Go find him," he whispered.

"He needs you more than ever now. I'll cover for you," he whispered to me.

I pulled my head back to look at him. He was dead serious. I looked over at my uncle with a pained expression on my face, I would forever feel guilty if I missed this.

"Go," he whispered again.

I ran out of there, and let me tell you it was much easier without those damned heels. When I came to the outside of the main church I came to the hall that lead to the changing rooms and to the door that lead out to the gardens. Shit which way did he go?

"Gerard?" I asked. But no answer.

"Crap," I said to myself and ran to the direction of the changing rooms.

I slammed into the men's changing room and opened the door without knocking. Laura was sitting on the couch crying, her head in her hands. I tried to get away from that scene but she picked up her head and looked at me. Her mascara was running down her face. I felt really bad for her.

"Laura.." I said.

"You!" she said her voice shaking. I could see now that her hair was fully down her strawberry blond hair over her face.

"You're the reason...he did this!" she said and practically jumped off the couch.

"No..I-" but she cut me off.

"He told me everything you little slut!" she said and hurled a glass vase filled with fake daisies at me. I screamed and covered my head and ducked. Thank god she was too upset to be able to aim right

"Get out!" she she screamed out me. If it was any other situation I probably would take the heaviest books from one of these bookshelf. But in this situation I quickly got to my feet and ran out of that room, obviously he was not in that room.

"And stay away!" she screamed after me. You don't have to tell me twice.
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Sorry it's so short!

By the way, you may now know it, but all of you leaving comments I'm reading as many of your stories as I actually can.

I will definitely try to comment as soon as I can!