Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

I Keep Bleeding For You

I ran out into the garden hoping he would be standing there, perhaps waiting for me? No, I shouldn't be so naive. Gerard will just leave awkward situations to get away. Knowing him he might be back home already. Gerard can drive fast when he gets mad. That's probably why he couldn't swerve the car in time.

And me being me, my imagination began to spin out of control. I need to find him, NOW! I came to where I had lost Laura's present.

"Gerard!" I yelled. I cupped my hands around my mouth

"Gerard!" I called out again. I slowly let my hands fall to my side as I held my breath and listened. There was nothing, only the chirping of birds. I immediately turned turned around and ran out of the church altogether, and onto the busy streets that the little oasis of faith was placed.

I raced down the steps barefoot, not caring that I had just stepped in gum. I had no idea where to go. The busy street buzzed in energy. What if he tried to run right past them!?! What if he got hit!?! I shook my head as I ran down the sidewalk trying to outrun those awful thoughts.

My lungs were starting to complain as they tried to make me bring in more air. But I don't care if I suffocated, as long as I know that Gerard is still breathing. Something stung the bottom of my left foot. I ignored it for as long as I could as I called out Gerard's name, hoping that he would yell my own name back.

But finally I had to stop my foot was really hurting now. I looked down. Oh no, now is not the time. I looked back and yup, just as I thought. My left foot had left bloody foot prints. I had stepped into pieces of glass, probably from some car accident. Shit! How was I supposed to find Gerard now!?!

I was already practically panting and now my foot was split open.

Screw it!

I ran and ran and ran calling out his name. My bobby pins had all fallen out and my makeup was running from my tears from the wind. Finally, hurt, gasping for air I walked back to the church, limping as fast as I could.

When I got back I leaned on the steps. Laura's car was gone and so were half of the other cars. But I still heard people laughing and dancing with the music. Laura's family and her must have left. I pulled my leg up and tried to pick the glass out of it. I gasped as each little piece came out and the blood oozed out.

Damn it. I think it would need stitches. And I hated needles, more than Gerard perhaps. I sat down holding my foot close and clenching my teeth hoping the stinging sensation would
soon leave.

"Roxy?" I heard I looked behind me to see Sophie who was beginning to sweat probably from dancing.

"What the hell happened to your foot?" she asked.

"I don't know," I said.

"It's bleeding like crazy!" she said and knelled next to me.

"You need to go to the hospital," she said and looked over her shoulder.

"Ray!" she yelled.

"No, not until Gerard comes back," I said pulling on her arm.

"Ray I need your help!" she called to Ray again who was now walking towards the doors from the garden.

"Roxy, we called his phone over a dozen times, he's not picking up," she said. I heard Ray's footsteps as he came over.

"Can you help her up, I'll go get her uncle," Sophie said.

"Holy shit!" he said and stooped down and helped me up. I stood on one foot and watched Roxy run as best she could into the garden where the reception was held.

"Where's Gerard?" I asked him.

"I don't know, we can't reach him," he said.

"Gerard, please don't do anything rash," I whispered to myself.

"He can take care of himself, he just needs some time," Ray assured me.

"Can't we just wait a little? What if he comes back and I'm not here," I begged.

"Then I'm sure he'll call us," he said.

"Roxy?" My uncle said walking over quickly. I tried my best to smile innocently.

"Good God! Can't you go just a few months with out going into an emergency room?" he asks.

"How did you do this?" he asked.

"I..well I...I ran out to stop Gerard and stepped in some glass," I said and shrugged my shoulders.

George and Kirk ran over and leaned over me to see my foot that was dripping into a now small puddle of blood. I heard George gag.

"George could you get a cab?" My Uncle asked. Now Marcy came over.

"Oh Hun," she said and gave the same face that everyone was making.

But I don't care how bad my foot felt or looked. I didn't even care about how I was starting to feel faint because of the blood I was losing. I tried to stay with a clear view of the streets praying that Gerard would turn a corner and walk back to us. I wanted to know if he was okay.

I tried to get higher and by pressing my weight against Ray but I almost slipped. Ray immediately wrapped an arm around my waist to keep me from falling.

"Got one Steve," George and Kirk said.

"But it's just a regular car one not a van," Kirk said sounding apologetic.

"That'll do," he said.

"Do you think you can hobble to the car?" Uncle Steve asked me.

"I'll do my best," I said and began to try to hop down the first step.

"I can carry her," George offered.

George was actually very strong, he's carried Sophie and I at the same time before. It wasn't the most comfortable thing to do but he did it.

"Alright then, Marcy and I in the back with Roxy, and Sophie in the front. Here boys, take this and get yourself another cab, tell them to head up to the nearest hospital, there's only one near here but I don't remember the name," he said and handed George and Kirk fifty dollars.

"We'll meet you there Steve," I heard Frank say from behind me. I looked behind my shoulder and he winked at me, Jamia under his arm.

"No stay, enjoy my wedding while I take my accident prone niece to the hospital," My uncle said. He wasn't to happy for this. But I couldn't blame him, who wouldn't want to be at their own wedding.

"I'm sorry Uncle," I say as George lifts me off the ground bridal style. I thought Marcy was the bride. But hey, about an hour ago I thought Laura was the bride and I was thankfully that had changed.

"That's alright," he sighed as we came to the car. Marcy got in first, then My uncle and then George slowly lifted me in and put my seat belt on for me.

"Thanks Gie," I said and kiss his hair. Gah! Mouthful of hairspray, yuck!

"Any time," he said and smoothes his hair. Sophie got into the front

"Hospital," she said. The cab driver looks back at me and I smile innocently.

"Wild party?" he asked.

"More like random," Marcy said.

"Try not to bleed on the floor please," The cab driver says going as fast as he can.

"That's going to be hard," My uncle said and held up my foot and pressed a handkerchief to it trying to stop the blood.

It had been bleeding this entire time and I was really beginning to feel faint. I leaned against the window and shut my eyes.

"Gerard, stay safe," I whispered to faintly for even myself to hear as I slowly drift off, letting myself faint.
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I just love those fanfics where the main band character imediatly falls in love with the girl

"Hi I'm....shelly!"

"Hi shelly, wanna have random sex then be madly in love even though we've only known each other for less than seventytwo hours!?!?"

I don't know about you but I would be creeped out.