Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

Detention and Apology

I quickly wrote down one of the answers to a question up on the board. Christmas was in less than a week. Sophie and George had already left to go see there families. I only took this class during break because it saves me from flunking them. I had gotten Sophie a scarf from Zumies that she had been looking at, George, a few CDs I knew he didn’t have. I had also had bought the presents for the guys and had sent them in the mail. I hope they get them in time for Christmas. I had been saving up for everyones presents, and to sum it all up, I’m broke. I even had to use some of the money my uncle sent me for luxuries such as food. But hey, I can starve for a few days.

“Roxanne,” called the teacher. I looked up at her after realizing she was calling me.

“What is the answer for number five on the board?” she asked. I look down at my paper. Shit, I only got to number three before I started daydreaming again. We had been studying about Pearl Harbor so I just said what seemed like an educational guess.

“Uh, Japan?” I said looking back up at her.

“The war took place in year Japan?” The teacher asked sarcastically.

“What ever works,” I said shrugging it off. Hey I didn’t say how educated the guess was.

“Right, see me after class,” she said as she called on some other girl two seats in front of me.

I rolled my eyes and put my head down on the desk. Christmas spent in school, this is a new ultimate low. At least last year the guys came down here to see me, well that and they had some fan related thing to do, but hey it’s better than nothing.


I had brought my laptop to detention so I wouldn’t be as bored. The teachers really didn’t care if you brought your ipod or anything, just as long as you showed up. I went to check my eamil to see if Mikey had replied yet. But instead of his name Gerard’s fake name Jared came up. I had just emailed him two classes ago, how could he have answered it this fast? I double clicked the name and his email popped up.

“Hey Rox,

As an early Christmas present the guys and I got you a ticket to come down here and spend Christmas with us! Pack your shit now ‘cause your flight leaves on Sunday and you should get this by Friday, hopefully. Just bring your ass and stuff to the airport and show the airline people your I.D and say who you are and they should get your ticket for you. Oh, you won’t be staying at some shity ass hotel, you’re gonna spend time at our places, switching off so we can all see you. Christmas is at my moms so everyone is coming except for Bob, he’s visiting family in Chicago but he’ll be back two days after and you’ll spend time with him then. Can’t wait to see you Rox!

xoxoxoxo -Gee”

“Fuck yeah!” I yelled and stood up almost knocking over my desk and laptop. The teacher and everyone else who was in detention looked at me.

“Uh, and that kids is what you shouldn’t do in class,” I said looking over at the teacher. She sighed and began filling out a forum. Great, more detention and if I’m lucky a Saturday school, I can’t miss any more work especially now since I’m going to see the guys.

The teacher was really in the holiday spirit. Two more detentions, a Saturday school and she added more hours to the detention I was already in. She’s really in the giving spirit, I hope she gets hit by a bus. I got home around five. I turned up our stereo which had the Black Parade CD in and put on “House Of Wolves” and started dancing as I broke our one of my suitcases and began packing my clothes. On the way here I had called the Starbucks where I worked and had told them I would be out for about three weeks at the most. In order for me to go I had to work tonights night shift, and tomorrows morning and afternoon shift too.

But I don’t care. I get to see the guys. I get to finally meet Mrs. Way and Mr.Way who I had heard so much about. Most of all I get to see Gerard. But he had a girlfriend, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be all over her and ignore me right? I mean Gerard’s not that kind of guy, we would still be friends we would sill watch scary movies together and have pillow fights of course.

After packing I turned off the radio and put on the jacket Ray had bought me for my birthday and went to work. It was going to be a long night, I’ll be counting the seconds until I set foot in New Jersey. I decided to walk in the cold darkening evening. I loved Santa Cruise, it was always cloudy and rainy, except for the most part of summer and sometime spring, but it seemed so cozy. It began to sprinkle as I came close to Starbucks. That was my favorite part. I loved the warmth and smell of my work especially in this weather.

As I put on y apron and began to mop the floors where some guy who had split milk the same guy walked in. Was he my stalker or something. The guy who I was working with who was actually kind of nice went to ask him what he wanted.

“Actually I just want to talk to her,” he said as he nodded towards me. Why the hell would he want to talk to me? And what made him think I would let him talk to me. I looked over at my co-worker. He nodded to me. I knew that if things got ugly he would step in and throw the guy out.

I cautiously went over to him and he leaned against the counter.

“Hey listen,uh Roxy,” he said. Bye now he had known my name.

“I just want to say I’m sorry for how I talked to you before,” he said as he looked at me in the eyes. I didn’t say anything.

“I think you’re really beautiful and would like it if you called me or gave me your number or something,” What the hell was this guy thinking? Just because he learned to say I’m sorry he thought I was going to suddenly leap into his arms? Uh wrong!

I opened my mouth to tell him just what I felt.

“I know you think I’m an airhead jock or something like that, but I hope you would consider changing your mind about me. I really would like to date a wonderful person like you or just even get to know you,” he said as he kept his eyes glues to mine.

“Your friends beat mine and me up. You don’t try to stop it. And I’ve seen you make fun of my friend George just because he’s different. You actually think I’m going to just say yes? No, you have to prove to me that you’re worth my time.” I said as I gave him a glare.

“I’ve told my friends to stop, and I only made fun of him because I thought I would be made fun of if I didn’t. Roxy I’m sorry for everything. I really am. Just give me a chance," he said as he gave me a piece of paper with his number on it. With out giving me a second glance he headed for the door. My co-worker, Robby came over and handed me the mop.

“ I think you should give him a chance, it took a lot of guts to come over to say that to a girl who dumped coffee on him,” he said as he began to take a girls order. I slipped the number into my jean pocket, I’d throw it our after work, right now more customers are coming in.