Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me

I Love You, You Know

I fell asleep some time in very early morning. That annoying beeping kept me up, and so did my busy thoughts. I tried to push them aside my best, I really did, but to no avail. When I woke up my head was pounding like crazy. I sat up, one hand on my head. I wonder what time Uncle will come.

I looked around to only see nurses running around with needles, (I cringed) clipboards, or wheeling people around. I saw one nurse slowly push an elderly woman through the hall. She looked straight ahead, not bothering to look at anyone. She seemed really old, had her husband passed away already?

She would trade places with me in a heartbeat I bet. To know that the one you love is safe and warm, compared to knowing the one you love is gone, forever. That her loved one will never be there to hold her or wipe away her tears.

I pulled my legs up to my chest. I'm being so selfish. Look at all the people I've hurt with this whole situation. I've hurt Laura, Sophie probably has a killer hang over, Jack, myself, and Gerard. I sighed and looked up at the door at the sounds of shoes walking quickly.

I smiled when I saw him walk in, two cups of coffee in his hands.

"Gerard," I said warmly.

"Hey," he said and walked in.

I honestly didn't know what to expect, certainly not what he was about to do.

He set down the two coffee's on the chair, maybe to watch me try to get them. I leaned over trying to get my cup when he moved my hand aside. I smiled.

"Hey!" I said softly, almost a whisper. I looked up at him as he entwined his fingers with mine. I laughed softly, wondering what the hell he was doing if he didn't want any relationship.

But before I could say anything else his lips were on mine. His hand dropped mine but then slid up my body to hold my face and with the other my back. I closed my eyes and kissed him right back.

When he pulled away I took a huge breath. My head wasn't hurting anymore. Gerard Way the miracle drug? He smiled and took my hand again.

"C'mon, let's get out of here," he whispered and helped me out of bed.

I followed him out into the my hand still in his. As we passed the rooms I saw a body covered by a sheet. Wasn't that the old woman I saw not even ten minutes ago? I felt my stomach sink. But she's with her husband now if she was alone. And I'm sure if she was as much in love as I am, she's happy.

I smiled and squeezed Gerard's hand tighter.

"I love you," I say and look up at him.

"I love you too," he says back and smiled down at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah they cited my story and I'll get the next sequel to this up later than planned.

Bot not to fear this is not the end of Roxy! Or Gerard or My Chem...or is it?

THE END by the way.