Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me


I hadn't slept at all that night. All I could think about was seeing the guys. I wonder who's house I'm going to stay at first. As I took about half my outfit off and put it in a bin for the security I could only imagine how much the guys would have laughed. I took off all four of my necklaces, my studded belt, my two pairs of earrings, my studded wrist bands, and my shoes.

After I had gotten through the security with my bag I went to grab something to eat. Cinnabon was tempting me. I went over and managed to find enough money in my wallet to get a regular cinnamon bun. As I ate the warm gooey bun and listened to my ipod I wondered who was going to pick me up at the airport. I hoped all of them would be there, but Bob wasn't going to be in town.

The only thing I was worried about was when I spent time with Gerard. Would his girlfriend be there twenty-four seven? I hoped not. I don't know why I was stressing over it so much, no I take that back, I do know why. But why do I feel this way?

"Flight 23 for New Jersey is now boarding." a voice said over the intercom. I threw the napkin and cardboard box the bun had come in and made my way to the line where people were waiting to get on the plane. I hope the flight wouldn't be to long, maybe three hours at the most hopefully. I handed the lady my ticket when I approached her.

"Enjoy your flight." she said as she ripped one part off then gave the other part to me. I smiled and went into that hallway thing that leads you to the plane itself. I found my seat, but my bag in the compartment above me and put on my seat belt. It seemed to take forever until everyone was in. I closed my eyes, I was tired and maybe when I opened my eyes again, I would be in New Jersey, where the guys would be waiting for me.

-----------------------------------------------------TIME ELAPSE----------------------------------------------------


I sipped the hot coffee and switched off my wait on each foot.

"I bet she didn't pack for snow." I told Mikey. He smiled and made a weird grunt noise in his throat. I laughed and almost spat out my coffee.

"What was that?" I laughed at him.

"I think Alicia gave me her cold." he said as he rubbed his throat. I smiled and took a big gulp of coffee. It burned my tongue and throat. I looked over at Bob, Ray and Frank who were lounging on the chairs. The guy who was in charge of security let us wait here for Roxy. His daughter was a fan and all we had to do was sign a few autographs for her and her friends and take a picture with her and we could wait here.

Bob was here just to see Roxy before he left to Chicago, which would be tomorrow. Alicia came over and handed Mikey his coffee which she had gotten him while she got hers.

"We should take her shopping for warmer clothes then." he said before sipping his coffee and wrapping an arm around Alicia's waist, she leaned her head against his shoulder. I nodded and sipped my coffee. Her flight should be coming in any minute, its almost eleven. I began to get antsy as the time slowly went by. She hadn't replied to my email, so I hope she was on this flight, but she wasn't answering her phone so she could be on.

Ray came over and stood next to me. He sighed then finally said,

"Look I think that's her plane." he said as he pointed to a plane that was coming pretty close to the giant window. I nodded and took the last sip of my coffee. We all watched the plane pull in and have the hallway hook up to it.

Frank stood up on the chairs and Bob came over on the other side of me making Mikey scoot over. As the people started to come almost all of us got on our tipi toes, searching the people for the almost black hair and familiar face of Roxy.

"Are you sure she even got the email?" Bob asked as he scanned the crowd.

"I sent it, but I don't know if she got it." I said as I kept looking at the people.

Frank began jumping up and down on the chairs.

"You're gonna get hurt Frank." Mikey said as he watched Frank jump.

"Oh well." he said as he attempted to jump even higher.I craned my neck looking for her, and listening for her familiar voice. Finally someone spotted her.

"Oh, Oh, I see her!" Yelled Frank, even though we were right next to him. He stopped jumping.

"Damn." he said as his eyes widened. I looked into my empty cup, maybe if I looked hard enough it'll refill with coffee. Nope, it wouldn't refill, maybe Roxy will want a coffee and I can use that excuse to get myself another one too. Ray elbowed me hard in the ribs.

"Shit, what?" I said as I rubbed where he had slammed his elbow into me. He was starring into the crowd. I looked up.

Damn, was right. Now I know why Frank had stopped jumping and seemed to be in shock. Roxy didn't look like the depressed kid we hung out with before. She looked more well, how can I put this, well, like a woman.

She ran over to us and practically leapt into Ray's arms.

"Ray!" she yelled as she jumped up and tried to put her arms around his shoulders. She had gotten a little taller, but she did grow, if you know what I mean. All her curves were in the right place, she wasn't fat, but she wasn't an anorexic stick figure either. I couldn't stop starring at her. I almost had to slap myself to stop starring at her.

She pulled away from Ray and looked over at me, her eyes locked onto mine like a torpedo. She jumped onto me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, I wrapped mine around her small waist.

"Gee!" was her muffled shriek from my jacket.

"Hey Angel." I whispered. Her body fit so perfectly into my frame. She stayed in my arms for a good ten seconds then pulled away and went to go hug Bob who was next to me. But Frank had been waiting for today and was all happy and excited.

"Roxy!" Frank yelled, not waiting for his turn to hug her. He ran over and intercepted Bob's hug by lifting her up and spinning her in circles while hugging her.

"Franky!" she shrieked.