Sequel: A Burning Desire

Pieces of Me



"Dude Frank put her down before you make both of you sick." Bob laughed. Frank slowly spun to a stop and put Roxy down. Roxy stumbled to Bob, Bob caught her and hugged her.

"Thanks." she laughed.

"Hey Rox." he said then let her go see Mikey. I looked over at Ray who shoved his hands in his pockets and looked over at the floor.

"She grew." I said as I watched Roxy and Alicia shake hands.

"Big time." Ray said and looked up at me. I smoothed my bangs with my left hand.

"Let's go get your stuff." Mikey said and put one arm around her shoulders, the other around Alicia's waist. We headed to the luggage pick up, she looked really happy, I couldn't help smiling too.


It was really cold out, even in the airport, but Mikey's arm was warm. I was so happy to see them all again. As we came to the luggage pick up Frank bolted for the moving convier belt and sat down on it. I laughed and went to look for my bag.

"Frank get off before you hurt yourself, or worse break something." Ray yelled to him.

"I won't get hurt, I think." Frank yelled back to him. I picked up a bag that looked like mine, nope, unless my name is Tracy. I put it back on the belt and looked carefully at all the other bags that looked like mine. I heard someone come up from behind me.

"Hey." he said softly. I turned around and looked over at Gerard.

"Oh hi." I said smiling. He scratched his head then put a hand on my shoulder, it was warm.

"So how you like Alicia?" he asked. I shrugged.

"She seems nice." I said simply then picked up another bag that look like mine, but then put it down when I realized it had an Ambercrombie sticker on it. A pair of black converse came under my eyes.

"Hi." Frank waved as he passed us by. I laughed and shifted my weight onto my left foot.

"So where's your girlfriend?" I asked careful not to show my hate for her in my voice.

"Oh, she had to work, but you'll meet her tonight." he said and smiled.

I nodded and found my bag. "So who's house am I staying at first?" I asked.

"Frank's" he said mentioning to Frank who was being pulled off the belt by Bob.

"Oh and Bob's leaving tomorrow for Chicago he only stayed today to see you." he said and looked over at me.

"I hope you brought warmer clothes." he said as he gently punched my arm.

"Nope. This is what the rest of my clothes look like." I only had a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt on. I had left my jacket back at school.

"You're gonna freeze your ass off, didn't you remember what we told you about New Jersey?" he asked laughing.

"Yah, I just don't have any warmer clothes." I said as we made our way to the rest of everyone.

"Kay." Gerard sighed.

"Frank, you wanna take her back so she can unpack and what not?" Gerard asked Frank who was being held by Bob and giggling because he couldn't go back on the belt.

"Sure." he said between laughs. Bob let him go and we left the airport.

I shivered as the cold slapped my face. I tried to use my bags as a shield from the cold. Frank grabbed one of my bags.

"Cold?" he smiled over to me. I nodded and folded my arms trying to get any warmth I could from them. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around me. He wasn't wearing a jacket either

"Aren't you cold?" I asked as we walked to the airport parking lot. He played with his lip ring and shook his head.

" Nah, you get used to it." he siad

After finally finding Frank's black mustang that looked to be a couple of years old I quickly got into the front seat and let him put my bags into the car. I was shivering like crazy when he started up the car.

"Here." he said as he reached to the back seat of his already messy car. He pulled out a hoodie and handed it to me. I snatched it and quickly put it on then put on my seatbelt. He turned on the car and put the heat up on high. He turned up the radio and we were off to his house.

On the way I told him more about school and my job and how I had missed them all. For the most part he just listened and nodded and played with his lip ring. But he also told me they were working on a new CD and about how one day he even forgot he was a famous band.

"It gets like that after about a month here." he told me.

"It's so quiet and homey, you just get sucked back into regular life." he said. He told me that he even went to a Starbucks by his house and didn't understand why people were looking weird at him. But finally when they asked for his autograph he remembered.

"I'm in an apartment for now." he said as he pulled into the parking lot.

"I still haven't found a house I like."

I nodded and undid my seat belt. He popped open the trunk and I took my hands out of my warm pockets to get my bags. It was a pretty nice place, the buildings were only two story, but were big. All the buildings were painted red, white and a weird cream color.

He lead me to an apartment that was on the second story and opened the door. It smelt kind of like vanilla, and Frank's famous cajun.

"The guest rooms straight down the hall." he said as he turned on the t.v and kicked off his shoes. I shook my dripping hair, ( I had walked under a tree on the way up here and a squirrel or something jumped on the branch and made the snow on it dump onto my head.)

"Hey." he said as he leaned back trying to get away from the icy drops that I made go everywhere. I smiled and went back to the room he had set up for me with my bags. It was nothing special, just a bed, clean for the most part, and a dresser, and a couch, and closet.

I laid on the bed and closed my eyes and sighed.

"I'm home." I whispered to myself