Status: Active!!!

Cut My Wrists And Blacken My Eyes

I Was Meant To Die.

Ailith's POV

"I.. I can't believe... I.. told you.." Belle said softly looking over at thin air.

"You never told me.." I said sounding desperate.Belle looked at me one last time; then at the thin air.Before I knew it, she left.

I just stood there, dazed, like I was in a dream.I blinked, finally realising she left.I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.She was un stable, not safe.

"Yo, Nun!" I yelled, at a random nun, coming to a stop in front of her.

"Yes?" she said, raising her eyebrow at me.

"Have-have you seen my friend?" I asked, panic lacing my voice.

"No, I haven't.What does she look like?"

"Um, black hair, short, thin, oh damn it!" I yelled, getting frustrated.I wasn't going to find her by having small talk with a nun.I shoved past her; running again.

Now, if I was Belle, where would I be?The lake!


I soon arrived at the lake, hot, sweaty, and tired, but I needed to find her.I looked everywhere, still no Belle.

I stood for a moment, catching my breathe, thinking of all the places she could be.

"Oh fuck no," I muttered, my eyes being coming as wide as dinner plates.She has to be in our room, doing God knows what to herself.


"Belle?Belle?" I called, walking into the room.Rushing water filled my ears.

The bathroom.

"Belle!Belle, unlock this door, this fucking instant!" I yelled, pounding on the door.

"N-no," she squeaked threw the door.

"You will open this fucking door before I bust it down!" I yelled, my fists turning red from pounding the door.

"No!Leave me alone!"

"No!Now open the fucking door!"

"Never!" Was this so kind of sick game to her?

"Fine, have it your way, I'll bust it down!" I screamed, ramming myself against the door.

"You can do that all you want."

"Damn it!Open the door!" I cried.Tears of frustration, fear, and sadness clouding my vision.


Did I just hear her unlock the door?I turned the brass knob, slowly opening the door.

"Belle!" I gasped, running over to her.

"I give up, you win," she said, standing up.

"Why?" I simply asked.

"'Why?'Well, I'll tell you why-" Before she could finish, she fell into my arms.

"Belle?Belle!Speak to me!" I said, trying to stay calm.First Aid, first aid.Where in the Hell is it!I searched the cabinet, until my hands felt something plastic.


"Belle, you're gonna be ok," I said to myself, trying to stay calm.I quickly placed her on the cold tile, hastily opening the First Aid kit, grabbing bandages and tape.I quickly went to work.


"Belle?Wake up, dear," I said, rubbing her head.

"Uh, um," she stirred. "Where the Hell am I?"

"Well, you're in our room."

"What?" she said, bewildered.

"You're in our room," I stated again.

"But, I'm supposed to be dead."

"You wanted to die?!" I yelled.

"Why, why did you save me, I was meant to die," she said, grabbing my collar.

"Because, no one should die that way," I said, grabbing her hand, and placing it on the bed.

"Now, I have to get to class, behave, I'll be back."


"Oh, and don't do anything stupid, I took away your 'toys'," I said, walking out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you enjoyed. :D
Sorry it's so late, I've been rather busy.
My first update of the new year!
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