Status: Active

October Rise


“Talina, question?” I asked. We both sat in bed, in the dark. I couldn’t sleep at all. All I thought of was Zack Baker. He of course was sexy, but I wanted to know more of him. He wasn’t just hot. In that moment I had felt a connection with him without him even acknowledging who the hell I was. I couldn’t understand myself. I had never felt something so strong between me and some, stranger.

“Yes?” She asked, groggy. I knew I had probably awoken her. “How did you feel when you first saw this Brian Haner dude.” I asked. “Well he was hot. I saw him playing at Benji’s. His guitar skills are sick. I’m hoping to have him give me some lessons.” She boasted, happily thinking of this man she was absolutely obsessed with. I then though to myself, I felt that way about this guy, Zack Baker. He was an obsession within the first hour of just watching him play guitar.

“Do you think guitar skills are what we’re attracted to?” I asked her, thinking logically. “No, Brian is fucking hot.” She slammed my opinion. “Go to bed Lacey, think happy thoughts about Zacky.” She giggled, rolling over to fall asleep. Zacky, huh? The name Zacky just sounded so weird to me. To me, he is Zack Baker. The new obsession of my life.


The next day I woke up, early. It had to only be 4am. I started my first class in about two hours. I was a nervous wreck to say the least. This school was extensively different then any other public school. You have more freedom first of all and you just learned music and everything thing about it. Today, my first class was good ole’ rock n’ roll.

I continued to lift myself from my bed and quietly walk to the bathroom. As soon as I took a step, I cracked my foot upon a closed violin case. I bite my lip and cringed seconds after stubbing my toe. “Lacey, what are you doing?” Talina asked, her voice raspy from sleeping. Obviously I wasn’t quiet enough. “Trying to pee.” I signed, getting over my pain and continuing to the bathroom.


“Brian is amazing, isn’t he?” Talina blushed, both of us watched as Brian, Zack and their band performed an acoustic set outside of there dorm rooms. They were certainly an extremely talented group of guys. “There all amazing.” I smiled, my eyes gazing over to my new favorite person. He played guitar so exceptional. He didn’t take the spotlight like Brian did either and I found that very attractive.

“I want to fuck him.” She sighed, frowning at herself. All I could do is laugh at her. “You’re a talented musician yourself, not a fucking groupie. Get a hold of yourself girl.” I laughed, patting her back.

Soon they had finished there set and walked off the concrete steps. I sat there watching as he moved, guitar in hand. I continued to eye him until his eye caught mine. It was like slow motion in a movie. I know he quickly looked me in the eye, but it felt like eternity. “Brian, your awesome!” Talina yelled as he walked by. “Uh, thanks.” He smiled, awkwardly. “Talina!” I scolded, slapping her arm. “What?” She smiled. “Your making us look like creeps.” I said.

We soon left and headed back to our own dorms. “I want him so bad.” Talina wined. I shook my head at her and open up my laptop. I needed to start of my first homework assignments. “You should send Zacky a message.” Talina smiled, sitting behind me. “First of all, his name is Zack and second, no.” I replied, looking into the email addresses. “Who are you going to send a message to then?” She asked. “My teacher Mr. Flynn.” I signed, opening up a email message. “What you getting busy with the teacher?” She laughed. “Hell no!” I quickly replied, starting to type my message. “Talina, he’s my vocal coach. I’m a singer remember.” I said. I then typed my message.

Hello Mr. Flynn,
It’s me Lacey Mosley. I was just wondering when my next lesson would take place? Get back to me.

I then waited for a reply. Not knowing when he would reply I decided to send another message. I clicked onto Zack’s name and waiting for a message to pop up. I then waited silently, trying to figure out what I could say to him.

Hey Zack,
I don’t know if you know me our not but I saw you play today. Your band sounded awesome. I play some guitar myself and I was thinking that maybe you give me some tips.

Lacey Mosley.

I then pressed send. Seconds late I regretted it. It sounded stupid. “So you did send him a message?” Talina smiled, standing behind me. “Shut up.” I said, trying to hold my smile. “Don’t worry. I send Brian a message too.” She said. “What the hell Talina.” I signed. My computer then beeped, showing me I had a new inbox message. “Is it from Zacky?” She asked, trying to see. I then read my message, from Mr. Flynn. My smile turned upside down instantly thinking that Zack might of showed some interest in me by replying so quickly.

Hello Lacey,
Yes you can meet me in my room in about ten minutes. I can wait!

“Well at least singing will help me ease my mind.” I smiled, grabbing my sweater. “Have fun singing.” Talina said. I nodded and left the room. Down to get some singing lessons done. I was so excited for this!
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New chapter for this story, after so so long.