Status: Active

October Rise


I made my way to Mr Flynns room for my singing lessons. Don't get me wrong, I was excited to go to this lesson, but it wasn't a lesson with Zacky. I sighed as I reached his office and quickly ran a hand through my hair before opening the door slowly.

"Hey sir" I said lightly he replied with a smile and a wave, gesturing me to come inside. I walked in and sat myself down on his large, yet comfy, chair. We sat down and started our vocal warm ups, we began with some high and low notes, trying to open up my air ways, We then got onto learn a new piece of music. But for some reason, my mind was elsewhere, I couldn't get the image of Zacky out of my head. His beautiful eyes were shining, his piercings were perfect and his guitar skills were electric. God he was perfect. I would be so lucky to get him, or even get him to notice me.

"Lacey! Lacey!" I heard a voice call and my head spun around to see Mr Flynn sitting there clicking his fingers, "Lacey are you alright? You look like your on Mars or something" He spoke softly yet had a tinge of concern in his voice, "Oh..uhh..I'm fine sir, really, I think I'm done here for the day though, so uhh..Thanks for the lesson, cya again" I said before grabbing my things and shoving them into my bag, "Okay Lace, see you soon, you sure you're alright?" He asked again before I shuffled out of the room nodding my head, "Yeah I'm fine" I mumbled. Truth was, I wasn't my mind was constantly thinking about Zacky, it was like he was imprinted on my mind of something. I wish I would calm down or something.

I wandered down the corridors to get back to my room when all of a sudden I collided into a large chest, "Ooft..sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going..sorry" I grumbled as I rubbed my face, not even looking at the person who I had just bumped into, "No it's fine, I was being clumsy" A husky voice spoke, I fluttered my eyes upwards to meet a pair of chocolate brown eyes. It was Brain. "Oh, Brian its you" I grumbled "Haha, surprise!" He spoke childishly and waved his hands around. I giggled at his immature act, it made him look adorable. Just as I finished my little giggle fit I saw a large frame walk around the corner.

"Whats going on here?" A smooth sexy voice spoke, "Oh nothing, I just bumped into Lacey here Zack" Brain spoke smoothly, Oh god. Zacky was here, he was standing right in front of me, had he seen my message I sent earlier? Does he think I'm weird now or something?

"Oh right, Hey Lace" Zacky said as his shoved his hands in his pockets and lent against Brian's large shoulder, "So uh, I got your message, I can help you with your guitar if you want. I don't have much on my time table so I'm pretty much free for a while. When do ya wanna meet?" He said as he nibbled his lip ring. I was caught up in his words with his emerald green eyes, they were so amazing up close. "Oh great" I squealed "Thank you so much, and uhh, whatever time suits you. You are going to be my teacher after all" I saw Brian smirk a little and give Zack a little nudge before speaking "Right, I'm off, the guys are waiting in the lounge. Don't be too long Vengeance" He said as he walked away and left me and Zacky by ourselves "Sure dude, I'll catch you up okay?" Brian simply nodded and scurried away down the hall.

"So how about tomorrow? Second lesson" He said calmly "Sure sounds great to me, I'll meet you in the music room then" "Yeah, cya tomorrow Lace, nice speaking to you" He said before picking up his guitar and walking past me, brushing my arm softly with his, which sent goose bumps all up my skin. Gosh! This guy was putting so many feelings, so many emotions in my body. He was unreal. He was perfect. And also, I had a Music date tomorrow, with Zacky Baker, Zacky fucking Baker! I was going to cherish this moment.
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Hey guys, so I'm Chloe, and I'm going to help out alot with this story now.

I have some great Idea's planned, so stay tunned. Feedback is appreciated!
dont be a silent reader oxox
