Status: Active

October Rise


-------The Next Morning-------

Today, I woke up with the biggest shit eating grin on my face, yet my stomach was killing me. It felt like I had a tap dancer stomping on my stomach all night. But I didn't care, nothing was going to stop me from going to school and my 'lesson' with Zacky Baker.

I got onto the school bus as usual and took a seat next to Talina, she shifted sideways towards me, a huge smirk on her face, I un-plugged my ear phones from my soft ears just before she spoke, "So today's the glorious day!" She squealed quietly but loud enough for me to hear, I giggled like a fool before covering my face from blushing, "Shhh! Be quite you! It's only a guitar lesson, He's just helping me out" "Yeah yeah, 'Just a guitar lesson', and my uncle is the pope" Talina began speaking, elbowing me in the ribs. The bus ride didn't take long, Myself and Talina just chatted for a while, most of the topic was about Zacky and Brian, well, ALL of the topic was about those two.

I grabbed all my things and walked casually off of the bus, Talina got caught up talking to someone so I just carried on walking up to my first class. I passed a few people before entering the Girl's Bathrooms, I checked my face and hair before washing my hands, making sure I looked okay. I had a Free period first lesson, So I decided to go finish up some of my homework. I walked slowly to the library just as everyone was piling into their classes, I saw Talina so I gave her a wave and smiled, she did the same back, just as I was about to step into the door way I felt a hand spin me around. It was Brian.

"Lacey, Hey, Why aren't you in class?" He asked raising his brow at me,

"Well, I have a free lesson, and I thought I'd finish up some of my work" I said gesturing to the large pile of papers in my arms "What about you? Why aren't you in class?"

"Oh, well, I uh..decided I needed a little more practice with my guitar in room 16S, but none of my teachers have to know this, obviously, how about uh, this is just our little secret for today? Okay?" He said the last bit in a serious tone whilst cracking a few of his knuckles

"Hmm..Maybe" I said folding my arms, Brian's face turned to stone, "Fine, Fine, only because you asked soooo nicely" I spoke. He burst out in a smile and pulled me into a manly, awkward kind of hug "Thanks Lace! You're the best!" He said in an over dramatic tone "No problem Bri" I said patting him on the back hardly, I watched him basically run down the corridors to his 'Private music lesson'.

I quickly got stuck down into my paper work, I had Science, Maths and Geography assignments. I didn't keep track of time so when the bell rang to signal next lesson, I jumped a little and threw all my papers and pencils into my back pack before swinging it over my shoulder. Now was the time I have been looking forward too. It was my Lesson with Zacky!

My heart was literally pounding out of my chest by now, I made my way to room 16D, It was the room most musicians in school just jammed together. I reached the door, my palms were sweaty and my guitar felt like it weighed 1000 tons on my back. I took in a sharp breath before turning the door handle and entering, too see a stunning looking Zacky sitting at the back of the room, strumming along to his guitar, shredding the notes every now and again. Gosh he was a perfect human being. I coughed slightly and his head shot up, his sparkling green eyes met my soft blue ones, A smile appeared on both of our faces

"Oh hey Lacey, Come here and take a seat"
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Sorry for taking so long :( I completley forgot to write this chapter, how do you all think about it? Am I doing good so far?

Comments are love x x x