Status: Will update as much as I can, Promise!

Lost Identity


I opened my eyes.
There was a beeping sound coming from beside my bed. I turned to see what it was coming from. A heart monitor. Where was I? – Well, that’s obvious, a hospital. Why was I there? – A head injury. Serious, the doctor said, I probably wouldn’t make it. I proved him wrong though, here I am. Awake. He also said that if I did survive, I would have brain damage. Proved that wrong too, didn’t I?
But, wait, who’s that? Someone was sitting at the end of my bed, looking at me.
An old man.
An old, homeless man.
An old, homeless, pervy looking man.
Who was he? – I had no idea.
But... Something I needed to know more than that.
Who am I?

There was a small, black leather bag on my bedside table, so I reached over and picked it up. I opened it. Inside was a purse, phone and keys.
I looked inside the purse. All forms of identity had been taken from it. All that remained in it was a twenty pound note.
I looked at the keys. All key rings had been removed, leaving two, shiny, silver keys.
I searched through the phone. All my contacts, texts and received calls had been deleted.
I couldn’t believe it.
Someone didn’t want me to know who I was.
It wasn’t me who did this, so who was it?
Then I remembered the man. He was still sitting there. Staring at me. It must have been him.

He must have seen me looking at him, as he came over and crouched by my side. He had long, wiry grey hair, and a long beard that matched. He was wearing a long, dirty grey jacket, with holes worn into it. Man, must he love grey, as he was also wearing grey cropped trousers, with mud and grass stains all over them.

“Well, at last. You’re finally awake.” his voice was like sandpaper, rough, and dry.

“Was this you? Did you do this?!” I shouted, thrusting my bag at him.

He laughed.

“No, t’was not me who lost you of your identity. Why, Dee, I hardly know you myself!”

“Who are you? I remember nothing of myself or my life.”

“Darling, I am Bill. Now come on, we have to go.”

“You’re a pervert! I will not go anywhere with you!”

He laughed again

“Me, a pervert. You must be joking. I am going to help you find your family. You are but a child.”

“Tush! I may not remember how old I am, but I’m not stupid enough to believe you!”

“Okay, you got me. I am a pervert and I was going to kidnap you, then kill you.” He said in a sarcastic voice.
"I am your Grandfather. Your dad is my son. He stopped talking to me after I became homeless. Now he has a family, and I wasn’t told. You ran away, and found me. I don’t know your name; all you told me was Dee.”

Before I could reply to what he said, a nurse came in.

“Sorry to disturb you, but you have a visitor, shall I let him in?”

I nodded, and she disappeared, soon bringing a guy back.

He came and sat next to me, and stroked my cheek.

Who was he?
♠ ♠ ♠
This story was just a random idea. let me know if i should carry on, cas i don't know.

hope you like