Status: Will update as much as I can, Promise!

Lost Identity

This is my...Life?

I stared at the guy.

“Don’t you dare, touch me!” I screamed at him “Who are you?”

He looked taken aback.

“W-what do you mean, who am I? You don’t remember?”
“Do you really expect me to remember who you are, when I don’t even know who I am?” He stared at me, and opened his mouth, about to say something, but I interrupted him.

“I-I’m sorry,” I started. “I didn’t mean to shout at you.”

He shook his head.

“No, I’m sorry, I should have remembered. They said that you might have...”
“Brain damage, I know. I thought I proved them wrong. I can remember everything. Everything, but me, me and my life.”
At this time, Bill said he had to go, so we said our goodbyes, and he left.
“Oh, Dee, Really, I am sorry. I’m Jordan. Jordan Ross.”
I had slightly calmed down now. I took in a big gulp of air, before speaking again.

“So wh-who am I?” I whispered. “Tell me about my life.”

He smiled.

“Your name is Daryim Rose-Lee Hartlet. You are 17 years of age, and come from Chelsea, a small village just outside central London.”
I nodded. “Yes, I know where that is.”

“You live with your Dad, Joseph Hartlet, and your sister, Maria-May. Two years ago, your Mother, Sophia, passed away, after having a heart attack.” I gasped. My Mum. Dead.
“Okay,” I paused. “And, h-how do I know you. Who are you to me?”
“We met when you were 10. Our mums worked together, and, realizing we were near enough the same age, they put us together, and that’s how it was ever since. We became inseparable, together all the time. When you were 16, we became even closer, umm, well...”
“So you were my boyfriend?”
“Well...yes, I was.”
“Umm...sooo, maybe,” I took a breath. “Maybe we should just be friends, like, start over. Cas it would be a bit weird for me. And for you.”
He nodded slowly. “Yes... okay, then.”

I smiled.

“Now, I’m feeling much better, so I’m gonna discharge myself, and leave this nasty place where it is.”

Jordan laughed. “Now, that’s the old Daryim back. You never did like hospitals.”
I laughed with him, as we walked out the cubicle.
♠ ♠ ♠
let me know what you think....
