Status: Will update as much as I can, Promise!

Lost Identity

Over the moon...

“Okay... how old are you?”
We were in Jordan’s car, and... Well, you could say we were playing twenty questions. I was asking him about himself and his life.
“Eighteen.” He replied, keeping his eyes in front of him.
I nodded, a smile playing on my lips.

“Anyway,” he said “What d’you wanna do? I’m sure Cara would love to see you. She heard about your accident too.”
He slapped his forehead. “Sorry, she’s your best friend.”
“Oh,” I whispered. “Okay, I’ll go see her.”
He smiled. “Great, she’s really worried, ya know.”
“I’m sure she is. Can I ask you one last thing?”
He shrugged “I’m sure it’s not gonna be the last thing you ask me, but, go for it.”
“Umm... What happened to me? My accident I mean. What happened?”
The sparkle in his eye faded, and I’m sure I saw a tear threatening to fall down his face. We were waiting at traffic lights, so he turned to face me.
“Y-you were pushed. Down the stone steps at the market. It wasn’t an accident. It was done on purpose.”
I knew the steps he was on about. One person was pushed down them, five years ago. She was my age. She was pushed on purpose. She had died. Knowing this made me feel lucky to be alive.
Neither of us spoke the rest of the way. We both knew what each other was thinking. The person who pushed me wanted me dead. They still do want me dead. This person wasn’t going to leave me alone until I was. They would do whatever it took. They would personally go out of their way to kill me. They won’t give up. This person hates me. And I have no idea why.


We had now arrived at Carla’s. I was so nervous; it was like meeting someone for the very first time. Will she hate me? Oh what am I thinking? She won’t hate me; she’s my best friend for goodness sakes. But I still had a feeling that she would think I’m some kind of idiot, I mean, I don’t even remember her. I don’t remember anyone.
I opened the passenger door, and stepped out. The door of a house next to me opened, and a girl stepped out. She was petite, flat chested, with white blonde hair. She was really pretty though, and looked great in what she was wearing.
“Daryim! You’re here!” She ran over and hugged me tight.
“Y-Are you Carla?” She nodded, excited, like a little school girl. I knew immediately that we get on well. She seemed just like me, quiet, excited, happy and friendly.
“But, are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “I’m feeling much better.”
“Come on.” She said, pulling me inside “Come in and sit down.”
In the corner of my eye I saw Jordan get back in the car and drive off. I didn’t care. With Carla, I felt the happiest I had all day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kinda short...
but i like this one,,, don't know whhy, i just do.