His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

Cannibals and Cliffs

Something cold was hitting my face, but I felt pretty cold to begin anyways. And uncomfortable. I defintely was not somewhere nice. My arms felt like they were supporting somthing heavier then what I wanted to hold but I couldn't let it go.
Let me see... my mind was still becoming unfuzzy and I couldn't remember anything... Where I could be... I was at the dance, saw Edward, went to find Edward and now... Oh man that so called friend of the Cullens had knocked me out, Bitch! So now I was on the parking lot ground... Really- What purpose did knocking me out have for anybody honestly? When I recollected my barrings there would definietly be hell to pay...
Except, I don't think I was where I'd last been. I don't think my feet were even touching the ground. I groaned, suddenly becoming very aware of the pain in my head.
"Hey- I think she's waking up!" It was Chilly... What the hell was he doing... wherever we were? He was suppose to be at Martin's with Barlie...
"Aly, wake up!" Barlie shouted pleadingly, "Please wake up!"
I groaned, "Why..." I whined.
"Oh no reason. We could just plummet to our death any second!" Chilly said,
That woke my mind right up, my eyes opened and I saw it was rather dark out and my brothers were hanging by their wrists infront of me, I looked up and saw my own wrists tied up and bloody from subconciously trying to break free of the binds.
"And Aly, whatever you do don't look down." Chilly warned me.
"Why-?" I asked automatically looking down and a scream ripped from my lungs. I had been right, there was no ground beneath my feet... There was no ground for hundreds of feet.
"I told you not to look down." Chilly said annoyed.
"You can't expect me not to look after you tell me not to look!" I snapped, panicking and twisting my rope, "What the hells happening guys?! You should be at Martin's- Why aren't you at Martin's?!"
"Well... As you can see, We clearly had to make alternative plans to the ones we actually wanted to do."
I glared at Chilly, It was nice to know when faced with a death like situation nobody but people in movies came to face, he was sarcastic as ever.
"We had been at Martin's." Barlie answered, trying to remain calm. "We were playing out in the woods when this huge guy came from no where and he stole us- We tried to get away but he was so strong and then he brought us to this chick and they were all yelling at eachother and then one of them tried to eat you-"
"Eat me?" I repeated.
"But the lady wouldn't let them eat any of us so don't freak sis." Chilly said.
"What are they.... cannibals?" I asked.
"No." Chilly snorted.
"Oh.. .Well... It doesn't matter." I tried to stay calm, I wasn't so afriad of heights... but this was something different entirely. I closed my eyes, pretending I wasn't dead afraid and took deep breaths, "Do you guys know why we're... here?"
Barlie whimpered, he was dead afraid of heights.
"We... aren't sure, exactly." Chilly answered. "But those people... They kept yelling at one another, The chick seems to be the ring leader of this mad fest and she forbade anyone from eating us... They we had to stay alive and be bait."
"Bait for what?" I asked horrified.
"Mom, dad... The Cullens." A frown had etched itself deep within his face, "They didn't stop by for just a visit. They have something to do with all of this. Whatever... They aren't human, thats for sure."
I nodded, understanding exactly what he meant. We'd all known something was different about the Cullens... Hopefully we wouldn't have to die before we found out what.

"We should have told them."
"It wouldn't have helped."
"You don't know that. They could still be here!"
Bella was crying, sobbing into her hands, Jacob sat beside her trying to stay calm, trying to be there for his wife but all he could do was glare at the ones whom had brought back this danger. None of the Cullens looked his way, feeling guilt he was sure. Good.
"Anything yet Alice?" Carlisle asked.
"Its hard to see around them... All I get is rain and darkness... Or nothign at all." Alice said focusing as hard as she could on the kids. She'd never been able to see any of the pack and now it seems, her visions was clouded by Jacob's children. Would they be werewolves too? She couldn't see. But like inheirating Bella's ability to block Edward with their minds, vaguely, they'd inheirated Jacob's ability to not be seen properly by Alice.
"You'll find them..." Bella cried. She did not blame the Cullens one bit, Victoria would have come back whether they were back or not.
Jacob glowered at the floor, Bella had pratically screamed at him to not glare any more at the vampires and he had to keep his rude comments to himself, but he still grumbled a, "We should be out there tracking them."
Alice sighed, "Jacob's right, I'm getting no where with this... We have to go after them."
"But thats exactly what Victoria wants. Us to stumble over ourselves searching and pick us off one by one." Jasper said.
Emmett cracked his knuckles, "Well we wouldn't want to disappoint."
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Sorry for all the mistakes... I wrote this on a crappy editor that never told me about the mistakes and... sorry.