His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

Negative Talk

I looked around the darkness, I couldn't see anyone over the cliff’s edge. "When was the last time you saw anybody?" I asked.
"I'm not sure." Barlie said.
"It's kind of timeless up here." Chilly added, smart ass.
Several feet below there was a little flat ledge on the side of the cliffe. I took a deep breath and began to swing.
"Aly, What are you doing?" Chilly asked warily.
"Trying to get free." I just kept focused on the cliff. This rope isn't that strong, with enough friction...
"You're going to fall!" Barlie panicked.
"Don't be so negative Chilly!" I snapped. And then my rope did the same.
My brothers screamed as I flew through the air towards the ledge, panic and adrenaline coursed threw me, Fear plagued my every heartbeat. But somehow my arms had brains for themselves and as I was going to miss the cliff, they wrapped around a rough rock sticking out on an angle. I scraped my face, arms and whatever other body part came in contact with the rock. It hurt like hell, I would definitely be gaining some serious bruising tomorrow... If I survived this. But Indiana Jones himself would salute my stupid ass move in bravery... Since I had made it that is. But something awful did come from this- My shoes fell into the darkness below.
"My shoes!" I cried.
"Aly- Dammit! Forget the shoes!" Chilly said.
Despite everything, I pouted, "I liked those shoes."
"More than your own life?" Barlie asked me.
"Not that much." I decided and tried to pull myself up onto the ledge. It was wicked hard. But I eventually got my leg up for leverage, scrapping off more layers of skin, but I didn't worry too much on it. I rolled onto the ledge and only allowed a few seconds of rest, I still had to get my brothers free, No way I'd let them copy my stupidity. I sat up and had to undo the rope with my teeth and feet, very glad I had strong teeth. I tasted blood a lot which was disgusting. All the friction against my wrist from the rope did not help. I was bleeding all over the damn place. Then I got up and looked for the easiest way up the cliff.
"Now what are you doing?" Barlie asked.
"I am going to climb up to you ropes, pull you up and we're going to get the hell out of here." I said and began climbing up. These rocks were weather beaten so they were dry... Well, when it wasn't piss raining. So they were easy to climb up and not slippery. Guess it was a plus I'd lost my shoes after all.
Every move was agony, I was still freaked to all hell, but I pushed myself because I still needed to save my brothers.
"Aly, Just go home. Go home and find mom and dad-" Barlie began.
"Barlie, Just shut up. I’m not going anywhere without you two." I had reached the top of the cliff, a dark forest started a few feet away so if anyone was watching me, I couldn't see them. I got back on my knees and crawled across the rock that my brothers hung on. Chilly was closest so I began to pull him up, more agony.
"Can you do it without the grunt work?" Chilly asked darkly.
"Can you not weigh so much?" I asked annoyed, straining my muscles to no end.
"Hey, I could die here- You really want your last words to be mean?"
"What did I say about the negative talk?" I said threw grit teeth, using my legs for extra strength as they were stronger from all the years of dance. That helped immensely as I pulled him up finally and undid his bonds. We crawled over to Barlie's rope. Hopefully it would be easier with Chilly's help.
"Barlie just stay calm." I ordered when he started to freak as the rope moved.
"I hate heights though Aly!" He cried.
"No you don't, You hate clowns." Chilly said.
He paled, "Oh god, Oh god- What if I fall and there's a big group of-"
"Barlie just stop it! You're going to be fine!" I said loudly, reassuring myself just as much as I was reassuring him.
The rain had picked up, from the valley below there was a roll of thunder, followed by the crack of lightening and sudden white light. We all screamed and Chilly and I let go of the rope, despite our near success at having Barlie join us on the free side.
Then, the rope snapped.