His Heartbreak, Her Daughter


"Barlie!" I screamed leaning forward, grasping for the rope though it was long gone, Barlie screaming as he disappeared into the darkness below.
"No!" Chilly screamed, the agony filling his voice.
"Barlie..." I whispered, my agony, my fear leaking into my voice as tears flowed free, I felt numb, this couldn't be real. I told myself. That wasn't Barlie, This was all a dream, a horrible, horrible nightmare of the worst kind.
Then the forest was silent, not an echo of Barlie’s scream was rounding back to us anymore.
Suddenly I was aware of Chilly's movement beside me, he stood up and I grabbed the back of his shirt, "No- Chilly!" I screamed as he struggled against my arms. "Chilly stop it! Please!" I pleaded, I begged.
"Barlie- We gotta save Barlie!" He sobbed and quickly stopped moving to cry into my chest, hugging me, squeezing me so much it hurt but I didn't care, I was numb... I didn't care. He had lost his twin. We had lost our brother.
"How sweet."
I gasped at the sudden voice, When I went to look I was grabbed first, ripped away from my brother and taken off the cliff to the darkness of the forest.
"Such a pretty young thing..." The man who had grabbed me said smiling. He was like this giant mountain of muscles.
"What- What do you want?" I asked, tears still flowing for my brothers. I winced as his sharp nails dug into my arms.
"Just a taste..." He continued to smile leaning down, pushing against him was like pushing a brick wall, useless. My heart pounded, He was going to eat me alive!
"Let go of my sister!" Chilly shouted and I heard something crack, Chilly had hit him with a branch and it broke against the man's back. The man then swung his fist around and there was a crunch! when it collided with Chilly's face. He crumbled onto the floor.
"Chilly!" I screamed horrified.
Before I knew it was even happening, The man had resumed his plan and I felt him bite me. His teeth sunk into my neck and I gasped in horrified pain, I tried to push him away, I could actually feel the blood being sucked out of my body. But he was just too strong.
I didn't realize I was free of the man’s grasp until I hit the ground.
"She is not for you!" A furious woman snarled to the man.
"Then who is Victoria? I want her!" The man shouted back.
I looked back, it was the red haired woman. She was crouched between the man and I.
"Come on Aly." Chilly hissed, suddenly by my side, his nose pouring blood as he helped me to my feet.
"Okay..." I could barely hear my own voice over the beating of my racing heart as we rushed away, I noticed him cradling his other arm, "What's wrong with your arm?"
"I'll be fine. Bastard broke it... I think." He said more calmly then I expected. "Are you okay?"
"He bit me." I was holding my neck, I felt the blood gush between my fingers. And then the pain hit. I screamed and tripped onto the grass, it was this insane burning that even the freezing cold rain couldn't diminish.
"Aly!" Chilly shouted falling beside me, "What’s wrong?!"
"It's burning!" I screamed the flame was in me, like I was on fire.
"Oh god... Oh god... Oh god..." He kept repeating, he was afraid I could hear it in his voice and a little rational voice in my mind told me to shut up. I could not freak him out, I could not let these people get him. He was my brother... I couldn't let them kill my only brother...
"Come on..." I said gritting my teeth and he helped me up.
"Are you sure-"
"Just keep going!" I ordered, tears escaping all I wanted to do was die. This pain was so great... But I could die without saving Chilly... I had to save Chilly... I had to save him...
From behind us there was this weird sound I could barely make out over my own pounding heart. it was like rocks cracking apart.
I kept moving but my mind was giving up, each moving leg was more agoney, It was too much... It was all too much. I couldn't go anymore. But Chilly could... He could save himself.
"I can't do it anymore..." I cried, "I just can't... I can't... Chilly..."
"Yes you can Aly, Just keep moving!" He pleaded.
How I wanted to, I wanted to be strong for him but I was too far gone, "Just leave me Chilly please!" I pleaded, I begged, Let me die.
"I'm not leaving you!" He sobbed.
Our running had turned into a stumble, the burning was spreading quick now and I was tripping over my own searing feet.
"Chilly... I can't... I..."
"Aly!" He screamed as I lost balance and I never hit the rocks or grass or whatever we were running along, instead we kept falling. Right off the side of the cliff, just like Barlie.