His Heartbreak, Her Daughter


All I wanted was the pain to stop. Falling off the cliff seemed like a good idea for that plan... Except I had taken my baby brother down with me. How could I?
Then something hard collided into me, but it wasn't the ground because it hugged me to what could only be described as a body.
"Don't worry Aly, I got you." A sweet voice said in my ear.
I opened my eyes, "Edward." Something in my mind clicked. Did this mean we were safe?
We landed on the ground smoothly enough, I think I was still so out of it. Not having to move only lessened how wary I was, it did not stop the burning.
"Are you two alright?" I looked over and recalled Carlisle Cullen's face, Chilly in his arms looking scared out of his wits.
"Chilly..." I swallowed, trying to talk, "Chilly thinks he’s broken his arm." I pushed out of Edward's arms, grabbing a tree for support, my sight blurring from the burning.
Carlisle put him down, "Let me take a look at it." Chilly reluctantly stretched out his arm.
"Aly, You shouldn't be standing..." Edward said softly.
"I'll be fine." I gasped, my breath quickening in quick gasps.
"You don't sound good-"
"I'm fine!" I snapped, though it sounded more like a growl, then lost my grip and collapsed into Edward's arms, trying not to scream.
"Aly what’s wrong?" His voice was full of panic.
"She said she felt like she was burning." Chilly said. Carlisle and Edward looked at one another wide eyed. "Is that a bad thing?"
"Oh god..." Edward said, I felt my hair being lifted.
"Leave it alone!" I nearly cried some more, swatting away his hand in a pathetic wrist flip more like.
"Edward- You have to-"
"Not again Carlisle! I can't- I won't-"
"She'll die if you don't."
Another second of agony and I let a groan escape, I couldn't shut myself up. It still hurt so badly...
"For Christ's sake! Whatever it is do it!" Chilly begged. "Don't let her die!"
I groaned and gasped my body involuntarily twitching from the pain. I couldn't form words, I couldn't plead for them to just put me out of my misery. Tears streamed down my face as I kept seeing Barlie fall, the fear on his face was haunting. My heart ached so badly for him, For Chilly, For my mother and father...
"Alyson," Edward's voice filled my head over the sound of my own beating heart, It caught my attention as it was so filled with anguish and misery, compassion for my pain, "Please, Don't give up so quickly." His shaky breath was on my neck, "Forgive me."
And then I screamed, not because it hurt but because I was so sick and tired of being everyone's chew toy. Edward sunk sharp teeth into my neck and began sucking out my blood. I could hear Chilly 's panicked questions in the form of shouting. My screams ended as I ran out of breath and I began to feel just a little better. The fire was reciting from its quick burning throughout my body, like Edward was sucking out poison. My breath remained quick and jagged and my heart still raced, but I was beginning to feel hope again then I wouldn't die in this fire hazardous way.
"Edward, Only take as much as you have too." Carlisle ordered, I heard Edward make a sound in his throat against my skin. It sounded like a growl.
"Why's he taking so much?" Chilly panicked, "She must be clean by now, Tell him to stop Carlisle! Tell him!"
"Edward!" Carlisle shouted fiercely.
I began to feel overly tired, Too much blood had been taken from my body. All I wanted to do was sleep, which a small portion of my brain warned me would end horrible. He would suck my dry like a juice pouch in a matter of minutes it seemed
With all my might I managed to get my voice to work, "Edward..." I moaned his name... it sounded like I was turned on- Which I so was not!- but it worked and he stopped drinking, the burn had completely disappeared from my body and he released his mouth, turning his head away.
"That was worse than the last time..." He said, his voice filled with pain.
"You did well son." Carlisle reassured him. Edward didn't seem to believe him.
I looked up to his face warily, it was twisted in pain and disgust.
"Thanks." I said and he looked down at me shocked, then I blanked out.