His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

Vampire Piggy Back Rides.

The ride home was quiet. And by ride I mean jumping on the nearest Cullen's back and playing piggy back. Except for Dad, who turned into a giant wolf.
Okay, Seriously, My parents had a butt load of explaining to do.
My mode of transportation was Edward, he was very smooth with the running thing and despite being wicked tired, I stayed awake the whole ride. I watched the trees whip past us and everytime I thought we would crash, we just sailed right on by.
This was the freakiest night of my life, hands down.
We reached the house, Edward carried me right inside and laid me down on the dining room table without looking at me he moved back into the foyer, next to his family. No one spoke, no one looked at us. The Cullens stood in the next room unmoving, I don't think any of them were even breathing. It was like we had six new statues to stand in the way of the front door.
They weren't even blinking. Freaky.
Carlisle had a bag with a bunch of medical crap in it he was looking over us. Dad was even silent, standing back against the wall, unusually silent and focused looking. I'd never seen him so serious in his life. Mom was the only one watching us with little control over her emotions, she was the most animated of them all. Barlie didn't appear to have much wrong with him, We all had bloodied up wrists from the ropes. Carlisle was going to look over Chilly first but he refused.
"Take care of Aly first," He said darkly, "She's the one who played chew toy."
Eyes darted to me, I had been touching the bite, It had clotted over, I stopped moving.
"Alright," Carlisle said coming over. He began to clean the wound.
"So," Chilly said, "Do we get to find out why we were taken hostage by a bunch of vampire wanna-be's?" He asked slowly in a slightly sarcastic way, "Or are we just gonna let this one slide? Maybe get to hear why dads animorphing into a wolf?"
Vampires... My aching neck made me believe he was correct on that fact.
No one spoke, Mom lowered her hands from her face and didn't meet anyones eyes, "It's a long story."
"Like we're going anywhere." Chilly said.
"You can't expect us to ignore this." I said looking from mom and dad, as Mom kept her sight low I held dads sight, He wasn't looking away anymore.
Another second went by and Chilly said more annoyed, "Come on, We nearly died because of this, I think we deserve some answers!" Mom let out a sob and his face softened, he didn't mean to yell but this was frusterating for all of us.
"Where do you want us to start?" Dad said.
"Jacob!" Mom hissed looking back to him red eyed.
"What? Theyre old enough to hear it now. Even if I don't want to tell them as much as you Bella, We have got to. You knew we'd have to."
She frowned, eyes sparkling and looked down again. She was really against this.
"It's our fault they need to find out." We all looked at Edward who was staring out the window as the rain pounded against it. "It's my fault this all happened to you in the first place."
"No it isn't Edward," Mom looked at him sincerly, "I've never blamed you- I will never."
I looked between the two. By mom's look I'd guess it was the youngest Cullen she had been closest to.
Edward was looking at her now remorseful and deeply pained, "If we hadn't come back-"
"Then my children wouldn't be here now." Her voice was strong and assuring. They seemed to be having a moment so no one looked. My own focus fell to dad who looked like he was trying to kill the carpet with his glare, jaw locked and hands in fists, his whole body stiff.
Okay... Dad was wicked crazy jeleous. Maybe Mom and Edward... Ew, I do not even want to think about it.
Carlisle had finished cleaning and was just finishing putting on the bandages.
"Anything else you'd like me to look at?" He asked quietly.
I looked at him and gave a small smile, "No. I'm fine thanks. Take care of Chilly now."
"And maybe we get a side order of what the hell just happened?" Chilly asked.
Mom sighed and finally looked away from Edward, "They weren't vampire wanna-be's. They were real vampires."
Barlie didn't look surprised, Chilly's eyes widened and I could only think of the pain in my neck and go, yep, It makes total sense.