His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

Like A Wolf. Rawr.

When I woke up in the morning I was alone. I stretched out on my bed, Mom and I had talked about my night pre-life endangering events before we both fell asleep.
I could smell breakfast being cooked, bacon, eggs, pancakes… the works. I followed my nose, sniffing the air as I made my way down. I could hear people talking. Familiar, happy heart making voices.
I skipped down the stairs two at a time, grabbing the railing at the bottom as I nearly fell and spun into the kitchen, sliding across the floor in my socks. I stopped in the kitchen and saw nice familiar faces. My uncles Sam, Quil, Embry, Seth, Paul and Jared.
“There’s our girl!” Seth said with a wide grin and got up to hug me.
“Hiya Seth!” I said happily.
“Good to know sleeping beauty isn’t gonna sleep the day away.” Quil grinned drinking coffee.
“Man Aly, You look like hell.” Embry said and got elbowed.
“Well she’s not exactly lucky in the quick heal way we are.” Dad said from behind the paper.
“Don’t worry Aly, We’ll get those leeches.” Paul said.
“You mean Victoria and her gang?” I asked finding a spot not inhabited by my freakishly large family.
He cleared his throat, “Hm… Yes, those leeches…”
“Speaking of leeches… It reeks around here.” Jared said.
“Well sorry,” Mom rolled her eyes, “Haven’t had time to disinfect the place since the Cullens came through.”
“Kinda crazy isn’t it?” Seth grinned. “I never thought we’d see another vampire around here again…”
“Yeah, It’ll be fun to take down another vamp.” Quil said, “Sure has been boring round here.”
“I prefer the boring.” Dad said.
“That’s cause you’re an old man now.”
That got his paper down, “You think I’m old? That I still can’t whip your butt?”
“Way to edit dad.” I said smothering a pancake in true Canadian syrup.
“Well I’ve gotta be a good role model.”
“Old man…” Quil sang quietly.
“I’ll take you down boy. Don’t test me.”
“Bring it on old man.”
“Jesus…” Sam muttered rubbing his temples.
“Ten on Jacob.” Embry said.
“I dunno, He’s been out of cycle for at least ten years…” Jared said.
“Yeah, Quil’s had tons of practice since then.” Paul said.
“Hey, I am not out of practice.” Jacob said.
“What, Been sneaking transformations behind your misses back?” Quil said.
“And when the rest of us haven’t been in form?” Seth said.
“Jacob’s sneakier then the rest of you guys give him credit for.” Mom said placing a new tower of pancakes on the table which was quickly grabbed at. But not by dad he had looked back to mom and smiled before kissing ensued.
“Aw man… I’m trying to eat here.” Embry complained through a mouth full of pancake.
Dad gave him a rude gesture.
“Dad!” I said laughing, not believing my dad actually gave the bird.
He broke the kiss anyway and said, “oh, sorry Aly. Forgot you were here.”
“Thanks.” I said flatly.
“The twins are up.” Sam said.
“How can you tell?” I asked.
“Super hearing.”
Seth leaned in next to me, “Like a wolf. Rawr.”
I laughed as the twins thundered down the stairs and into the room. They got a loud greeting and answered loudly enough back.
And the forever genius Chilly said, “You guys are werewolves too?”
Okay, Why was he so much smarter than me? I hadn’t even began to think about that… We’ll blame the fact I just woke up. No way Chilly was smarter than me.
“Yep.” They all said cheerfully.
“Good to know you think that way Chills. Cause you know not everyone thinks that.” Quil said.
“Yeah, Most people we meet run away screaming.” Paul said.
“Is that in wolf form or human for you Paul?” Dad asked.
“Both.” The other guys said and Paul frowned as we laughed.
“Hey Aly, Doesn’t Caleb drive a silver Bentley?” Mom asked looking out the window.
Random. “Uh… I dunno.” I said, I knew nothing about cars. Everyone else knew about cars, even mom. Being the receptionist at dads garage she had picked up the lingo and names.
“Well that’s him getting out. So I think it is.”
My mind went blank, Oh god, Caleb was here.
I gasped, “Oh my god! I just left last night- Or they just took me- And I never- Oh god.” I put my head in my hands.
“Oh, that reminds me. He called about fifty times before your father ripped out the phone.” Mom said.
“I was under a lot of stress and all the ringing was not helping.” Dad said as if he really didn’t need to give an explanation.
“We know honey.” Mom pushed back his hair and kissed his forehead.
“Whose Caleb?” Seth asked.
“Aly’s boyfriend.” Chilly said.
“Shut up.” I snapped and then the door bell rang. “Crap!” I squeaked.
“You want me to tell him-” Dad began.
“No! You say nothing!” I said.
“Yeah Jacob, You’re uncool. Let her awesome uncle Jared do it-” Jared began.
“No, no, no! I’ll do it, Everyone just stay here.” I ordered getting up, I turned and say everyone rising from their seats, “Ah! Sit. Stay.”
Quil snorted, “We aren’t dogs Aly.”
“Bah- ha! I seriously disagree.” I said and went to the door.