His Heartbreak, Her Daughter


Running. I was running in my dream, but it was weird. I was close to the ground and using my legs, like an animal would run. I saw a river and realized how thirsty I was. I went over to it but before I could look down I saw a bright light and woke up.
Beep- Beep- Beep! Beep-Beep- Beep!
I rolled over to turn off the damned alarm and fell off my bed in a tangle of sheets.
“Every morning…” I muttered and got up. I turned off the alarm and got dressed. I looked out the window, It was the beginning of June and could the clouds give us one freaking day off? No. Oh well, I was use to the rain. I got dressed and sat before the mirror.
I brushed the knots out of my long raven hair and fixed my bangs to hang over the left side of my face. I wasn’t really one for make up, sometimes I wore it and sometimes I didn’t. I decided it as a didn’t day so got up and went downstairs for breakfast.
My brothers sat at the kitchen table, stuffing their faces and arguing with my father about some new argument… Or maybe it was old, I wasn’t listening as I didn’t really care. I hopped onto the counter to eat a muffin.
“Morning darling.” Mom smiled and we kissed cheeks as she went by me.
“Morning.” I said and began to eat the poppy seed muffin goodness.
Mom smiled at me brightly. She was so pretty, I was lucky enough to inherit her flawless porcelain skin… The only problem was I had gotten dads black hair so I looked like a extreme vampire- Goth person wannabe. But I took it as I came and thanked god for hair dye… Which dad wouldn’t let me use… Party pooper.
My brothers looked near exactly like my father when he was thirteen. Dark hair, tanned skin… But they got moms chocolate colored eyes as I got dads black ones.
I was just humming my dance song for this years recital and staring out the window at the neighbors when everyone yelled my name.
“What?!” I said shocked as hell, my muffin going into the sink, lucky for me it was empty.
“You’re such a day dreamer.” Mom laughed.
“Just like your mother.” Dad said with a growl, pulling her into his lap, she laughed and they rested their foreheads against each other, smiling as they stared deep within the others soul.
“Oh, Bleck!” Chilly said as Barlie made gagging noises. I just rolled my eyes. They did this all the freaking time, After like, twenty years together they were still lovey -dovey.
Oh well, Gave hope to the rest of us. I never met another couple happier or more loving to one another then my parents.
“Was I called back to you’re planet for something other then having to watch you two play kissy face?” I asked.
Mom looked to me smiling apologetically as Dad continued to hold her on his lap, resting his head into her neck, eyes shut looking at peace.
“Yes, I was just wondering your plans for tonight.” Mom said, “I know Gwen wanted your help to decide on dance things and as you’ve got less then a week less…”
“I’ll be at Gwen’s tonight, yeah.” I said, “She’s in full panic mode over the dance… These things always bring the worst out of her…”
“And what about you? I know Caleb-“ Dads eyes shot open, his head left mom’s shoulder and all peace in his face left. Oh how the over protective dad sense has kicked in to annoy me this last year or so. “-asked you. Are you going?”
“Of course. Gwen told Caleb ‘there was nothing else I would rather do then go to junior prom with him.’” I air quoted the words straight from her mouth.
“Gwen answered for you?” Dad asked, “So why doesn’t she take him- You don’t need a date- You don’t even have to go- What if I take you shopping or I could teach you on the back roads how to ride a motorcycle-“
“Jacob,” Mom scowled at him, “Caleb is a nice boy and a perfect gentlemen on the few dates Aly has gone on with him.”
Dad pouted and looked to his empty plate.
Mom looked back to me, “You’ll need a dress still?”
“Yeah. I was thinking of going to that vintage place in Port Angeles. I love their stuff.” I said.
“Anywhere you like darling. We’ll go tomorrow after school. Hopefully there’s still something left. I told you we should have gone last week.”
I shrugged, “I prefer spontaneous days.” There was a honk outside the house and I saw Katy’s car in the driveway. Of our group of friends, she was the only one who could drive. She had a late birthday and was out in our year.
“Alright, See you later.” I hopped off the counter and grabbed my school bag.
“Have a good day Aly.” Dad called.
“Don’t throw up on anybody!” Chilly called and Barlie snickered.
“One time!” I said as I hopped around pulling on my converse sneaker, “That had one time!” And it was because we were taking blood tests… Another thing I inherited from mom, blood made me squeamish.
I went to Katy and greeted her as she did me. She looked a lot like her own mother, minus the glasses. Her mother, Angela, and mine had been friends since high school, it only made sense Katy and I would become good friends too.
“I’m going for a dress tomorrow.” I said.
“Finally.” She smiled, “Gwen will be relieved. I think she was starting to take your ‘I’m going in sweats and sneakers’ seriously.”
I laughed, “That girl needs to loosen up.”
“Oh she will, Once everyone is there and having fun.”
We arrived at the school and found our friends already there, waiting at the edge of the parking lot. There were six of us in our group. Four girls, two boys. We’d all come together at the beginning of this year so we needn’t face the hours of high school alone.
DJ Denvers and Gwen Madden was the other girls in our group. DJ was dark haired and tiny, often mistaken for being younger then she was as she barely hit five foot and was super thin, but that was all the swimming she did. Gwen was a perfectionist from a rich family. She loved being social and put no price on her friends happiness. She was my height with light brown, blonde highlighted hair and light brown eyes.
Our boys were Jeff Wyatt and Matt Park. Jeff was the best dressed boy in the whole school and made heavy unattractive eyebrows attractive. He was tall, thin and oh so cute. I knew lots of girls who had liked and crushed over him at one point or another, as he was so sweet and polite. Just one problem… If you weren’t a boy he wasn’t interested. I was upset for a week when I found out he was gay but quickly got over it. As I said, he was just so darn likable! Our last member was the equally as cute but not as well dressed Matt Park. He was on the school’s champion soccer team. He was tall with bushy dark hair and skin much too soft for a boy in a light, light brown colour. He was straight and also very crushable with his polite mannerisms… But he still liked to make fun of us as boys did when we were being overly girly.
“Katy! Aly!” Gwen cried as we came over.
“Watch out, She’s on prom overdrive.” Matt said and DJ made him drop his bagel. “Hey! I was eating that!”
DJ shrugged looking cute as she always did when she tried to be innocent, “Oops.”
“Don’t worry Gwen, I’ve got all tonight to help you.” I said.
“Yeah, me too.” Katy said, “Whatever it is you need help with… It isn’t more boy drama right?” I laughed at her blush for boys, even if I did horrible around them too.
“No, no. Me and Reese are fine. He’s got his tux and knows exactly how he is putting his hair and when to pick me up…” Her eyes went wide and she looked at us, “Wait- You’re dates are fine though right? Because I can still-“
“Relax Gwen, Everything will go fine.” Jeff said rubbing her shoulders.
“Oh I hope so, I meant this is our freshmen prom and-“ She kept talking even when the awful sounding bell went off to inform us school was set to start. I swear they had not changed that bell since my mother went here.
I met Katy’s eyes and we both rolled ours as Gwen said a hundred things a minute and we dragged her into the school.