His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

Off to the Cullens We Go

I knocked on the twins door after I was ready, I could hear them arguing and when they didn’t tell me to enter, I entered anyways and saw Chilly and Barlie fighting, Chilly half out the window, Barlie trying to pull him back in, capturing his head in a headlock as he swatted at Barlie. They both looked at me.
“Nice.” I said simply with a nod.
“What do you want Aly, as you can plainly see we’re kinda in the middle of something.” Chilly said.
“Mmm ya, I can see that.”
“Help me get him back inside Aly please.” Barlie asked politely.
“Traitor!” Chilly batted at his twin again.
“Barlie just let him go, Even if he does get down the drainpipe with his busted arm the others will catch him. Super hearing remember?”
“Damn,” Chilly shook Barlie off and stood inside the room, “Super powers are no fun when you’re not the one holding them.”
“No they are not. Now come on, Alice said she’s gonna get us out of here.”
“She is- Why?” Barlie asked.
“Who cares, anywhere is better than here and we may meet those vamps again- Serve out our revenge!” Chilly said cheerfully.
“Oh, so you can get your other arm broken?” I asked.
“Maybe they make a snack from you.” Chilly said and we mocked and annoyed each other as we went downstairs and saw the dining room table had been broken in half. Angry voices came from behind the sliding door in the living room. Mom was waiting with Alice and dad by the front door.
“Effective talk?” I asked looking at the broken table.
“You know your uncles… Their strength kind of escapes them.” Mom said.
“And lucky us knowing why now.” Barlie said.
“So we’re getting out of here?” Chilly asked.
“Just for a few hours while your father and the others… Well they have business to attend to.”
“So you’ll get to spend some time with the Cullens.” Dad said, faking enthusiasm, Mom rubbed his arm instead of just hitting them. And so dads dislike for the Cullens continue.
“What are you guys going to do?” Chilly looked at dad.
“Nothing to concern yourself with sport.”
Chilly looked at Mom, “Can I go with dad? His activity sounds a lot more interesting.”
“You never can just listen to instruction can you?” Barlie asked.
“Sorry Chilly, You have to come with us.” Alice said.
Chilly frowned, “its wolfy stuff isn’t it?”
“Spot on Chills.” Mom said putting an arm around him, “Come on, Don’t make a scene, Alice will not disappoint in the fun department. I had some of the best of times with the Cullens.”
If the look on dads face wasn’t so horrified, so hurt- I would have laughed only because of the quickness of the emotion. By the time Mom looked up he had cleaned it up to show no emotion, but imbedded deep in his eyes was that hurt.
“Come on guys, Lets go- We’re gonna have lots of fun!” Alice said linking both her skinny arms through my brothers, who stared at her confused but she just wore a big smile as she dragged them with a strength they hadn’t been expecting. “Do you boys like dirt bikes?”
“Oh god,” I heard mom say though she smiled rolling her eyes.
“Come on Aly.” Alice called over her shoulders.
I followed but looked back as I went to the car, Alice sat in the back with the twins and ordered me in front, I watched mom and dad from inside the car as they said good bye. Alice was attempting to distract us I think and it worked with the twins but I peeked at my parents, reading their facial expressions. Dad looked stone cold, mom looked apologetic, hurt, guilty.
How well would that super hearing come now?
I jumped at the car horn as Chilly had leaned over the seat to honk it, “Come on Mom!” He yelled, mom also seemed surprised while dad gave away nothing.
“God,” I looked at Chilly, “You are so rude!”
“I’ll show you rude.” He threatened but Alice pulled him back on his butt first.
“Sit down Chills.” Barlie said as mom came over to her seat.
“Alright, to the Cullens we go.” She gave us a smile and looked away quickly when I tried to hold her sight. I looked up at the deck and saw dad had already disappeared inside.
Oh god, something was wrong.
“Still remember the way Bells?” Alice asked.
“Of course.” She smiled putting on her seatbelt and driving out. While Alice did her oh so brilliant distraction tactic on the nimrods I took my chance.
“Is everything okay?” I asked quietly to mom.
“It’s fine,” She lied with a quick smile and glance, “You know, as far as having mad vampires on your tail can go.”
“Right.” I said deciding not to push it, it’s not like she would tell me anyway.