His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

Looking Good For Being An Old Lady

We drove out of town and down a road I would have never known there. Alice was listing off fun activities we could do and I wondered if she knew we were older than five. Well, I was anyway. The twins were preteen boys after all and had the maturity of children. Not all the Cullens would be home, some of them were still at the house. Esme, Rosalie and Emmett were there waiting for us, Alice warned us not to listen to a word Emmett says or let him bully us into anything. Mom laughed at that one.
They were waiting on the front porch, once again I felt the freaky feeling of being the object of attention. Like the display at an art exhibit. Creepy.
We got out of the car and went over to the steps that the others walked down.
“Hello.” Esme said with a cautious smile.
“Yo.” The twins said, I rolled my eyes.
“Come on guys, the bikes are this way.” Alice said, walking in her dance like steps around the back of the house.
“So we are dirt biking then?” Emmett asked.
“Apparently the boys are big on the getting muddy and dangerous.” Alice smiled back to them.
“Yeah, We love just getting out there, back to nature… the thrill of the race and all that.” Chilly said, trying to sound cool.
“You have helmets right?” Mom asked.
Barlie and I burst out laughing, Chilly shot a menacing look at us that reduced our laughs to snickers.
“Mom!” He whined.
“Of course we have helmets.” Esme said.
“Why would you have helmets?” Chilly asked, “You guys can probably break anything with your head before they can break you.”
“True. But you don’t.” Emmett grinned.
“Hey, I’ll take you right now.” Chilly brought up his fists, not even able to make one with his broken arm.
“I don’t think so little man.”
“Little-” He began and fumed, “Man, you are lucky my arm is busted or I would have you beggin’ for mercy.”
It looked like Emmett was having the same amount of trouble keeping in his laughter as we were. Chilly was filled with so much hot air sometimes it was amazing he didn’t just float away.
Looking at the Cullens house it was obvious they were rich and looking in their garage you could only assume they were super rich. There were five cars in there, all very expensive according to my brothers who couldn’t keep their mouths shut in awe at them, mom wasn’t the least bit surprised. There were a few motorcycles, six dirt bikes… at least what we could see. There was several large objects covered in sheets I was afraid to look under.
They gave us full jumpsuits and helmets before we jumped on the bikes, I was not use to such fancy like ones, ours were simple, as far as dirt bikes went but they ran great because of the work dad did on them. Alice was mostly explaining to me more than the twins on how to work these things.
Mine was yellow it was super cool.
“We thought you would like yellow best.” Alice said.
“These sure are sweet.” I smiled.
“Totally. Except when they are lying on the highway so broken there only use left is as scrap metal.” Alice looked at Emmett who just laughed.
“What can I say? These bikes just can’t handle how rough I ride.” He said.
“Emmett.” Rosalie scolded him though the impish smirk on her lips said it wasn’t really a scold.
Gross. I tried not to look too pukeish.
“Which is why we have to order a new one every week.” Esme said.
“That often? Jeez with all those parts you could build whole new bikes.” Barlie said.
“Yeah, I bet Rose could make some cool new experimental bikes.” Emmett said wrapping his arms around her, she swatted at him though it wasn’t much help not that she seemed to be trying very hard to get away.
“Oh for the love of God- Can you two not do this now?” Alice said.
“No.” Emmett said, holding Rosalie to him.
“Really, we have company.” Esme was really scolding now.
“Oh we don’t mind.” Barlie said really not paying attention to anything but his bike, “We’ll just take these babies out.”
“You guys aren’t really brother and sister right?” Chilly asked.
No duh. I thought, or really hoped.
“Not in the slightest.” Emmett said.
“Husband and wife.” Rosalie smiled at him.
“For how long?” I heard myself ask. Not that I wasn’t truly interested a little bit with these vampires… I was really starting to get curious. How annoying.
“Ninety years.” Emmett answered as he would any other question.
If I wasn’t sitting I think I would have fallen.
Okay, I knew some of the mythology of vampires and such that they like get bitten and stay frozen in that body state forever or whatever… But still it was really weird to meet someone older then dirt and looked only a few years older than yourself and way better.
“Well that’s…” Barlie said.
“You’re looking good for being an old lady.” Chilly said.
Okay, laughing there. Even Rosalie cracked a giggle.
Chilly looked at Alice, “How about you darlin’?” He asked, once again trying to be cool.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself junior. I’m a married woman.” Alice said.
“Of all the luck!” Chilly said. “Are any of you not hitched?”
“Did you find Edward to be your cup of tea?” Emmett said.
Chilly frowned as Barlie and me burst out laughing.
“Yeah that seems like the kind of break you would get bro.” Barlie said.
He looked at his brother to say in a low almost possessed sounding voice, “Not funny.”
“Oh, I seriously beg to differ.” I grinned.