His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

Thelma and Louise It

We took the bikes out to have fun and I gotta say, racing in between the trees and trying really hard not to run over or into anything alive was a really good way to forget all your troubles. Unless you were Chilly.
“Damn trees!” He cursed from a trail farther away. “Stop getting in the way!”
“Not very good at this is he?” Rosalie asked, she was suppose to be my partner I guess, make sure I don’t go off a cliff or anything. Chilly had gotten Emmett, but you can just imagine the idiot things they got themselves into so switched with Alice. Much more sensible.
“He’s ADHD positive… Taking him out to do anything is a pain in the ass.” I said and hit the exhilaration as I flew off a very man made looking jump made from a fallen tree. It was wicked fun.
I didn’t find Rosalie that bad. She was easy to talk to like Alice and like her, she always seemed to want to listen to me talk. She was also funny. She kept telling me stories about their lives as immortals. All the shenanigans they had gotten into… Mostly brought on by Emmett.
I wasn’t so into the dirt biking so Rose took me back into the house. Esme and mom were on the porch still talking, they waved to us as we went into the garage and Rose showed me the cars.
“Do you like cars?” She asked after a few minutes of explaining the differences between various engines.
“Not really. I mean ya, when they’re shiny they’re pretty and they are convenient for getting places fast… Where was I going with this?” I asked forgetting my place.
“I’m sorry, we can do something else-” Rosalie seemed a slight panicked at making me bored.
“No it’s cool. Dad’s been getting on my case… well, ever since I was tall enough to look over the hood of the car to learn how to fix them and stuff. I suppose it wouldn’t be a bad thing to learn in case you know my car breaks down or whatever… But I’d much rather not learn it from him.”
“He sounds demanding- Does he snap at you when you get something wrong? Yell and curse at you?” Her eyes were wide, like she hoped he did this a little bit.
“Ah… No. He’s my dad not a drill sergeant.”
“Oh… Sorry. Just how you said it…” She looked away embarrassed and then cleared her throat, “So, uhm… Why don’t you want to learn this stuff from him?”
“Cause when I was nine I got a shower in gas.”
She raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”
“One of those gas valve things burst and covered me in gas, it got all in my hair and totally ruined my favorite shirt. I ran home crying. It was wicked funny… now.”
She laughed, “Awe… Poor girl.” She reached over and stroked my hair.
“Tell me about it.” I grinned and she smiled back.
“Well…” She removed her hand, “I have been fixing up cars longer than your father has been alive, There’s no chance of your pretty hair getting ruined around me.”
“That’s reassuring.”
“When do you turn sixteen?”
“Not for another like, eight months.”
“Well,” She put down the hood, “Why don’t we get you ready for that driver’s test.”
“You mean like, you’ll show me how to drive?”
“More like I’ll tell you how to drive.” She went around to the passenger side.
“What- No- Rose-!” I began but somehow she got me into the driver’s side and twenty minutes later I was slowly driving out of the driveway. She was very patient with me, smiling even when I asked which one gas was for the hundredth time. Yes, I knew it was right but still, you try being behind the wheel of a eighty thousand dollar car without ever reading a drivers manual. Maybe what they said was true, rich people are crazy…Okay I don’t know who says that but I think it’s true.
I was doing well, we went down the driveway, mom and Esme ordered us to not go far, reminding me once again of the danger in what I had thought would be our forever boring town. Sitting behind the wheel I thought about how much I wanted to go back to the boring life, last night I dreamt about outrunning all my troubles to Mexico, this car could probably get us there in three days tops. Rose and me we could do that whole Thelma and Louise thing… granted I’ve never seen that movie but the running away in a car reminded me of it.
But I couldn’t do that… Mostly because if I asked Rose if she wanted to I wasn’t entirely sure she’d say no. So we just went down the highway, opposite of Forks, no one was on it per usual. Thinking about all the scary vamps again ruined my calmed feeling as I drove- and I was just getting into it, understanding why so many people take car rides just to think- my nerves totally went to hell when something jumped on the roof and let out a roar resembling a lion’s as he hung his head in front of the window with wide crazy eyes and a psychotic grin, I hit the brakes and screamed.