His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

Revenge by Baking

It was Emmett.
He burst out laughing and rolled off the roof to next to me onto his feet.
“Emmett, you moron!” Rosalie cursed at him.
“Sorry Rosie…” He opened the back door and slid onto the seat, “Actually I’m not… Aly’s face was just too priceless!” And he started to laugh again.
“You’re a butt munch.” I muttered, hand still over my heart as it pounded loudly in my ears.
“You apologize to her right now Emmett.” Rosalie demanded, she seriously looked like she could murder him.
“Alright, Alright…” He sat forwards again. “I am sorry for scaring you Aly, But I do believe Rosie told you a thing or two on my antics.”
“You’re still not nice.” I glowered back at him and he just grinned.
“I’ll try to be nicer then.”
“You better.” I wanted to sound threatening, his smile never faltered in my malice.
“What are you doing out here anyway Em?” Rosalie sat back, fixing adjusting her already perfect hair in her reflection.
“Alice sent me to get you. She had a vision, the wolves are done their meeting and the other’s are coming home, Jacob will want all his kids present… Not joy riding around with only one escort.”
I groaned and leaned forwards, “He is such a worry wart…”
“He just wants you safe honey…” Rosalie said moving my hair over my shoulders.
“Annoyingly safe.” I sat back and looked at the young old couple, “He’s not going to let me have any fun anymore until these stupid vamps are run out of town.”
“Run out of town-” Emmett began and Rosalie elbowed him in the gut, it looked like nothing but he still doubled over.
Okay, maybe running them out of town was the positive fairytale version. Scare the bad guys away so they never came back. But the mad Victoria woman has been alone and insane the past twenty years… Better not kid myself, they were going to stop her permanently. But we would pretend like I didn’t know, I don’t think Rosalie thought I was old enough to hear or handle such matters and even though I was seriously opposed to that and old enough to handle anything… I really did not want to get into this business of murder, even if it was to someone who was already technically dead.
I shivered at the very thought.
“Are you cold? Do you want me to drive back?” Rosalie asked.
“Or I could pull the car with my teeth.” Emmett suggested.
I looked back as Rosalie shook her head, rubbing her temples.
“It’s alright.” I smiled. “I was just starting to really get it before the interruption, I’ll be fine.”
“Well, whatever you want sweetie.” Rosalie smiled and I put my hands on the wheel, focusing on the road… and my surroundings for any more unpleasant visitors.
Emmett was reliving his dirt biking with the twins, he was impressed by -what I would call stupidity- Chilly’s bravery for being mortal and reckless. The Barlie being a true visionary found a cooler spot for jumps but before they even began to build it, Alice came in and forbade it. Yay for a future seer, it’ll certainly save us a few trips to the hospital.
We drove down the long driveway, Alice was waiting on the stairs, balancing perfectly on the banister, she smiled as we went by to the garage, where I handled parking perfectly with the backing up and not hitting anything. Rosalie applauded politely as Emmett cheered like he was at some sports game, I laughed in my embarrassment and got out to join the others. Alice came around.
“I saw what Emmett did to you, Don’t worry. We’ll get him back.” She smiled and winked, taking my hand and leading me inside.
I smelt the cookies then heard the laughter, “Cookies?” I asked.
“The boys were hungry, we offered something more… meal like but they insisted on cookies. They’re quite the bakers.” Alice smiled.
We entered the kitchen and as I expected, it was a total and complete mess. The messiest part? My flour covered brothers, Chilly even had what looked like some yolk in his hair. Barlie had Chilly in a headlock as Chilly had his hair, awkwardly trying to smash a fist of batter in his hand. Esme stood back smiling though appeared to have a slight concern in her face, whether it was for the safety of her kitchen or my idiot brothers I wasn’t sure. Mom just sat back, coffee mug in her hand and content on her face.
“Hey mom.” I came next to her.
“Hi honey, Had a fun ride?” She asked ignoring her quarreling sons to looks at me.
“Tons… For the most part.” I said shooting a glare to Emmett, then smiled pleasantly to mom, “With Rosalie’s help I’ll totally be ready to drive in no time.”
“Hm, Just don’t let your Grandpa Charlie catch you.” She looked amused.
A ding! went off and my brothers stopped wrestling.
“Fire in the hole!” Chilly shouted as Barlie went to get them out.
“Does that even make sense?” Emmett asked.
Alice looked over, and in all attitude asked, “You are asking if something makes sense?”
I went over, “Oooo… What kind are they?” There was some uncooked dough on the counter, which sometimes tasted so much better than actual cooked pizzas anyway, I took the spoon out ready to eat it but Chilly smacked my hand.
“Ah- ah! You want some cookies- You gotta haul your weight sister.” He gave me a cookie sheet of rolled up, ready to be baked cookie dough.
“Fine.” I said mockingly and he mocked me back. Barlie had taken out the other sheet so I put in this one only to feel something gooey hit the top of my head. I screamed, jumping back up, the twins were laughing. “Mom!” I whined, grabbing the all too nasty smashed eggshell on my head, “Did you see what they did?!”
“Oh, no sorry Aly- I wasn’t looking.” Mom smiled.
I turned to the laughing twins fuming, “Oh- You think this is funny?”
“Very much, yes.” Barlie smiled wide as Chilly continued to laugh.
“Well you should see what I’m going to do.”
Aly, please.” Alice appeared behind the twins, “let me get them for you.” Then she shoved a bowl of flour over Barlie’s face, I laughed and then Chilly got his twin’s revenge by popping a bag of flour in her face.
Alice gasped as Emmett howled with laughter with the boys. I felt it was my duty to return my debt and as Alice’s glare was on Emmett and I stood behind him, I grabbed the flour but Rosalie shook her head grabbing my wrist and holding an egg. I smiled and took it .Emmett was super tall but I smashed the egg over his right ear while he was distracted. Needless to say he stopped laughing. And that’s when the war zone hit.

Jacob stood outside the Cullen household as a man, he had run as a wolf with the vamps who’d stayed behind to plot. His children were in the kitchen, having a ingredients war as they usually did when they baked or whatever. Except this time they were joined by vampires who appeared to be having just as much fun in the cloud of flour and eggs everywhere, Aly was actually on Emmett’s back as he spun around, she screamed and laughed. Just like when she was little and he did the same thing.
“Well your children appear to be having fun.” Carlisle said politely.
“Can’t take those kids anywhere.” Jacob muttered, just feeling the slightest of betrayal… That was a lie actually. He felt rather betrayed, and by his own flesh and blood. They let them in just as easily as Bella had twenty years ago… Didn’t his side of their DNA feel opposed to being surrounded by vamps at all?