His Heartbreak, Her Daughter


When the others arrived they didn’t look as wary as I thought they would be after discussing the grim topic of taking down bad guys… Then again it wasn’t like any of these things were new for them. Instead the vampires seemed amused we had tainted their kitchen and made it into a flour storm… eggs everywhere. Dad looked more like I expected, hiding behind his mask of stone and standing near mom, she did however eventually break him down a little. She was good at that, making all of dad’s worries just melt away.
Mom insisted we clean up the mess we made and suggested they all retreat to the other room, it was obvious she wanted to discuss things over and didn’t want us to hear.
“Oh, they don’t have to do that Bella. We can clean up-” Esme began.
“You can’t let these kids get away with anything.” Mom gave us a look.
“Yeah, Give them a inch and they’ll walk all over you.” Dad said.
“You guys make us sound horrible.” Chilly said, feinting hurt.
“You are horrible.” I said and avoided his hand.
“Clean, now.” Mom ordered as they retreated to the other room.
“Look what you did,” Barlie muttered taking beginning to wash down the counter.
“What did I do?” Chilly and I said at the same time then looked at one another and spoke in unison again, “He’s talking about you- No- You!” We glared at one another.
I found it disturbing sometimes I acted more like Chilly’s twin then Barlie did.
“If you two would act more mature we could hear their plans.” Barlie said.
“Awe… I hate being mature!” Chilly whined beginning to sweep.
“Ew, I don’t want to be part of their plans. I just want it to be over.” I said.
“So you’re just going to leave the grownups to clean up your mess.”
“This isn’t- I didn’t start it!” I said defensive like.
“Well I think I’m more then mature enough to be a part of the solution.” Chilly said.
“Chilly, You have neither fangs or nor can metamorphosis into a giant wolf.” Barlie said.
“You’re also sweeping the dirt under the rug.” I said, he had listed up a corner of the rug.
“What- I don’t know where else to put it.” He shrugged.
Barlie and I looked at one another then back to our middle brother, “Oh yeah,” I said nodding, “You’re ready to take on those vamps.”
“Vampires of the world beware.” Barlie said.
The good news was that when the cookies were done, they were beyond delicious. The bad news? The Cullens couldn’t taste their deliciousness. Human food was not in their diet. Note to self, Never become a vampire. So we had to take the cookies all home… Actually I think that goes under good things.
We also found out the ground rules, we were under 24 hour surveillance as of now. We would not be leaving home without an escort at any time, at least two of our uncles would be around… usually in wolf form so if we took out the garbage and a wolf looked like it was going to eat us, it was probably just Quil trying to freak us out.
I was definitely less than thrilled to have these restrictions on my life, especially so close to the end of the year when everybody likes to throw parties and stuff… But dad promised it would all be over soon… And I had plenty of time to be single and mingle when I was forty anyway.
…He thought he was so funny.
Sure enough as I finished up homework and studied for finals I saw large, dark shapes dart around the front yard. Dad was out there too, I’d seen him doing flips in the air a couple hours ago, I really think he missed doing the wolf stuff. I went downstairs at about ten to see if there were any cookies left… Nothing good ever lasted around here long, not with my mad family around. I heard my mom on the phone in the living room and stopped.
“…worried about her Billy.” Mom said sounding on the verge of tears. I sat on the steps and eavesdropped. She was talking to my dad’s dad, our ‘chief’ in the tribe. “Barlie told me… I mean just the… how she acts… She’s always been so graceful, Not that I suppose you could really count that as a for sure sign…” She paused and laughed half heartedly at whatever Billy said, “She just really doesn’t look like she wants anything to do with any of this and… I know the chances are low Billy, but they’re still there and being direct descendants… It happened to Leah.”
Leah was my aunt, she visited now and then but mostly she lived with her family in Seattle, Jacob said she was never one for small town life. I liked her though… She always made me feel like I could do anything I wanted, she gave confidence out like hard candies… She also had a hard ass tone to her but whatever, she was a good person and had like, six adopted kids. All of them headstrong just like her.
…Wait, what happened to Leah? And… oh crap. They were talking about the werewolf thing. Oh crap- Aunt Leah was a werewolf!
“Right Billy…” Mom sighed, “I suppose that’s all we can do is wait and see if it happens… No stopping the inevitable…”
My stomach felt like it dropped, I could hear my heartbeat. Suddenly I wasn’t so hungry. I got up and went upstairs in a daze.
Okay, so we considered this before but not really because this whole thing appeared to be a ‘boys only’ club rule… But now the rules were changed. I was fair game just as anyone… ready to burst at any time into a six foot tall crazy wolf.
I went to my closet and opened, climbing on my step stool and moving some boxes out of the way where I hid my two favorite stuffed animals from child hood, you know besides the row of glass china dolls along a high shelf close to the roof. I don’t know why but my Grandma Renee loved to send me them… And up high like that they’d break before they could try to murder me like in all those scary stories I heard about.
Anyways back to my stuffies, I had two, one from each of my grandfathers, Charlie had given me a panda, still wasn’t sure why but who cares it was large and cute and fluffy still. I had named him Monday, Monday the panda. Billy had gotten me a wolfish looking dog. I had named him Hugo. Right now I was mad at anything to do with wolves so I grabbed Monday and just because I was so mad- I stuck my tongue out at Hugo, wrongfully blaming my buddy who had helped me much as a child for things that were happening now in my teenage years.
I shut the closet and collapsed on my bed, hugging Monday, sometimes all you could do was sit and wallow in your own misery. And it was always nice to know then when I cried Monday could always be there to catch the tears and make them seem to disappear forever in his fur.
The next morning I had dance lessons, our recital was coming up and our dance teacher Maia was under stress it seemed every time I saw her, she took these things very serious because she felt we represented her on stage and it was like, who cares? The only ones in the audience were our friends and family… Maybe, sometimes a talent scout but they were for the girls. So anyways, Maia was wicked anal about us being late these days as she wanted to work us every minute.
And wouldn’t you know it? I was late. I was just pulling up my hair, I had just a little more than half an hour to not be late at my dance studio an hour away in Port Angeles.
“Mom!” I shouted, “I’m going to be late for my lesson if we don’t leave now-”
“I know, you’re car should be here momentarily.” She answered coming out with my traveler coffee mug filled with the caffeine I so desperately needed.
I snorted taking the cup, “Oooo a chauffeur service? Fun.” I took a sip of its goodness.
“Slash bodyguards.” Mom smiled.
“That’ll be fun to explain to my friends.” I said and there was a knock, “And let’s see who’s behind door number one.” I opened it and my face fell. “Oh crap.”