His Heartbreak, Her Daughter

Turning Into My Mother

Emmett looked down to me grinning.
“Morning sunshine.” He said pleasantly.
I looked at mom, “Emmett… Seriously?”
“And Edward.” She hung her head out the door and pointed, “See?” She waved at him as he sat in one of the Cullen’s shiny cars from the garage, he waved back. I couldn’t see his face.
“Wonderful- Dad couldn’t have taken me?” I looked at her.
“He can’t be everywhere Aly.” Mom rolled her eyes and smiled to Emmett, “Besides, Emmett and Edward promised they would never take their eyes off you.”
I pouted, “That’s what I’m afraid of.”
Emmett just continued to beam and stepped to the side, “Your chariot awaits, Madame.”
I fought all urge to mock him like I would my brothers and went passed, “I get front seat.”
He laughed, “Fine.” But he ran ahead of me anyways.
“Hey!” I said and rushed to the door, but he was just holding it open for me. “Oh.” I heard mom laugh from the porch.
He laughed, “Honestly Aly, You think I would steal the front seat from you?”
I blushed and looked at my feet, “Sorta,” I muttered, “You remind me of my brothers.”
From the corner of my eye I saw the grin spread wider, like the Cheshire cat. “Well… I think that gives me allowance to be extra annoying then.”
I put a hand on his shoulder, “I can’t see how you can be any worse than my brothers.”
“Is that a challenge?”
My face fell along with my hand, I heard a chuckle from inside the car and Edward muttered, “Now you’ve done it…”
I straightened up looking the very large Cullen in the eye, “No it is not a challenge so let’s stop this dilly dallying and get a move on.” I tried to act reasonably cool as I slid into front seat, Edward watched me without really looking at me. It was a weird sentence, but true.
“Hi Edward.” I said trying to be polite.
He met my eye for a second and nodded before looking away. He seemed tense… I wonder what that was for?
Emmett climbed into the back seat and never let an awkward moment pass. He was such a girl, the way his motor mouth ran. He said almost everyone wanted to go to my dance class but obviously that would be weird so he and Edward won the ‘competition’ to take me.
“And of course letting me decide who I want to stalk me to my lessons is out of the question?” I said.
“Of course. You probably would have picked someone obvious like Alice… Or Rosalie or Esme…” He said with an eye roll.
“I wonder why…” I drank more coffee, and looked at Edward, he hadn’t said a thing for the ten minutes we’d been driving, “Well, We know why Emmett wanted to tag along-”
“Why’s that?” Emmett invaded my personal bubble.
“To watch for me to fall on my face, obviously.”
He frowned, “You don’t know me.” And sat back in his seat, finally, crossing his massive arms across his oversized chest. It would feel so secure in those arms, I suppose, safe and strong… If only he was the strong and silent type.
I then snapped my eyes back to the front, hiding my blush in my coffee and I took another drink and cleared my throat, “Anyway…” I looked back to Edward, “What pushed you to win whatever the competition was-”
“It was spitting.” Emmett said.
I looked between the two vampires, “You had a spitting contest to determine who drives me to my class?” I asked as if it was the ludicrous contest in the world.... Which it kind of was. “What are you guys… Five?!”
Even Edward laughed at that, the first smile he’d had since… Well I don’t think I’d ever seen him smile. It was rather adorable…. Okay why do I keep noticing the attractive boy qualities of these Cullens? Annoying, stupid boy crazy hormones!
“Well we’d love to do more normal, Aly approve contests but we can’t really. Too much cheating involved… You know, then there already is.” Emmett laughed joining us back up front.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Didn’t we explain the extra powers last night?”
“No, Emmett we did not.” Edward rolled his eyes.
“Well now seems like a good time as ever.” I shrugged.
“Alice sees the future and Edward hears thoughts. As they didn’t want to be immediately disqualified… We had to be reduced to the oldest of… You’re blushing.” Emmett nearly laughed, “Why are you blushing?”
“What- A girl can’t blush? It’s not illegal to blush Emmett!” I snapped somewhat unfairly at him, but I was feeling completely mortified… I’d had some pretty stupid thoughts around Edward about many different things.
“You don’t have to worry too much about Alice or my gifts Aly.” Edward said.
“What… Why?” I asked. “I mean- Who said I was worried about them? I’m not… It’s cool.” I lied as I tried to think smart, sophisticated things… or nothing at all.
“Alice can’t see you well. And my hearing doesn’t work so well on you either.”
“Why?” Now my mind really was blank.
“Alice can’t see the wolves. When you’re not around them it gets easier for her though…”
“And… what about for you? The wolves mess up you’re extra ear?”
“No, Bella.” There was something soft in the way he said my mother’s name, a deep admiration wrapped around a heavy pain with some more complicated emotions. So he used to be with my mom when she was young but something happened, I’m sure breaking up had not been his idea and she went with dad. But then why would dad be so ticked every time this guy came around? He had won mom’s heart… Oh good, this hurt my head. I really hoped I’d never get into some weird mythical creature love triangle.
Oh crap, he was probably hearing all of this… Though his face hadn’t changed since he’d last spoken.
“So uhm… What about mom? How does she… ya know?” I asked.
“Not sure, We’ve never understood it. Her head’s always been silent to me. I’ve never met another like that.”
“Then what about me? You can still hear me right?” I tried not to sound panicked or uncool. But a guy being able to listen to whatever I thought was very unnerving… Oh, crap! I was thinking again.
“Your thoughts to me are like your grandfather Charlie’s. They’re there, just not always clear. More of a whisper and more often than not, I get nothing at all. Just like Bella. It’s quieter when you’re farther away.”
Wow, that was annoying. If only my brain would stay defective all the time. Then I wouldn’t have to worry about eavesdroppers.
Edward’s mouth twitched as he appeared to be trying not to smile, “You think you’re defective?”
“Well what else could it be?” I answered as if it was obvious.
“Bella… Your mother,” He corrected himself, “She said the same thing when I told her.”
“Oh god,” I looked out the front window, “I’m turning into my mother.”
Emmett laughed, “Well that means we’re definitely in for more of a show today.”
I glared back at him, “There is no way in hell you are coming into my class.” I looked forward and said before I took another drink of coffee, thinking of what Edward said about my thoughts being distant to him, “And I’m sitting in the back when we drive home.”