His Heartbreak, Her Daughter


I got through dance class without another fainting spell, I did have to sit off to the side for a few moments but I was fine. Edward and Emmett were just worrywarts, thinking I would break at any given time, like I’d disappear if they blinked. And they never did blink the whole time we were out.
After class they made me get breakfast at a dinner, since they were paying I planned to gorge myself with waffles. Since they wouldn’t stop the non- blinking staring, I felt self conscious while gorging myself. Stupid rules. I’d have to tell mom to order the vampire slaves to lax, a lot. That made Edward laugh which in turn annoyed Emmett for he had no idea what was so funny.
While returning to home we were instructed to take me to my grandpa Billy’s instead, or rather Emmett and Edward drove me to the La Push boundary line- I didn’t even know there was such a thing- where my uncles Jared, Embry and Seth waited… And my cousin Sean.
“Hey Aly!” he said brightly. Sean had always been a huge kid, in height and weight, and I figured it was just because he was like every other man in our family. I know I hadn’t seen him for a few weeks but he had changed so it looked like a lot longer.
“Uh, hey Sean…” I said blinking. His face was thinner, his arms were more toned… He looked least flabby in general.
“Crazy thing about this whole werewolf thing huh?” He was still smiling wide, I swear he was glowing.
“Uh… ya.” How the heck did he slim down so quick?
“Yeah, Check this out.”
“Sean-” Embry began.
But there was no stopping what he was about to do. He flipped in the air, and I found that amazing all on its own but when he landed, his clothing had torn to shreds and he had gained four legs, a tail, dark chocolate brown fur and fangs that he showed off with a loud roar.
Needless to say, he scared me crapless and I jumped into the nearest set of arms (Edward’s), screaming like a girl.
Sean fell back and laughed a weird panting snicker.
“Well that was entirely unnecessary.” Jared said.
“Entirely!” I repeated in a shout, heart pounding in my chest.
Sean didn’t look ashamed at all, he just kept laughing.
“Don’t worry,” Edward said quietly in my ear, “Your father is not impressed with his actions at all.”
Sean stopped laughing to look at Edward, head tilted to the side.
“Yes Sean, this is the mindreading vampire.” Seth said with an eye roll, “And he’ll be right about Jacob getting mad at you.”
Sean made a puppy dog look and whined.
“I think he wants you to forgive him.” Embry said.
“Well I won’t- I hope dad yells at you- Do you know what I’ve been through?” I said leaving behind Edward’s arms to stand before Sean, he didn’t look any smaller up close. This was so jipped- We were eye level and he was a damn wolf and he was still taller than me. Lame.
Sean almost appeared to be pouting as he looked me in the eye, giving me dark, pouty eyes.
“No I’m not going to forgive you.” I told him sternly, “You’re just a big bully.”
He whined.
Jared chuckled and muttered, “Hell hath no fury…”
“Come on, let’s get back before Billy and Bella send a search party.” Embry said.
I looked back at the vampires who had not moved from the places they had stopped at, “I suppose I should thank you for your over paranoid protection today.”
“Well it’s always nice.” Emmett shrugged.
I rolled my eyes, “Well, Thank you for making sure no scary vamps got me.”
“Anytime.” Emmett grinned.
I smiled as I turned away and followed Sean, “Now how the hell are we suppose to carry a conversation if you look like that?”
“I hope there were no problems.” Embry looked to Edward and spoke softly so I couldn’t hear even when I was out of earshot.
“Victoria and her followers were nowhere near,” Edward said. “But you should still watch her.”
“Aly- Why?” Seth asked.
“It was probably nothing but… she nearly fainted during her class…”
“Yeah, That’s less than nothing.” Jared said.
“Come on, What’s the hold up!” I called annoyed, “I have no one to talk to and Sean reeks!”
“As human or wolf? I don’t notice much of a difference.” Embry said and came over with Jared as Sean growled which made me laugh.
“Don’t worry Edward,” Seth said. “I’ll watch her.”
“Thanks.” Edward said, though he wasn’t entirely sure why he should be thanking Seth for watching over his own niece.
Seth give them a wink and caught up to us, which I whined about him taking forever. Calling him a gossiping old woman… I got thrown over his shoulder and I screamed as he ran.
Mom was at Grandpa Billy’s with my homework waiting… Apparently I’ve been seriously lacking focus on my school work while trying to stay alive. Billy was happy to see me though, he had cookies and milk waiting… Usually cookies never last here on the rez with so many hungry men around, but he hid a box special for me and my brothers. My brothers were still at their baseball practice with dad and the rest of the Cullens, just to be extra safe.
I lay on my belly in the living room, Sean was suppose to be doing his homework too but he was just eating all the cookies and making me laugh as his mom Emily and mine kept interrupting their own conversation to threaten to separate us if we couldn’t work together.
It was funny how normal everything could feel, despite everything that had happened. Sean was telling me about his adventures of being a wolf, how at first he had gotten sick like the flu and then bam! He was a wolf. He wanted to hear all about my adventures on the cliff side. He proclaimed it cooler than anything he’s done lately and he wanted to know everything, down to the last detail about it. And despite it being so out of mind insane… talking about it for the first time since it happened, maybe it was just being in a familiar place and being with Sean… But this all really seemed to becoming easier to handle, it wasn’t so surreal as before.
Then Monday rolled around and I was put into my old life again, it made this weekend feel like a dream (or nightmare.) All my friends who would never know what I have gone through, never know the world that existed in ours beneath their very noses.
I did get a scolding from Gwen though, about disappearing from the dance. Details on the attractive stranger who’d shown up and I’d run after.
God, this was all so weird. Coming back to the small everyday problems of old life… It would definitely take some getting use to.
Though my friends acting so normal… They helped me forget it all until I exited the building at three and saw Alice and Jasper waiting to pick me up. My friends, Sean, my brothers… they would all remind me that yes, crazy things do happen but they would always stay the same.
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This ones mostly filler I guess... Leave a message of love! haha